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Royalty-and-Presidency-Simu.../Presidency Simulator 2013/Recreation.vb
2017-04-14 08:50:05 +01:00

438 lines
21 KiB

Public Class Recreation
Dim Count As Integer = 10
Dim DispGDP As String
Dim Positiveadjective(10) As String
Dim Negativeadjective(10) As String
Dim TooManyParties As Integer
Dim PartyCount As Integer = 0
Private Sub Recreation_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
tmrAdvanceDay.Enabled = True
If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then
picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.King
ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then
picMonarch.Image = My.Resources.Queen
End If
btnFilmNight.Text = "Film Night with the " & ThePlayer.Partner & ", Maybe Get Some McDonalds in or Something"
If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then
ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then
End If
Positiveadjective(0) = " fab"
Positiveadjective(1) = " jolly"
Positiveadjective(2) = " good"
Positiveadjective(3) = " pleasant"
Positiveadjective(4) = "n enjoyable"
Positiveadjective(5) = " fun"
Positiveadjective(6) = "n aight"
Positiveadjective(7) = "n okay"
Positiveadjective(8) = " lovely"
Positiveadjective(9) = " brill"
Negativeadjective(0) = " negative"
Negativeadjective(1) = " blunderous"
Negativeadjective(2) = " naff"
Negativeadjective(3) = "n unpleasant"
Negativeadjective(4) = " shoddy"
Negativeadjective(5) = " poor"
Negativeadjective(6) = "n awful"
Negativeadjective(7) = " neutral"
Negativeadjective(8) = " gypsy-filled"
Negativeadjective(9) = " shambolic"
TooManyParties = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()) + 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Recreation_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Resize
picMonarch.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
pnlMenu.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
pnlMenu.Width = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - picMonarch.Width)
pnlMenu.Location = New Point(picMonarch.Width, pnlMenu.Location.Y)
lblName.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6)
lblRuleLength.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 9)
lblDate.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width - lblDate.Width) - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10), (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 6)
lblRecreation.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 2) - (lblRecreation.Width / 2), (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 12)
btnPlebspotting.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnPlebspotting.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 20)
btnResearch.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnResearch.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 32)
btnHoliday.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnHoliday.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 44)
btnPolo.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnPolo.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 56)
btnParty.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnParty.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 68)
btnFilmNight.Width = pnlMenu.Width - ((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 20)
btnFilmNight.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 10, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 80)
btnBack.Width = pnlMenu.Width / 2
btnBack.Location = New Point((pnlMenu.Width / 100) * 25, (pnlMenu.Height / 100) * 92)
pnlResearch.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3
pnlResearch.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5
pnlResearch.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
picResearch.Width = pnlResearch.Height
picResearch.Height = picResearch.Width
lblResearch.Width = pnlResearch.Width - picResearch.Width
lblResearch.Location = New Point(picResearch.Width, (pnlResearch.Height / 100) * 10)
lblResearchDesc.Width = pnlResearch.Width - picResearch.Width
lblResearchDesc.Height = (pnlResearch.Height / 100) * 50
lblResearchDesc.Location = New Point(picResearch.Width, (pnlResearch.Height / 100) * 25)
btnResearchOK.Width = (pnlResearch.Width - picResearch.Width) / 4
btnResearchOK.Location = New Point(picResearch.Width + (((pnlResearch.Width - picResearch.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlResearch.Height / 100) * 80)
pnlHoliday.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3
pnlHoliday.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5
pnlHoliday.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
picHoliday.Width = pnlHoliday.Height
picHoliday.Height = pnlHoliday.Width
lblHoliday.Width = pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width
lblHoliday.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width, (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 10)
lblHolidayWhere.Width = pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width
lblHolidayWhere.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width, (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 25)
