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2022-12-17 18:41:44 +00:00
title: '<cite class="book">T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism</cite>'
author: Ben
type: quotes
date: 2020-07-11T12:22:03+00:00
url: /quotes/t-a-z-the-temporary-autonomous-zone-ontological-anarchy-poetic-terrorism/
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## <cite class="book">Chaos: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism</cite> {.subheading}
<blockquote class="no-first-blockquote">
Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amour fou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children, mannered as barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed, sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation, eyes like flowers, pirates of all signs & meanings.
> Burglarize houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone & make them happy.
> Pick someone at random & convince them they&#8217;re the heir to an enormous, useless & amazing fortune&mdash;say 5000 square miles of Antarctica, or an aging circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical mss. Later they will come to realize that for a few moments they believed in something extraordinary, & will perhaps be driven as a result to seek out some more intense mode of existence.
> Bolt up brass commemerative plaques in places (public of private) where you have experienced a revelation or had a particularly fulfilling sexual experience, etc.
> Go naked for a sign.
> Individual artworks (even the worst) are largely irrelevant&mdash;A-S seeks to damage institutions which use art to diminish consciousness & profit by delusion&#8230;.Public book burnings&mdash;why should rednecks & Customs officials monopolize this weapon?&#8230;To throw money away at the Stock Exchange was pretty decent Poetic Terrorism&mdash;but to _destroy_ the money would have been good Art Sabotage. To seize TV transmission & broadcast a few pirated minutes of incendiary Chaote art would constitute a feat of PT&mdash;but simply to blow up the transmission tower would be perfectly adequate Art Sabotage.
> Don&#8217;t picket&mdash;vandalize. Don&#8217;t protest&mdash;deface. When ugliness, poor design & stupid waste are forced upon you, turn Luddite, throw your shoe in the works, retaliate. Smash the symbols of the Empire in the name of nothing but the heart&#8217;s longing for grace.
## <cite class="periodical">Communiques of the Association for Ontological Anarchy</cite> {.subheading}
### <cite class="issue">Communique #3 &#8211; Haymarket Issue</cite> {.subsubheading}
> The IDEA of the POLICE like hydra grows 100 new heads for each one cut off&mdash;and all these heads are _live cops_. Slicing off heads gains us nothing, but only enhances the beast&#8217;s power till it swallows us. /// First murder the IDEA&mdash;blow up the monument _inside us_&mdash;& then perhaps&#8230;the balance of power will shift. When the last cop in our brain is gunned down by the last unfulfilled desire&mdash;perhaps even the landscape around us will begin to change&#8230;
> Time never started at all. Chaos never died. The Empire was never founded. We are not now & never have been slaves to the past or hostages to the future.
> We suggest that the End of the World be declared a _fait accompli_; the exact date is unimportant. The ranters in 1650 knew that the Millenium comes _now_ into each soul that wakes to itself, to its own centrality & divinity. <q>Rejoice, fellow creature,</q> was their greeting. <q>All is ours!</q>
### <cite class="issue">Communique #7 &#8211; Psychic Paleolithism & High Technology: A Position Paper</cite> {.subsubheading}
> [W]e reject all collaboration with the Civilization of Anorexia & Bulimia, with people so ashamed of never suffering that they invent hair shirts for themselves & others&#8230;
## <cite class="article">Resolution for the 1990&#8217;s: Boycott Cop Culture!!!</cite> {.subheading}
> A nation of schoolyard toadies sucking up to an elite of schoolyard bullies.
## <cite class="article">Temporary Autonomous Zone</cite> {.subheading}
> The TAZ is like an uprising which does not engage directly with the State, a guerilla operation which liberates an area (or land, of time, of imagination) and then dissolves itself to re-form elsewhere/elsewhen, _before_ the State can crush it.