

Table of Contents

src/admin/class-admin.php 5
src/admin/class-wysiwyg.php 5
src/admin/layout/class-engine.php 44
src/admin/layout/class-init.php 14
src/footnotes.php 8
src/includes/class-activator.php 1
src/includes/class-config.php 6
src/includes/class-convert.php 26
src/includes/class-core.php 4
src/includes/class-deactivator.php 1
src/includes/class-i18n.php 2
src/includes/class-settings.php 54
src/includes/class-template.php 19
src/public/class-general.php 6
src/public/class-parser.php 244
src/public/widget/class-base.php 7
src/public/widget/class-reference-container.php 8
src/uninstall.php 1
src/admin/layout/class-settings.php 209


Type Line Description
120 Append link to the WordPress Plugin page.
121" target="_blank">%s</a>', __( 'Support', 'footnotes' ) );
122 Append link to the settings page.
124 Append link to the PayPal donate function.
125" target="_blank">%s</a>', __( 'Donate', 'footnotes' ) );


Type Line Description
51 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
53 phpcs:enable
77 Get start and end tag for the footnotes short code.
TODO 39 Should this be `static`?
TODO 65 Should this be `static`?


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
104 Append tab to the tab-array.
115 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
127 Store settings.
135 Display all sections and highlight the active section.
138 Iterate through all register sections.
154 Form to submit the active section.
157 Outputs the settings field of the active section.
161 Add submit button to active section if defined.
168 Echo JavaScript for the expand/collapse function of the meta boxes.
177 phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
185 Default no description will be displayed.
306 Get current section.
371 Collect data for given settings field.
397 Collect data for given settings field.
418 Collect data for given settings field.
422 Loop through all array keys.
427 Only check for equality, not identity, WRT backlink symbol arrows.
428 phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison
430 phpcs:enable WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison
452 Collect data for given settings field.
474 Collect data for given settings field.
497 Collect data for given settings field.
529 Iterate through each meta box.
556 phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
557 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
575 Update settings.
TODO 122 Review nonce verification.
TODO 184 Required? Should be `abstract`?
TODO 249 Refactor sections into their own class?
TODO 279 Refactor meta boxes into their own class?
TODO 279 Pass actual functions rather than strings?
TODO 324 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 338 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 369 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 396 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 417 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 451 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 473 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 473 Use proper colorpicker element.
TODO 496 Refactor HTML generation.
TODO 551 Move to {@see}.
TODO 567 Review nonce verification.


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
69 Register hooks/actions.
78 Register AJAX callbacks for Plugin information.
117 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
125 TODO: add nonce verification?
127 Get plugin internal name from POST data.
136' . $plugin_name . '.json';
137 Call URL and collect data.
139 Check if response is valid.
148 Get the body of the response.
150 Get plugin object.
161 Return Plugin information as JSON encoded string.
209 phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing


Type Line Description
32 If this file is called directly, abort.
40 Versioning Guide
TODO 47 Draw from envfile rather than hard-coding.
TODO 61 Draw from envfile rather than hard-coding.
TODO 61 Replace with string for >2 environment options.


Type Line Description
52 Nothing yet.


Type Line Description
TODO 48 Remove.
TODO 58 Remove.
TODO 75 Remove.
TODO 86 Remove.
TODO 97 Remove.
TODO 108 Remove.


Type Line Description
59 Convert string to lower-case to make it easier.
61 Check if string seems to contain a "true" value.
70 Nothing found that says "true", so we return false.
85 Define all possible arrows.
87 Convert index to an integer.
91 Return the whole arrow array.
98 Return a single arrow.
102 phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_var_dump, WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_print_r
150 Output string.
153 Check if the value is higher then 26 = Z.
155 Increase offset and reduce counter.
159 If offset set (more then Z), then add a new letter in front.
163 Add the origin letter.
165 Return the latin character representing the integer.
181 Add a leading 0 if number lower then 10.
196 Table containing all necessary roman letters.
212 Return value.
214 Iterate through integer value until it is reduced to 0.
224 Return roman letters as string.
230 phpcs:enable WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_var_dump, WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_print_r
TODO 58 Replace with built-in type casting.
TODO 84 Review.
TODO 84 Single return type.
TODO 112 Replace with proper logging/debug functions.
TODO 149 Replace with built-in char casting.
TODO 180 Replace with built-in string formatting.


