git-svn-id: b8457f37-d9ea-0310-8a92-e5e31aec5664
555 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
555 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright (C) 2014
# This file is distributed under the same license as the package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: footnotes\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-18 20:59+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-01T1642+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: @pewgeuges\n"
"Language-Team: SHE <>\n"
"Language: fr_FR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.10\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:151
msgid "Take a look on other Plugins we have developed."
msgstr "Jetez un œil à d’autres plugins que nous avons développés."
#: class/dashboard/init.php:157
msgid "Error loading other WordPress Plugins from Manfisher. Sorry!"
msgstr "Erreur au chargement d’autres plugins WordPress de ManFisher. Désolé !"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:173
msgid "Install now"
msgstr "Installer maintenant"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:174
msgid "This Plugin is already installed and up to date."
msgstr "Ce plugin est déjà installé et à jour."
#: class/dashboard/init.php:174
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Installé"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:193
msgid "More Details"
msgstr "Plus de détails"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:194
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Dernière mise à jour"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:249
msgid "rating based on"
msgstr "note basée sur"
#: class/dashboard/init.php:249
msgid "ratings"
msgstr "notes"
#: class/dashboard/layout.php:241
msgid "Settings saved"
msgstr "Préférences sauvegardées"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:48
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:60
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnostics "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:73
msgid "Displays information about the web server, PHP and WordPress"
msgstr "Affiche des informations sur le serveur web, PHP et WordPress"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:110
msgid "Server name"
msgstr "Nom du serveur "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:113
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "Version de PHP "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:116
msgid "User agent"
msgstr "Agent utilisateur "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:119
msgid "Max execution time"
msgstr "Temps d’exécution maximum "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:120
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:122
msgid "Memory limit"
msgstr "Limite mémoire "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:125
msgid "PHP extensions"
msgstr "Extensions PHP "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:128
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "Version de WordPress "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-diagnostics.php:131
msgid "Active Theme"
msgstr "Thème actif "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:62 class/hooks.php:82
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:63
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Personnaliser"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:65
msgid "Expert mode"
msgstr "Mode expert"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:67
msgid "How to"
msgstr "Emploi"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:84
msgid "References Container"
msgstr "Liste des notes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:85
msgid "Footnotes styling"
msgstr "Paramètres de base"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:88
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autres paramètres"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:91
msgid "Hyperlink symbol in the Reference container"
msgstr "Symbole clarifiant la fonctionnalité de lien retour du numéro dans la liste des notes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:92
msgid "Superscript layout"
msgstr "Autour des appels de note"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:93
msgid "Mouse-over box"
msgstr "Infoboîte au survol du pointeur"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:94
msgid "Add custom CSS to the public page"
msgstr "Ajouter du CSS personnalisé aux pages publiques"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:96
msgid "WordPress hooks to look for Footnote short codes"
msgstr "Crochets WordPress de recherche de short-codes de notes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:98
msgid "Brief introduction in how to use the plugin"
msgstr "Brève introduction à l’utilisation du plugin"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:99
msgid "Help us to improve our Plugin"
msgstr "Aidez-nous à améliorer notre plugin"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:112
msgid "in the footer"
msgstr "dans le pied de page"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:113
msgid "at the end of the post"
msgstr "à la fin de l’article"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:114
msgid "in the widget area"
msgstr "dans la zone widget"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:122
msgid "References label"
msgstr "Titre "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:125
msgid "Collapse references by default"
msgstr "Réduire par défaut "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:128
msgid "Where shall the reference container appear"
msgstr "Position "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:147 class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:247
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:298
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:148 class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:248
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:299
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:155 class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:162
msgid "user defined"
msgstr "défini par l’utilisateur"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:166
msgid "Arabic Numbers - Plain"
msgstr "Nombres arabes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:167
msgid "Arabic Numbers - Leading 0"
msgstr "Nombres arabes à deux chiffres minimum"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:168
msgid "Latin Character - lower case"
msgstr "Lettres latines minuscules"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:169
msgid "Latin Character - upper case"
msgstr "Lettres latines majuscules"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:170
msgid "Roman Numerals"
msgstr "Nombres romains"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:178
msgid "Combine identical footnotes"
msgstr "Combiner les notes identiques "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:181
msgid "Footnote tag starts with"
msgstr "Balise de début de note "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:184
msgid "and ends with"
msgstr "Balise de fin de note "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:193
msgid "Counter style"
msgstr "Style de numérotation "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:215 class/task.php:154
#, php-format
msgid "I %s %s"
msgstr "J’ %s %s"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:216 class/task.php:157
#, php-format
msgid "this site uses the awesome %s Plugin"
msgstr "Ce site utilise la super extension %s."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:217 class/task.php:161
#, php-format
msgid "extra smooth %s"
msgstr "%s"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:218
msgid "random text"
msgstr "afficher l’une des 3 mentions au hasard"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:219
#, php-format
msgid "Don't display a %s %s text in my footer."
