1 Repo. Root
Rumperuu edited this page 2021-04-29 18:31:04 +01:00


File Name Description
CHANGELOG.md The full project changelog.
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md The project CoC.
composer.json & composer.lock Declares Composer dependencies and scripts.
CONTRIBUTING.md A guide to contributing to the project.
LICENSE The license under which the project is released.
package.json & package-lock.json Declares NPM dependencies and scripts.
README.md Provides an overview of the project.
SECURITY.md Provides guidance on reporting security-related issues.
.distignore Lists files to ignore when building the Plugin for distribution (@todo this is not currently used).
.gitignore Lists files to exclude from Git version control.
.prettierignore A list of files to ignore when formatting JavaScript (@todo move this into package.json when possible).
.stylelintignore & .stylelinttc.json Config. files for stylesheet linting.


Dir. Name Description
assets/ Files to be stored in the assets/ directory on the SVN repo. (e.g., screenshots for the Plugin information page).
docs/ Automatically-generated documentation files.
src/ The source code for the Plugin itself.
_tools/ Useful Bash scripts (@todo this should eventually be merged with .github/workflows/).
.github/ GitHub Actions workflows and Issue templates.