Type Line Description
237 phpcs:disable
238 'footnotes_getTags' must match its instance in wysiwyg-editor.js.
239 'footnotes_getTags' must match its instance in editor-button.html.
242 phpcs:enable


Type Line Description
33 Nothing yet.


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidClassName.StartWithCapital
23 GlotPress listing


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FileComment.Missing
226 here} for more
1134 General settings.
1137 AMP compatibility.
1140 Footnote start and end short codes.
1147 Footnotes numbering.
1151 Scrolling behavior.
1166 Reference container.
1204 Footnotes in excerpts.
1207 Footnotes love.
1210 Deprecated.
1215 Referrers and tooltips.
1218 Backlink symbol.
1222 Referrers.
1228 Referrers in labels.
1231 Tooltips.
1235 Tooltip position.
1243 Tooltip dimensions.
1247 Tooltip timing.
1253 Tooltip truncation.
1258 Tooltip text.
1263 Tooltip appearance.
1275 Your existing Custom CSS code.
1280 Scope and priority.
1283 WordPress hooks with priority level.
1301 Custom CSS.
1304 Your existing Custom CSS code.
1307 Custom CSS.
1403 Register all settings.
1416 No instance defined yet, load it.
1420 Return a singleton of this class.
1429 Clear current settings.
1433 Load settings.
1446 Load all settings from container.
1448 Load all default settings.
1451 No settings found, set them to their default value.
1455 Iterate through all available settings ( = default values).
1457 Available setting not found in the container.
1459 Define the setting with its default value.
1463 Return settings loaded from Container.
TODO 1391 Add return type.
TODO 50 Refactor to use sane typing.
TODO 204 The mouse-over content truncation should be enabled by default to raise awareness of the functionality, prevent the screen from being filled on mouse-over, and allow the use of ‘Continue Reading’ functionality.
TODO 236 In titles, footnotes are still buggy, because WordPress uses the title string in menus and in the title element, but Footnotes doesn't delete footnotes in them.
TODO 295 Un-deprecate.
TODO 1084 Review, remove?
TODO 1132 Review. Why are the constants just initialised with these values? At the very least, we should stop using ‘yes’ to mean `true` etc.
TODO 1132 Create `PreferencesSet` class.
TODO 1322 Create `PreferencesSet` class.


Type Line Description
82 No template file type and/or file name set.
110 No placeholders set.
114 Template content is empty.
118 Iterate through each placeholder and replace it with its value.
122 Success.
160 phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents
162 phpcs:enable
199 Look in active theme.
203 Look in parent theme in case active is child.
207 Look in custom plugin directory.
211 Fall back to the templates shipped with the plugin.
TODO 30 Refactor templating.
TODO 81 Refactor templating.
TODO 109 Refactor templating.
TODO 134 Refactor templating.
TODO 146 Refactor templating.
TODO 159 Refactor templating.
TODO 184 Refactor templating.
TODO 184 Single return type.


Type Line Description
120 Set conditions re-used for stylesheet enqueuing and in class/task.php.
139 TODO: neaten up and document once placements and names are settled.
164 Set tooltip mode for use in stylesheet name.
185 Set basic responsive page layout mode for use in stylesheet name.
203 Enqueue the tailored united minified stylesheet.
TODO 64 Review null init.


