* release: release 2.7.2
* fix: urgent 2.7.3 release to fix fatal error
* chore: remove un-needed setup script
* ci: remove steps from pre-push command
* chore: remove un-needed PHP-Commitizen config
* chore: put image files in correct folders
* chore: move GitHub image into `.github/` dir
* fix: classic editor button
* fix: call correct jQuery Tools file in dev env
* docs: replace license with Markdown version
* ci: clean up PHP linting commands
If anyone has noticed me playing musical filepaths with these commands
for a while, it's because I kept getting inconsistent results from the
use of double-globs (i.e., `**`). However, I've finally figured out
that this is because Composer is running these scripts in its own shell,
so the double-glob that works when I run the command manually in my
Terminal doesn't work when Composer runs it in its.
* chore: lint PHP files
* build: update JS linting standards
* chore: lint JS file
* build: add node-sass
* build: add additional stylelint rules
* chore: lint stylesheets with new rulesets
* refactor: move ESLint settings to `package.json`
* chore: move Prettier config to `package.json`
It is not yet possible to move `.prettierignore` to `package.json` too,
but this appears to be on the horizon; see [this Issue][prettier-issue].
[prettier-issue]: https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/3460
* fix: move WPML config into Plugin folder
* chore: move Stylelint config into `package.json`
* chore: remove unused `.distignore`
It can always be re-added at a later date if it becomes useful.
* chore: format file
* build: add HTML linting
* fix: add image alt tag
* ci: clean up GitHub Actions workflows
* fix: fix workflow
* fix: fix indentation
* ci: add YAML validation
* chore: make valid
* ci: add YAML validation
* chore: lint code
* ci: change dep install back to original
* chore: lint license
This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.
=== footnotes ===
Contributors: mark.cheret, lolzim, rumperuu, aricura, misfist, ericakfranz, milindmore22, westonruter, dartiss, derivationfr, docteurfitness, felipelavinz, martinneumannat, matkus2, meglio, spaceling, vonpiernik, pewgeuges
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6Z6CZDW8PPBBJ
Tags: footnote, footnotes, bibliography, formatting, notes, Post, posts, reference, referencing
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 5.7.1
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable Tag: 2.7.3
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
footnotes lets you easily add highly-customisable footnotes on your WordPress Pages and Posts.
== Description ==
**footnotes** aims to be the all-in-one solution for displaying an automatically-generated list of references on your Page or Post. The Plugin ships with a set of defaults while also empowering you to control how your footnotes are being displayed.
**footnotes** gives you the ability to display well-formatted footnotes on your WordPress Pages and Posts, as well as in post excerpts with fully functional tooltips if enabled.
Featured on [wpmudev][wpmudev] - cheers for the review, folks!
[wpmudev]: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/12-surprisingly-useful-wordpress-plugins-you-dont-know-about/
= Main Features =
- Fully-customizable **footnote** start and end shortcodes;
- styled hyperlink tooltips;
- responsive reference container with customisable position;
- ability to display reference container inside a widget;
- wide choice of numbering styles;
- freely-configurable optional backlink symbol;
- configurable footnote appearance; and
- shortcodes button in Post editor.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is your Plugin a fork of another Plugin? =
No, this Plugin has been written from scratch. Of course some inspirations on how to do or how to not do things were taken from other plugins.
= Your Plugin is awesome! How do I convert my footnotes if I used one of the other footnotes plugins out there? =
* For anyone interested in converting from [FD Footnotes Plugin][fd-footnotes], see [this write-up][fd-writeup] from **footnotes** user @southwest
* From what we've researched, all other footnotes Plugins use open and close shortcodes, which can be left as-is. In the **footnotes** settings menu, you can setup **footnotes** to use the existing (i.e., previously-used) shortcodes. Too easy? Yippy Ki-Yey!
[fd-footnotes]: https://wordpress.org/plugins/fd-footnotes/
[fd-writeup]: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-make-this-footnote-style/
== Screenshots ==
1. Plugin settings can be found under the default ‘Settings’ menu.
2. Settings for the *References Container*.
3. Settings for footnotes styling.
4. Settings for **footnotes** love.
5. Other Settings.
6. The How-To section in the **footnotes** settings.
7. Here you can see the **footnotes** Plugin at work.
== Changelog ==
= 2.7.3 =
- Bugfix: fix WYSIWYG editor error message, thanks to @ogbcashdown bug report.
= 2.7.2 =
- Reissue of 2.7.1.
= 2.7.1 =
- Bugfix: Stylesheets: namespace collapsed CSS class, thanks to @cybermrmotte @markyz89 bug reports.
- Dashboard: move Plugin settings under default WP Settings menu.
- Bugfix: Footnotes: fix bug when using multiple paragraphs in footnotes.
- Documentation: remove outdated MCI/ManFisher references.
- Documentation: split changelog into seperate file.
= 2.7.0 =
- Adding: Reference container: optionally per section by shortcode, thanks to @grflukas issue report.
- Bugfix: Excerpts: make excerpt handling backward compatible, thanks to @mfessler bug report.
- Bugfix: Dashboard: debug the 'Quick start guide' tab, thanks to @rumperuu bug report.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 2.7.3 =
This release resolves a CSS class conflict with the commonly-used `.collapsed` class.
== Usage ==
These are a few examples of possible ways to delimit your footnotes:
1. Your awesome text((with an awesome footnote))
2. Your awesome text[ref]with an awesome footnote[/ref]
3. Your awesome text<fn&rt;with an awesome footnote</fn>
4. Your awesome text`custom-start-shortcode`with an awesome footnote`custom-end-shortcode`
== Support ==
Please report feature requests, bugs and other support related questions in the [WordPress Support Forum][wp-support-forum].
Speak your mind, unload your burden, bring it up, and feel free to [post your rating and review!][ratings].
[wp-support-forum]: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/footnotes
[ratings]: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/footnotes/reviews/