cmboHoliday.Width = (pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) - ((pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 100) * 20
cmboHoliday.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width + (((pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 100) * 10), (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 40)
btnHolidayGo.Width = (pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 4
btnHolidayGo.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width + (((pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 55)
lblHolidayDesc.Width = pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width
lblHolidayDesc.Height = (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 50
lblHolidayDesc.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width, (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 25)
btnHolidayOK.Width = (pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 4
btnHolidayOK.Location = New Point(picHoliday.Width + (((pnlHoliday.Width - picHoliday.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlHoliday.Height / 100) * 80)
pnlPolo.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3
pnlPolo.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5
pnlPolo.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
picPolo.Width = pnlPolo.Height
picPolo.Height = picPolo.Width
lblPolo.Width = pnlPolo.Width - picPolo.Width
lblPolo.Location = New Point(picPolo.Width, (pnlPolo.Height / 100) * 10)
lblPoloDesc.Width = pnlPolo.Width - picPolo.Width
lblPoloDesc.Height = (pnlPolo.Height / 100) * 50
lblPoloDesc.Location = New Point(picPolo.Width, (pnlPolo.Height / 100) * 25)
btnPoloOK.Width = (pnlPolo.Width - picPolo.Width) / 4
btnPoloOK.Location = New Point(picPolo.Width + (((pnlPolo.Width - picPolo.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlPolo.Height / 100) * 80)
pnlParty.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3
pnlParty.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.5
pnlParty.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
picParty.Width = pnlParty.Height
picParty.Height = picParty.Width
lblParty.Width = pnlParty.Width - picParty.Width
lblParty.Location = New Point(picParty.Width, (pnlParty.Height / 100) * 10)
lblPartyDesc.Width = pnlParty.Width - picParty.Width
lblPartyDesc.Height = (pnlParty.Height / 100) * 50
lblPartyDesc.Location = New Point(picParty.Width, (pnlParty.Height / 100) * 25)
btnPartyOK.Width = (pnlParty.Width - picParty.Width) / 4
btnPartyOK.Location = New Point(picParty.Width + (((pnlParty.Width - picParty.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlParty.Height / 100) * 80)
If ThePlayer.Gender = 1 Then
picFilmNight.Image = My.Resources.FilmNightKing
ElseIf ThePlayer.Gender = 0 Then
picFilmNight.Image = My.Resources.FilmNightQueen
End If
pnlFilmNight.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3
pnlFilmNight.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2
pnlFilmNight.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
picFilmNight.Width = pnlFilmNight.Height
picFilmNight.Height = picFilmNight.Width
lblFilmNight.Width = pnlFilmNight.Width - picFilmNight.Width
lblFilmNight.Location = New Point(picFilmNight.Width, (pnlFilmNight.Height / 100) * 8)
lblFilmNightPizzas.Width = pnlFilmNight.Width - picFilmNight.Width
lblFilmNightPizzas.Location = New Point(picFilmNight.Width, (pnlFilmNight.Height / 100) * 20)
lblFilmNightDesc.Width = pnlFilmNight.Width - picFilmNight.Width
lblFilmNightDesc.Height = (pnlFilmNight.Height / 100) * 50
lblFilmNightDesc.Location = New Point(picFilmNight.Width, (pnlFilmNight.Height / 100) * 25)
btnFilmNightOK.Width = (pnlFilmNight.Width - picFilmNight.Width) / 4
btnFilmNightOK.Location = New Point(picFilmNight.Width + (((pnlFilmNight.Width - picFilmNight.Width) / 8) * 3), (pnlFilmNight.Height / 100) * 80)
End Sub
Private Sub tmrAdvanceDay_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrAdvanceDay.Tick
End Sub
Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnResearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnResearch.Click
Dim RespectVal As Integer
Dim KnowledgeVal As Integer
ThePlayer.Researchseshes = ThePlayer.Researchseshes + 1
KnowledgeVal = CInt(Int(6 * Rnd()) + 1)
RespectVal = CInt(Int(6 * Rnd()) + 1)
ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - RespectVal
ThePlayer.Knowledge = ThePlayer.Knowledge + KnowledgeVal
lblResearchDesc.Text = "You study intently for days. Your reclusiveness results in a -" & RespectVal & " drop in respect, but you gain +" & KnowledgeVal & " knowledge"
pnlResearch.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3)
End Sub
Private Sub btnResearchOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnResearchOK.Click
pnlResearch.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
End Sub
Private Sub btnHoliday_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHoliday.Click
lblHolidayDesc.Visible = False
btnHolidayOK.Visible = False
lblHolidayWhere.Visible = True
cmboHoliday.Visible = True
btnHolidayGo.Visible = True
cmboHoliday.SelectedItem = Nothing
btnHolidayGo.Enabled = False
pnlHoliday.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3)
End Sub