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
254 TODO: Reorg dependencies.
260 TODO: Move to `General`.
274 Get values from settings.
281 PHP_INT_MAX can be set by -1.
288 Append custom css to the header.
295 Append the love and share me slug to the footer.
310 Configurable priority level for reference container relative positioning; default 98.
391 Reset stored footnotes when displaying the header.
404 Insert start tag without switching out of PHP.
432 Reference container display on home page.
438 Reference container top and bottom margins.
447 Reference container label bottom border.
467 Adapt left padding to the presence of a border.
472 Ref container first column width and max-width.
513 Hard links scroll offset.
516 Correct hard links enabled status depending on AMP-compatible or alternative reference container enabled status.
528 Tooltips.
532 Tooltip appearance: Tooltip font size.
542 Tooltip Text color.
548 Tooltip Background color.
554 Tooltip Border width.
560 Tooltip Border color.
566 Tooltip Corner radius.
572 Tooltip Shadow color.
580 Tooltip position, dimensions and timing.
594 AMP-compatible and alternative tooltips.
597 Dimensions.
602 Set also as max-width wrt short tooltip shrinking.
605 Position.
624 Timing.
683 Insert end tag without switching out of PHP.
717 Get setting for love and share this plugin.
719 Check if the admin allows to add a link to the footer.
723 Set a hyperlink to the word "footnotes" in the Love slug.
724" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">%s</a>', \footnotes\includes\Config::PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME );
725 Get random love me text.
730 Options named wrt backcompat, simplest is default.
773 Appends the reference container if set to "post_end".
791 TODO: Replace with `str_contains()`, but currently breaks Rector downgrade.
795 phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions.NotYoda
796 Appends the reference container if set to "post_end".
798 phpcs:enable WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions.NotYoda
810 TODO: Replace with `str_contains()`, but currently breaks Rector downgrade.
864 Discard existing excerpt and start on the basis of the post.
867 Get footnote delimiter shortcodes and unify them.
870 Remove footnotes.
873 Apply WordPress excerpt processing.
877 Here the footnotes would be processed as part of WordPress content processing.
880 According to Advanced Excerpt, this is some kind of precaution against malformed CDATA in RSS feeds.
887 Function wp_trim_words() calls wp_strip_all_tags() that wrecks the footnotes.
909 Discard existing excerpt and start on the basis of the post.
912 Get footnote delimiter shortcodes and unify them.
915 Apply WordPress excerpt processing.
919 But do not process footnotes at this point; do only this.
922 Prepare the excerpt length argument.
926 Prepare the Read-on string.
929 Safeguard the footnotes.
936 Prevent the footnotes from altering the excerpt: previously hard-coded '5ED84D6'.
944 Replace line breaking markup with a separator.
953 To count words like Advanced Excerpt does it.
958 Tokenize into tags and words as in Advanced Excerpt.
961 Count words following one option of Advanced Excerpt.
967 If token is not a tag, increment word count.
971 Append the token to the output.
975 Complete unbalanced markup, used by Advanced Excerpt.
978 Readd footnotes in excerpt.
990 Append the Read-on string as in wp_trim_words().
993 Process readded footnotes without appending the reference container.
1009 Appends the reference container if set to "post_end".
1022 phpcs:disable WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions.NotYoda
1023 Appends the reference container if set to "post_end".
1025 phpcs:enable WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions.NotYoda
1039 Process content.
1046 Append the reference container or insert at shortcode.
1064 Increment the container ID.
1068 Delete position shortcode should any remain.
1071 Take a look if the LOVE ME slug should NOT be displayed on this page/post, remove the short code if found.
1076 Return the content with replaced footnotes and optional reference container appended.
1094 Get footnotes start and end tag short codes.
1102 If any footnotes short code is empty, return the content without changes.
1112 Harmonize footnotes without escaping any HTML special characters in delimiter shortcodes.
1113 The footnote has been added in the Block Editor code editor (doesn’t work in Classic Editor text mode).
1117 Harmonize footnotes while escaping HTML special characters in delimiter shortcodes.
1118 The footnote has been added in the Classic Editor visual mode.
1122 Harmonize footnotes while escaping HTML special characters except greater-than sign in delimiter shortcodes.
1123 The footnote has been added in the Block Editor visual mode.
1127 Assign the delimiter shortcodes.
1131 Assign the regex-conformant shortcodes.
1137 Assign the delimiter shortcodes.
1141 Make shortcodes conform to regex syntax.
1161 Get footnote delimiter shortcodes and unify them.
1171 If enabled.
1174 Apply different regex depending on whether start shortcode is double/triple opening parenthesis.
1177 This prevents from catching a script containing e.g. a double opening parenthesis.
1182 Catch all only if the start shortcode is not double/triple opening parenthesis, i.e. is unlikely to occur in scripts.
1186 Check syntax and get error locations.
1192 Prevent generating and inserting the warning multiple times.
1195 Get plain text string for error location.
1198 Limit string length to 300 characters.
1203 Compose warning box.
1208 Syntax validation setting in the dashboard under the General settings tab.
1218 Prepend the warning box to the content.
1221 Checked, set flag to false to prevent duplicate warning.
1240 Optionally moves footnotes outside at the end of the label element.
1271 Post ID to make everything unique wrt infinite scroll and archive view.
1291 Resets the footnote number.
1294 Contains the starting position for the lookup of a footnote.
1301 Set to null in case all templates are unnecessary.
