footnotes'); /* GENERAL PLUGIN CONSTANTS */ define("FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME", "footnotes"); /* plugin's internal name */ define("FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_CONTAINER", "footnotes_storage"); /* database container where all footnote settings are stored */ /* PLUGIN SETTINGS PAGE */ define("FOOTNOTES_SETTINGS_PAGE_ID", "footnotes"); /* plugin's setting page internal id */ /* PLUGIN SETTINGS PAGE TABS */ define("FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL", "footnotes_general_settings"); /* internal label for the plugin's settings tab */ define("FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_HOWTO", "footnotes_howto"); /* internal label for the plugin's settings tab */ /* PLUGIN SETTINGS INPUT FIELDS */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COMBINE_IDENTICAL", "footnote_inputfield_combine_identical"); /* id of input field for the combine identical setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_REFERENCES_LABEL", "footnote_inputfield_references_label"); /* id of input field for the references label setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COLLAPSE_REFERENCES", "footnote_inputfield_collapse_references"); /* id of input field for the "collapse references" setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_START", "footnote_inputfield_placeholder_start"); /* id of input field for the "placeholder starting tag" setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_END", "footnote_inputfield_placeholder_end"); /* id of input field for the "placeholder ending tag" setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_SEARCH_IN_EXCERPT", "footnote_inputfield_search_in_excerpt"); /* id of input field for the "allow footnotes in the excerpt" setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_LOVE", "footnote_inputfield_love"); /* id of input field for "love and share this plugin" setting */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COUNTER_STYLE", "footnote_inputfield_counter_style"); /* id of input field for "counter style of footnote index" setting */ /* * id of input field "placement of reference container" setting * @since 1.0.7 */ define("FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_PLACE", "footnote_inputfield_reference_container_place"); /* PLUGIN REFERENCES CONTAINER ID */ define("FOOTNOTE_REFERENCES_CONTAINER_ID", "footnote_references_container"); /* id for the div surrounding the footnotes */ /* PLUGIN DIRECTORIES */ define("FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_DIR_NAME", "footnotes"); define("FOOTNOTES_LANGUAGE_DIR", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../languages/"); define("FOOTNOTES_TEMPLATES_DIR", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../templates/");