Private Sub btnHolidayGo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHolidayGo.Click
lblHolidayWhere.Visible = False
cmboHoliday.Visible = False
btnHolidayGo.Visible = False
lblHolidayDesc.Visible = True
btnHolidayOK.Visible = True
If ThePlayer.CurrMonth < 11 Then
ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths = ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths + 1
ThePlayer.CurrMonth = ThePlayer.CurrMonth + 1
ThePlayer.RuleMonths = ThePlayer.RuleMonths + 1
ElseIf ThePlayer.CurrMonth >= 12 Then
ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForMonths = 0
ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears = ThePlayer.AtWarWithFranceForYears + 1
ThePlayer.CurrMonth = 0
ThePlayer.CurrYear = ThePlayer.CurrYear + 1
ThePlayer.RuleYears = ThePlayer.RuleYears + 1
ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.Age + 1
If ThePlayer.Age = ThePlayer.DeathAge Then
ThePlayer.Death("Died of Old Age")
End If
End If
lblRuleLength.Text = "President for: "
lblRuleLength.Text = lblRuleLength.Text & ThePlayer.RuleDays & " days, " & ThePlayer.RuleMonths & " months, " & ThePlayer.RuleYears & " years"
lblDate.Text = ThePlayer.RuleDays & " " & TheMonth(ThePlayer.CurrMonth) & " " & ThePlayer.CurrYear
Dim Country As String = cmboHoliday.SelectedItem
Dim HappinessVal As Integer = CInt(Int(15 * Rnd()) + 1)
ThePlayer.Holidays = ThePlayer.Holidays + 1
If (ThePlayer.AtWarWithFrance = True) And ((Country = "China") Or (Country = "Cuba") Or (Country = "Vietnam") Or (Country = "North Korea")) Then
Dim RespectVal As Integer = CInt(Int(25 * Rnd()) + 1)
lblHolidayDesc.Text = "You foolishly go on on holiday to " & Country & ". For percieved consorting with the enemy, you lose -" & RespectVal & " respect and -" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - RespectVal
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness - HappinessVal
ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect - 20
ElseIf Country = "United States" Then
Dim SatOnByAmerican As Integer = CInt(Int(100 * Rnd()))
If SatOnByAmerican = 1 Then
lblHolidayDesc.Text = "You have a lovely holiday in the US until you are sat on by a rotund American gentleman/woman/blob. You are dead."
ThePlayer.Death("You Were Crushed to Death by a Fattie")
End If
Dim HolidayResult As Integer = CInt(Int(3 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim Adjective As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()))
If (HolidayResult = 1) Or (HolidayResult = 2) Then
ThePlayer.GoodHolidays = ThePlayer.GoodHolidays + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness + HappinessVal
lblHolidayDesc.Text = "You have a" & Positiveadjective(Adjective) & " holiday in " & Country & ". You gain +" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
ElseIf HolidayResult = 3 Then
ThePlayer.BadHolidays = ThePlayer.BadHolidays + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness - HappinessVal
lblHolidayDesc.Text = "You have a" & Negativeadjective(Adjective) & " holiday in " & Country & ". You lose -" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnHolidayOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHolidayOK.Click
pnlHoliday.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
End Sub
Private Sub cmboHoliday_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmboHoliday.SelectedIndexChanged
btnHolidayGo.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub btnPolo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPolo.Click
Dim DeathByPolo As Integer = CInt(Int(60 * Rnd()))
ThePlayer.PoloGames = ThePlayer.PoloGames + 1
If DeathByPolo = 1 Then
lblPoloDesc.Text = "Farts"
ThePlayer.Death("You Were Killed in a Tragic NFL Accident")
Dim HappinessVal As Integer = CInt(Int(15 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim PoloResult As Integer = CInt(Int(3 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim Adjective As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()))
If (PoloResult = 1) Or (PoloResult = 2) Then
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness + HappinessVal
ThePlayer.PoloGamesWon = ThePlayer.PoloGamesWon + 1
lblPoloDesc.Text = "You have a" & Positiveadjective(Adjective) & " NFL game. You gain +" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
ElseIf PoloResult = 3 Then
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness - HappinessVal
ThePlayer.PoloGamesLost = ThePlayer.PoloGamesLost + 1
lblPoloDesc.Text = "You have a" & Negativeadjective(Adjective) & " NFL game. You lose -" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
End If
End If
pnlPolo.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3)
End Sub
Private Sub btnPoloOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPoloOK.Click
pnlPolo.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
End Sub
Private Sub btnParty_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnParty.Click
Dim DeathByPolo As Integer = CInt(Int(60 * Rnd()))
PartyCount = PartyCount + 1
ThePlayer.PartiesHosted = ThePlayer.PartiesHosted + 1
If PartyCount > TooManyParties Then
lblPartyDesc.Text = "Unfortunately, you find out too late that you have a weak and womanly liver. You die of alcohol poisoning."