1305 On the condition that the footnote text is not hidden.
1308 Whether AMP compatibility mode is enabled.
1311 Whether first clicking a referrer needs to expand the reference container.
1314 Load 'public/partials/amp-footnote-expand.html'.
1319 Load 'public/partials/amp-footnote.html'.
1324 Load 'public/partials/footnote-alternative.html'.
1327 Else jQuery tooltips are enabled.
1330 Load 'public/partials/footnote.html'.
1333 Load tooltip inline script.
1338 Search footnotes short codes in the content.
1340 Get first occurrence of the footnote start tag short code.
1346 No short code found, stop here.
1350 Get first occurrence of the footnote end tag short code.
1352 No short code found, stop here.
1356 Calculate the length of the footnote.
1359 Get footnote text.
1362 Get tooltip text if present.
1390 [^\\s<]+)#',
1396 Text to be displayed instead of the footnote.
1399 Whether hard links are enabled.
1402 Get the configurable parts.
1407 Streamline ID concatenation.
1416 Display the footnote referrers and the tooltips.
1420 Display only a truncated footnote text if option enabled.
1424 Define excerpt text as footnote text by default.
1444 If AMP compatibility mode is enabled.
1447 If the reference container is also collapsed by default.
1460 Don’t add onclick event in AMP compatibility mode.
1461 Reverted wrong linting.
1469 If enabled, add the hard link fragment ID.
1481 Configurable read-on button label.
1502 Whether hard links are enabled.
1507 Self::$link_open_tag will be defined as needed.
1509 Compose hyperlink address (leading space is in template).
1535 The link element is set independently as it may be needed for styling.
1545 Determine tooltip content.
1560 Determine shrink width if alternative tooltips are enabled.
1571 Fill in 'public/partials/footnote.html'.
1590 Reset the template.
1593 If tooltips are enabled but neither AMP nor alternative are.
1603 Fill in 'public/partials/tooltip.html'.
1622 Replace the footnote with the template.
1625 Add footnote only if not empty.
1627 Set footnote to the output box at the end.
1629 Increase footnote index.
1655 Add offset to the new starting position.
1660 Return content.
1672 No footnotes have been replaced on this page.
1681 If the backlink symbol is enabled.
1684 Get html arrow.
1686 Set html arrow to the first one if invalid index defined.
1690 Get user defined arrow.
1696 Wrap the arrow in a @media print { display:hidden } span.
1702 If the backlink symbol isn’t enabled, set it to empty.
1718 If it is not, check which option is on.
1720 TODO: replace with `match` (but currently it breaks the Rector
1721 downgrade to PHP 7.4.
1752 If it is not, check which option is on.
1754 TODO: replace with `match` (but currently it breaks the Rector
1755 downgrade to PHP 7.4.
1801 AMP compatibility requires a full set of AMP compatible table row templates.
1803 When combining identical footnotes is turned on, another template is needed.
1805 The combining template allows for backlink clusters and supports cell clicking for single notes.
1813 Default is the standard template.
1818 The combining template allows for backlink clusters and supports cell clicking for single notes.
1826 Default is the standard template.
1836 Loop through all footnotes found in the page.
1840 Get footnote text.
1843 If footnote is empty, go to the next one;.
1844 With combine identicals turned on, identicals will be deleted and are skipped.
1849 Generate content of footnote index cell.
1852 Get the footnote index string and.
1853 Keep supporting legacy index placeholder.
1861 Define anyway.
1892 Compose optional hard link address.
1901 Define as empty, too.
1915 Set a flag to check for the combined status of a footnote item.
1918 Set otherwise unused variables as empty to avoid screwing up the placeholder array.
1925 ID, optional hard link address, and class.
1953 The dedicated template enumerating backlinks uses another variable.
1956 Append the click event right to the backlink item for enumerations;.
1957 Else it goes in the table cell.
1961 Append the optional offset anchor for hard links.
1967 Continue both single note and notes cluster, depending on switch option status.
1980 If that is the only footnote with this text, we’re almost done..
1982 Check if it isn't the last footnote in the array.
1985 Get all footnotes that haven't passed yet.
1989 Check if a further footnote is the same as the actual one.
1992 If so, set the further footnote as empty so it won't be displayed later.
1995 Set the flag to true for the combined status.
1998 Update the footnote ID.
2001 Resume composing the backlinks enumeration.
2011 Insert the optional hard link address.
2022 Reverted wrong linting.
2032 Append the offset anchor for optional hard links.
2049 Append terminator and end tag.
2055 Line wrapping of URLs already fixed, see above.
2057 Get reference container item text if tooltip text goes separate.
2074 Replace all placeholders in table row template.
2078 Placeholder used in all templates.
2081 Used in standard layout W/O COMBINED FOOTNOTES.
2092 Used in standard layout WITH COMBINED IDENTICALS TURNED ON.
2097 Legacy placeholders for use in legacy layout templates.
2105 Extra line breaks for page source readability.
2112 Call again for robustness when priority levels don’t match any longer.
2115 Streamline.
2127 Select the reference container template.
2128 Whether AMP compatibility mode is enabled.
2131 Whether the reference container is collapsed by default.
2134 Load 'public/partials/amp-reference-container-collapsed.html'.
2139 Load 'public/partials/amp-reference-container.html'.
2144 Load 'public/partials/js-reference-container.html'.
2149 Load 'public/partials/reference-container.html'.
2197 Free all found footnotes if reference container will be displayed.
TODO 253 Reorganise dependencies.
TODO 253 Move call to `register_hooks()` to {@see}.
TODO 273 Move to {@see}.
TODO 402 Refactor to enqueue stylesheets properly in {@see}.
TODO 1159 Refactor to parse DOM rather than using RegEx.
TODO 1159 Decompose.
TODO 150 Remove.
TODO 158 Remove.
TODO 166 Remove.


