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2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
# Script to add a new item to the log
from datetime import datetime
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
from dotenv import load_dotenv
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
import json
import logging
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
import os
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
import re
import requests
from urllib.request import urlopen
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
def import_by_id(import_id, media_type):
if media_type in ['films', 'tv-series']:
return import_from_imdb_by_id(import_id, media_type)
elif media_type in ['tv-episodes']:
return #import_from_tvdb_by_id(import_id, media_type)
elif media_type in ['books']:
return #import_from_openlibrary_by_id(import_id, media_type)
def import_from_imdb_by_id(imdb_id, media_type):
"""Retrieve a film, TV show or TV episode from TMDB using an IMDB ID"""
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
api_url = f"{imdb_id}"
# Sending API request
response = requests.get(
'external_source': 'imdb_id'
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {TMDB_API_KEY}"}
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
# Process the response
if (200 == response.status_code):
elif (429 == response.status_code):
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
import_from_imdb_by_id(imdb_id, media_type)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if ('films' == media_type): results_key = 'movie_results'
elif ('tv-episodes' == media_type): results_key = 'tv_episode_results'
elif ('tv-series' == media_type): results_key = 'data'
response_data = json.loads(response.text)[results_key]
if 1 == len(response_data):
item = response_data[0]
elif 0 == len(response_data):
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
logging.error(f"Returned no results for {imdb_id}")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
elif 1 < len(response_data):
logging.warning(f"Returned more than one {media_type} for ID {imdb_id}")
print(f"Returned more than one {media_type} for ID {imdb_id}:\n")
print(json.dumps(response_data, indent=4))
idx = input("\nEnter the index of the result to use: ")
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
item = response_data[idx]
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
logging.error("Index invalid!")
print("Index invalid!")
# Modify the returned result to add additional data
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
return cleanup_result(item)
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
def add_item_to_log(imdb_id, media_type, log):
"""Add a film or TV episode to a log"""
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00"Processing {imdb_id}")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
item = import_from_imdb_by_id(imdb_id, media_type)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
if 'log' == log:
date_watched = ''
while'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}', date_watched) is None:
date_watched = input("Enter date watched [YYYY-MM-DD, t for today]:")
if 't' == date_watched: date_watched ='%Y-%m-%d')
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
item['date_watched'] = date_watched
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
is_rewatch = ''
while is_rewatch not in ['y', 'n']:
is_rewatch = input("Is this a rewatch? [y/n]:")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if 'y' == is_rewatch: item['is_rewatch'] = True
item['imdb_id'] = imdb_id
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
comments = input("Enter comments (optional):")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if '' != comments: item['comments'] = comments
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
# Validation step
correct = ''
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
print(f"{media_type} data to add:\n")
print(json.dumps(item, indent=4))
if 'y' != input("\nDoes this look correct? [y]:"): return
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
# Save changes
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00"Adding {media_type} to {log}")
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
with open(f"./data/{media_type}/{log}.json", "r") as log_file:
log_items = json.load(log_file)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
log_items.insert(0, item)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
with open(f"./data/{media_type}/{log}.json", "w") as log_file:
json.dump(log_items, log_file, indent=4)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00"Added {media_type} {film['title']} ({film['release_date']}) to {log}")
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
def cleanup_result(item):
"""Process a film or TV episode returned by the TMDB API by removing unnecessary fields and adding others"""
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
for field_name in ['adult', 'backdrop_path', 'episode_type', 'genre_ids', 'media_type', 'popularity', 'production_code', 'runtime', 'still_path', 'video', 'vote_average', 'vote_count']:
if field_name in item: del item[field_name]
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if 'original_title' in item and 'original_language' in item:
if item['original_title'] == item['title'] and item['original_language'] == 'en':
del item['original_title'], item['original_language']
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if 'date_added' not in item: item['date_added'] ='%Y-%m-%d')
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
return item
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
logging.basicConfig(filename='./logs/run.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG)
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
TMDB_API_KEY = os.getenv('TMDB_API_KEY')
TVDB_API_KEY = os.getenv('TVDB_API_KEY')
2024-01-12 21:36:10 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if "" == TMDB_API_KEY: logging.error("TMDB API key not found")
if "" == TVDB_API_KEY: logging.error("TVDB API key not found")
if "" == OPENLIBRARY_API_KEY: logging.error("OpenLibrary API key not found")
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
media_type = ''
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
while media_type not in ['films', 'tv-episodes', 'tv-series', 'books']:
media_type = input("Select media type [films|tv-episodes|tv-series|books]:")
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
if 'films' == media_type:
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
log = ''
while log not in ['log', 'wishlist']:
log = input ("Enter log to update [log|wishlist]:")
imdb_id = ''
while"tt[0-9]+", imdb_id) is None:
imdb_id = input("Enter IMDB ID:")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
add_item_to_log(imdb_id, media_type, log)
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
elif 'books' == media_type:
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
log = ''
while log not in ['log', 'current', 'wishlist']:
log = input ("Enter log to update [log|current|wishlist]:")
isbn = ''
while"[0-9]+", isbn) is None:
isbn = input("Enter ISBN:")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
elif 'tv-episodes' == media_type:
2024-01-09 22:35:47 +00:00
imdb_id = ''
while"tt[0-9]+", imdb_id) is None:
imdb_id = input("Enter IMDB ID:")
2024-01-14 14:00:07 +00:00
add_item_to_log(imdb_id, media_type, 'log')
elif 'tv-series' == media_type:
log = ''
while log not in ['log', 'current', 'wishlist']:
log = input ("Enter log to update [log|current|wishlist]:")
add_item_to_log(media_type, log)