msgstr "ne pas afficher de mention « %s %s » dans le pied de page"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:227
#, php-format
msgid "Tell the world you're using %s"
msgstr "Dire au monde que vous utilisez %s "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:230
#, php-format
msgid "Don't tell the world you're using %s on specific pages by adding the following short code:"
msgstr "Short-code pour inhiber l’affichage de la mention %s sur des pages spécifiques :"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:256
msgid "Allow footnotes on Summarized Posts"
msgstr "Afficher les notes aussi dans les résumés "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:258
msgid "Enable the Expert mode"
msgstr "Activer le mode expert "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:278
msgid "Before Footnotes index"
msgstr "Avant l’appel de note "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:281
msgid "After Footnotes index"
msgstr "Après l’appel de note "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:303
msgid "top left"
msgstr "en haut à gauche"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:304
msgid "top center"
msgstr "en haut au centre"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:305
msgid "top right"
msgstr "en haut à droite"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:306
msgid "center right"
msgstr "à droite au centre"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:307
msgid "bottom right"
msgstr "en bas à droite"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:308
msgid "bottom center"
msgstr "en bas au centre"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:309
msgid "bottom left"
msgstr "en bas à gauche"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:310
msgid "center left"
msgstr "à gauche au centre"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:317
msgid "Enable the mouse-over box"
msgstr "Activer l’infoboîte de survol au pointeur "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:320
msgid "Display only an excerpt"
msgstr "Y tronquer les notes plus longues "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:323
msgid "Maximum characters for the excerpt"
msgstr "Nombre de caractères maximum dans l’infoboîte "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:326
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:329
msgid "Offset X (px)"
msgstr "Décalage horizontal "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:331
msgid "Offset (X axis) in px (may be negative)"
msgstr "pixels ; valeur négative pour décaler vers la gauche"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:333
msgid "Offset Y (px)"
msgstr "Décalage vertical vers le bas "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:335
msgid "Offset (Y axis) in px (may be negative)"
msgstr "pixels ; valeur négative pour décaler vers le haut"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:337
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Couleur du texte "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:339
msgid "Empty color will use the default color defined by your current theme."
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la couleur de texte par défaut définie par le thème actif."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:341
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Couleur de fond "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:343
msgid "Empty color will use the default background-color defined by your current theme."
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la couleur de fond par défaut définie par le thème actif."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:345
msgid "Border width (px)"
msgstr "Largeur de bordure "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:347
msgid "Set the width to 0px to hide the border."
msgstr "pixels ; 0 pour sans bordure"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:349
msgid "Border color"
msgstr "Couleur de bordure "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:351
msgid "Empty color will use the default border-color defined by your current theme."
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la couleur de bordure par défaut définie par le thème actif."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:353
msgid "Border radius (px)"
msgstr "Rayon des angles arrondis "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:355
msgid "Set the radius to 0px to avoid a radius."
msgstr "pixels ; 0 pour des angles vifs."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:357
msgid "Max. width (px)"
msgstr "Largeur maximale "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:359
msgid "Set the max-width to 0px to disable this setting."
msgstr "pixels ; 0 pour une largeur limitée seulement par le bord de la fenêtre"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:361
msgid "Box shadow color"
msgstr "Couleur d’ombrage "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:363
msgid "Empty color will use the default box shadow defined by your current theme."