Type Line Description
23 `WP_Widget`}.
88 Registers the Widget.
90 Unique ID for the widget, has to be lowercase.
91 Plugin name to be displayed.
92 Optional Widget Options.
93 Optional Widget Control Options.
TODO 31 Review implemenation of Widgets API.


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
13 TODO: Disabled pending WPWidget AP review.
93 `WP_Widget::form()`
105 `WP_Widget::widget()`
113 Reference container positioning is set to "widget area".
115 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
117 phpcs:enable
TODO 30 Review implemenation of Widgets API.


Type Line Description
21 If uninstall not called from WordPress, then exit.


Type Line Description
1 phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FileComment.Missing
67 Load template file.
69 Replace all placeholders.
72 Translators: '%s' is the link text 'AMP-WP' linked to the plugin's front page on
73" target="_blank" style="font-style: normal;">AMP-WP</a>' ),
77 Translators: '%s' is the logogram of the 'Footnotes' plugin.
81 Display template with replaced placeholders.
82 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
84 phpcs:enable
94 Options for the label element.
103 Options for the positioning of the reference container.
109 Basic responsive page layout options.
116 Options for the separating punctuation between backlinks.
118 Unicode character names are conventionally uppercase.
132 Unicode 1.0 name of RIGHT PARENTHESIS (represented as a left parenthesis in right-to-left scripts).
136 Options for the first column width (per cent is a ratio, not a unit).
144 Options for reference container script mode.
149 Options for Yes/No select box.
155 Load template file.
157 Replace all placeholders.
178 Translators: %s: at the end of the post.
256 Display template with replaced placeholders.
257 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
259 phpcs:enable
268 Footnotes start tag short code options.
279 Custom (user-defined) start and end tags bracketing the footnote text inline.
282 Footnotes end tag short code options.
293 Custom (user-defined) start and end tags bracketing the footnote text inline.
296 Options for the syntax validation.
302 Load template file.
304 Replace all placeholders.
317 For script showing/hiding user defined text boxes.
325 Option to enable syntax validation, label mirrored in task.php.
333 Display template with replaced placeholders.
334 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
336 phpcs:enable
345 Define some space for the output.
347 Options for the combination of identical footnotes.
352 Options for the numbering style of the footnotes.
362 Load template file.
364 Replace all placeholders.
370 Algorithmically combine identicals.
374 Support for Ibid. notation added thanks to @meglio in <>.
378 Display template with replaced placeholders.
379 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
381 phpcs:enable
391 Options for enabling scroll duration asymmetricity.
397 Load template file.
399 Replace all placeholders.
415 Enable scroll duration asymmetricity.
434 Display template with replaced placeholders.
435 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
437 phpcs:enable
447 Options for enabling hard links for AMP compat.
453 Load template file.
455 Replace all placeholders.
475 Enable backlink tooltips.
486 Display template with replaced placeholders.
487 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
489 phpcs:enable
498 Options for the acknowledgment display in the footer.
500 Logo only.
502 Logo followed by heart symbol.
504 Logo preceded by heart symbol.
506 Translators: 2: heart symbol 1: footnotes logogram.
508 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
510 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
512 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
515 Translators: 1: Plugin logo.2: heart symbol.
519 Load template file.
521 Replace all placeholders.
524 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
527 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
532 Display template with replaced placeholders.
533 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
535 phpcs:enable
544 Options for options select box.
551 Load template file.
553 Replace all placeholders.
559 Translators: %s: link text 'Advanced Excerpt' linked to the plugin\'s front page.
560 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
564 Display template with replaced placeholders.
565 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
567 phpcs:enable
576 Options for Yes/No select box.
581 Options for superscript normalize scope.
587 Load template file.
589 Replace all placeholders.
609 Display template with replaced placeholders.
610 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
612 phpcs:enable