ThePlayer.Death("You Died of Alcoholism")
Dim HappinessVal As Integer = CInt(Int(20 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim RespectVal As Integer = CInt(Int(15 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim PartyResult As Integer = CInt(Int(3 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim Adjective As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()))
If (PartyResult = 1) Or (PartyResult = 2) Then
ThePlayer.GoodPartiesHosted = ThePlayer.GoodPartiesHosted + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness + HappinessVal
lblPartyDesc.Text = "You have a" & Positiveadjective(Adjective) & " party. You gain +" & HappinessVal & " happiness."
ElseIf PartyResult = 3 Then
ThePlayer.BadPartiesHosted = ThePlayer.BadPartiesHosted + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness - HappinessVal
lblPartyDesc.Text = "You have a" & Negativeadjective(Adjective) & " party. You lose -" & HappinessVal & " happiness. Your people judge you for your partying ways, you lose -" & RespectVal & " respect."
End If
End If
pnlParty.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3)
End Sub
Private Sub btnPartyOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPartyOK.Click
pnlParty.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
End Sub
Private Sub btnFilmNight_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFilmNight.Click
Dim HappinessVal As Integer = CInt(Int(5 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim SadnessVal As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim FilmNightResult As Integer = CInt(Int(10 * Rnd()) + 1)
Dim WhatWentWrong(5) As String
ThePlayer.FilmNights = ThePlayer.FilmNights + 1
WhatWentWrong(0) = "punch the " & ThePlayer.Partner & " in the face trying to reach across for a slice of pizza"
WhatWentWrong(1) = "call the " & ThePlayer.Partner & " fat"
WhatWentWrong(2) = "insult the " & ThePlayer.Partner & "'s mother"
WhatWentWrong(3) = "fart out a right rimsplitter during a romantic scene and then attempt to Dutch oven the " & ThePlayer.Partner
WhatWentWrong(4) = "order McDonalds with toppings that the " & ThePlayer.Partner & " is terribly allergic to, and can't restrain your laughter as they start spluttering"
Dim WentWrong As Integer = CInt(Int(5 * Rnd()))
If FilmNightResult = 1 Then
ThePlayer.BadFilmNights = ThePlayer.BadFilmNights + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness - SadnessVal
lblFilmNightDesc.Text = "You accidentally " & WhatWentWrong(WentWrong) & ". You both go to bed angry and you lose -" & SadnessVal & " happiness. Also you dress up as a king."
ThePlayer.GoodFilmNights = ThePlayer.GoodFilmNights + 1
ThePlayer.Happiness = ThePlayer.Happiness + HappinessVal
lblFilmNightDesc.Text = " You have a sweet yet uneventful night in. You gain +" & HappinessVal & " happiness. Also you dress up as a king."
End If
pnlFilmNight.Location = New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 3, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 3)
End Sub
Private Sub btnFilmNightOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFilmNightOK.Click
pnlFilmNight.Location = New Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + 1), (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + 1))
End Sub
Private Sub btnPlebspotting_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPlebspotting.Click
ThePlayer.Respect = ThePlayer.Respect + 20
ThePlayer.PlebspottingTrips = ThePlayer.PlebspottingTrips + 1
MsgBox("Equalspotting coming soon" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Here's +20 respect")
End Sub
End Class