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la couleur d’ombrage par défaut du thème actif."
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:387
msgid "Add custom CSS"
msgstr "Ajouter des règles de style personnalisées "
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:390
msgid "Available CSS classes to customize the footnotes and the reference container"
msgstr "Classes CSS disponibles pour personnaliser les appels de note, les infoboîtes et la liste des notes"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:392
msgid "superscript, Footnotes index"
msgstr "élément <sup> de l’appel de note en exposant"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:411
msgid "mouse-over box, tooltip for each superscript"
msgstr "élément <span> de l’infoboîte"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:414
msgid "1st column of the Reference Container, Footnotes index"
msgstr "élément <td> de la 1ʳᵉ colonne de la liste des notes : ID avec lien de retour"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:417
msgid "2nd column of the Reference Container, Footnote text"
msgstr "élément <td> de la 2ᵉ colonne de la liste des notes: texte de note"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:420
msgid "WordPress hook function name"
msgstr "Nom du crochet (hook) de WordPress"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:423
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activer"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:426
msgid "WordPress documentation"
msgstr "Documentation WordPress"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:472
msgid "Start your footnote with the following short code:"
msgstr "Commencez votre note de pied de page après ce short-code :"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:475
msgid "...and end your footnote with this short code:"
msgstr "…et finissez-la par ce short-code :"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:479
msgid "will be displayed as:"
msgstr "Cela s’affichera ainsi :"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:482
#, php-format
msgid "For further information please check out our %ssupport forum%s on"
msgstr "For further information please check out our %ssupport forum%s on"
#: class/dashboard/subpage-main.php:503
msgid "Donate now"
msgstr "Donate now"
#: class/hooks.php:59
msgid "You must be logged in to run this script."
msgstr "You must be logged in to run this script."
#: class/hooks.php:63
msgid "You do not have permission to run this script."
msgstr "You do not have permission to run this script."
#: class/hooks.php:80
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Support"
#: class/hooks.php:84
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Donate"
#: class/task.php:391
#, php-format
msgid "%scontinue%s"
msgstr "%sLire plus%s"
#: class/widgets/reference-container.php:49
#: class/widgets/reference-container.php:61
msgid "The widget defines the position of the reference container if set to \"widget area\"."
msgstr "Le widget definit la position de la liste des notes paramétrée à « zone widget »."
#~ msgid "inline footnotes"
#~ msgstr "inline footnotes"
#~ msgid "inline footnotes, mouse over highlight box"
#~ msgstr "inline footnotes, mouse over highlight box"
#~ msgid "reference container footnotes linked arrow"
#~ msgstr "reference container footnotes linked arrow"
#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "General"
#~ msgid "%s Settings"
#~ msgstr "%s Settings"
#~ msgid "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to %se-mail%s us."
#~ msgstr "If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to %se-mail%s us."
#~ msgid "HowTo"
#~ msgstr "HowTo"
#~ msgid "%s Widget"
#~ msgstr "%s Widget"
#~ msgid "Hey there, I'm using the awesome WordPress Plugin called %s"
#~ msgstr "Hey there, I’m using the awesome %s Plugin"
#~ msgid "(("
#~ msgstr "(("
#~ msgid "<fn>"
#~ msgstr "<fn>"
#~ msgid "[ref]"
#~ msgstr "[ref]"
#~ msgid "))"
#~ msgstr "))"
#~ msgid "</fn>"
#~ msgstr "</fn>"
#~ msgid "[/ref]"
#~ msgstr "[/ref]"
#~ msgid "starts with:"
#~ msgstr "starts with:"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Save"
#~ msgid "General Information"
#~ msgstr "General Information"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Insert the following shortcode where you want your footnotes to be "
#~ "displayed:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Insert the following shortcode where you want your footnotes to be "
#~ "displayed:"
#~ msgid "The plugin replaces this shortcode automatically with your footnotes"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "The plugin replaces this shortcode automatically with your footnotes"