621 Options for the input label issue solution.
627 Load template file.
629 Replace all placeholders.
638 Display template with replaced placeholders.
639 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
641 phpcs:enable
650 Options for Yes/No select box.
656 Load template file.
658 Replace all placeholders.
669 Translators: %s: Footnotes plugin logo.
674 Display template with replaced placeholders.
675 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
677 phpcs:enable
687 Options for the Mouse-over box position.
698 Options for the alternative Mouse-over box position.
706 Load template file.
708 Replace all placeholders.
729 Display template with replaced placeholders.
730 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
732 phpcs:enable
742 Load template file.
744 Replace all placeholders.
755 Display template with replaced placeholders.
756 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
758 phpcs:enable
768 Load template file.
770 Replace all placeholders.
792 Display template with replaced placeholders.
793 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
795 phpcs:enable
804 Options for Yes/No select box.
810 Load template file.
812 Replace all placeholders.
821 The feature trims back until the last full word.
829 Display template with replaced placeholders.
830 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
832 phpcs:enable
841 Options for Yes/No select box.
847 Load template file.
849 Replace all placeholders.
871 Display template with replaced placeholders.
872 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
874 phpcs:enable
883 Options for Yes/No select box.
888 Options for the font size unit.
899 Load template file.
901 Replace all placeholders.
913 Translators: %s: Clear or leave empty.
918 Translators: %s: Clear or leave empty.
927 Translators: %s: Clear or leave empty.
936 Translators: %s: Clear or leave empty.
941 Display template with replaced placeholders.
942 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
944 phpcs:enable
953 Load template file.
955 Replace all placeholders.
965 Display template with replaced placeholders.
966 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
968 phpcs:enable
977 Load template file.
979 Replace all placeholders.
986 phpcs:disable Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found
987 CSS classes are listed in the template.
988 Localized notices are dropped to ease translators' task.
990 "label-class-1" => ".footnote_plugin_tooltip_text",.
991 "class-1" => $this->add_text(__("superscript, Footnotes index", $this->plugin_name)),.
993 "label-class-2" => ".footnote_tooltip",.
994 "class-2" => $this->add_text(__("mouse-over box, tooltip for each superscript", $this->plugin_name)),.
996 "label-class-3" => ".footnote_plugin_index",.
997 "class-3" => $this->add_text(__("1st column of the Reference Container, Footnotes index", $this->plugin_name)),.
999 "label-class-4" => ".footnote_plugin_text",.
1000 "class-4" => $this->add_text(__("2nd column of the Reference Container, Footnote text", $this->plugin_name)).
1001 phpcs:enable
1004 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1005 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1007 phpcs:enable
1018 Options for Yes/No select box.
1024 Load template file.
1026 Replace all placeholders.
1036 Translators: %s: Referres and tooltips.
1041 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1042 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1044 phpcs:enable
1053 Load template file.
1055 Replace all placeholders.
1064 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1065 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1067 phpcs:enable
1083 Load template file.
1086 Replace all placeholders.
1090 Translators: 1: 99; 2: 1200.
1092 Translators: 1: PHP_INT_MAX; 2: 0; 3: -1; 4: 'PHP_INT_MAX'.
1127 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1128 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1130 phpcs:enable
1142 Load footnotes starting and end tag.
1147 Load user defined starting and end tag.
1166 Load template file.
1168 Replace all placeholders.
1178 Translators: %1$s, %2$s: anchor element with hyperlink to the Support Forum.
1179" target="_blank" class="footnote_plugin">', '</a>' ),
1193 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1194 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1196 phpcs:enable
1205 Load template file.
1207 Replace all placeholders.
1213 Display template with replaced placeholders.
1214 phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
1216 phpcs:enable
1248 Sync tab name with mirror in task.php.
1251 Sync tab name with mirror in public function custom_css_migration().
TODO 1139 Review in light of admin/public split.

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