'yes', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_REFERENCES_LABEL => 'References', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COLLAPSE_REFERENCES => '', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_START => '((', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_END => '))', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_SEARCH_IN_EXCERPT => 'yes', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_LOVE => 'yes', FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COUNTER_STYLE => 'arabic_plain' ); /* * resulting pagehook for adding a new sub menu page to the settings * @since 1.0 */ var $a_str_Pagehook; /* * collection of settings values for this plugin * @since 1.0 */ var $a_arr_Options; /* * collection of tabs for the settings page of this plugin * @since 1.0 */ private $a_arr_SettingsTabs = array(); /** * @constructor * @since 1.0 */ function __construct() { /* loads and filters the settings for this plugin */ $this->a_arr_Options = footnotes_filter_options( FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_CONTAINER, self::$a_arr_Default_Settings, true ); /* execute class includes on action-even: init, admin_init and admin_menu */ add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'LoadScriptsAndStylesheets' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'RegisterSettings' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'RegisterTab_General' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'RegisterTab_HowTo' ) ); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'AddSettingsMenuPanel' ) ); } /** * initialize settings page, loads scripts and stylesheets needed for the layout * called in class constructor @ init * @since 1.0 */ function LoadScriptsAndStylesheets() { /* add the jQuery plugin (already registered by WP) */ wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); /* register public stylesheet */ wp_register_style( 'footnote_public_style', plugins_url( '../css/footnote.css', __FILE__ ) ); /* add public stylesheet */ wp_enqueue_style( 'footnote_public_style' ); /* register settings stylesheet */ wp_register_style( 'footnote_settings_style', plugins_url( '../css/settings.css', __FILE__ ) ); /* add settings stylesheet */ wp_enqueue_style( 'footnote_settings_style' ); } /** * register the settings field in the database for the "save" function * called in class constructor @ admin_init * @since 1.0 */ function RegisterSettings() { register_setting( FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_CONTAINER ); } /** * sets the plugin's title for the admins settings menu * called in class constructor @ admin_menu * @since 1.0 */ function AddSettingsMenuPanel() { /* current user needs the permission to update plugins for further access */ if ( !current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { return; } /* submenu page title */ $l_str_PageTitle = 'footnotes'; /* submenu title */ $l_str_MenuTitle = 'footnotes'; /* Add a new submenu to the standard Settings panel */ $this->a_str_Pagehook = add_options_page( $l_str_PageTitle, $l_str_MenuTitle, 'administrator', FOOTNOTES_SETTINGS_PAGE_ID, array( $this, 'OutputSettingsPage' ) ); } /** * Plugin Options page rendering goes here, checks * for active tab and replaces key with the related * settings key. Uses the plugin_options_tabs method * to render the tabs. * @since 1.0 */ function OutputSettingsPage() { /* gets active tag, or if nothing set the "general" tab will be set to active */ $l_str_tab = isset( $_GET[ 'tab' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'tab' ] : FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL; /* outputs all tabs */ echo '
'; $this->OutputSettingsPageTabs(); /* outputs a form with the content of the current active tab */ echo '
'; wp_nonce_field( 'update-options' ); settings_fields( $l_str_tab ); /* outputs the settings field of the current active tab */ do_settings_sections( $l_str_tab ); /* adds a submit button to the current page */ submit_button(); echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Renders our tabs in the plugin options page, * walks through the object's tabs array and prints * them one by one. Provides the heading for the * plugin_options_page method. * @since 1.0 */ function OutputSettingsPageTabs() { /* gets active tag, or if nothing set the "general" tab will be set to active */ $l_str_CurrentTab = isset( $_GET[ 'tab' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'tab' ] : FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL; screen_icon(); echo ''; } /** * loads specific setting and returns an array with the keys [id, name, value] * @since 1.0 * @param $p_str_FieldID * @return array */ protected function LoadSetting( $p_str_FieldID ) { $p_arr_Return = array(); $p_arr_Return[ "id" ] = $this->getFieldID( $p_str_FieldID ); $p_arr_Return[ "name" ] = $this->getFieldName( $p_str_FieldID ); $p_arr_Return[ "value" ] = esc_attr( $this->getFieldValue( $p_str_FieldID ) ); return $p_arr_Return; } /** * access settings field by name * @since 1.0 * @param string $p_str_FieldName * @return string */ protected function getFieldName( $p_str_FieldName ) { return sprintf( '%s[%s]', FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_CONTAINER, $p_str_FieldName ); //return sprintf( '%s', $p_str_FieldName ); } /** * access settings field by id * @since 1.0 * @param string $p_str_FieldID * @return string */ protected function getFieldID( $p_str_FieldID ) { return sprintf( '%s[%s]', FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_CONTAINER, $p_str_FieldID ); //return sprintf( '%s', $p_str_FieldID ); } /** * get settings field value * @since 1.0 * @param string $p_str_Key * @return string */ protected function getFieldValue( $p_str_Key ) { return $this->a_arr_Options[ $p_str_Key ]; } /** * outputs a input type=text * @param string $p_str_SettingsID [id of the settings field] * @param string $p_str_ClassName [css class name] * @param int $p_str_MaxLength [max length for the input value] * @param string $p_str_Label [label text] * @since 1.0-beta */ function AddTextbox($p_str_SettingsID, $p_str_ClassName="", $p_str_MaxLength=0, $p_str_Label="") { /* collect data for given settings field */ $l_arr_Data = $this->LoadSetting( $p_str_SettingsID ); /* if input shall have a css class, add the style tag for it */ if (!empty($p_str_ClassName)) { $p_str_ClassName = 'class="' . $p_str_ClassName . '"'; } /* optional add a maxlength to the input field */ if (!empty($p_str_MaxLength)) { $p_str_MaxLength = ' maxlength="'.$p_str_MaxLength.'"'; } /* optional add a label in front of the input field */ if (!empty($p_str_Label)) { echo ''; } /* outputs an input field type TEXT */ echo ''; } /** * outputs a input type=checkbox * @param string $p_str_SettingsID [id of the settings field] * @param string $p_str_ClassName [optional css class name] * @since 1.0-beta */ function AddCheckbox($p_str_SettingsID, $p_str_ClassName="") { /* collect data for given settings field */ $l_arr_Data = $this->LoadSetting( $p_str_SettingsID ); /* if input shall have a css class, add the style tag for it */ if (!empty($p_str_ClassName)) { $p_str_ClassName = 'class="' . $p_str_ClassName . '"'; } /* lookup if the checkbox shall be pre-checked */ $l_str_Checked = ""; if (footnotes_ConvertToBool($l_arr_Data["value"])) { $l_str_Checked = 'checked="checked"'; } /* outputs an input field type CHECKBOX */ echo sprintf('', $l_str_Checked); } /** * outputs a select box * @param string $p_str_SettingsID [id of the settings field] * @param array $p_arr_Options [array with options] * @param string $p_str_ClassName [optional css class name] * @since 1.0-beta */ function AddSelectbox($p_str_SettingsID, $p_arr_Options, $p_str_ClassName="") { /* collect data for given settings field */ $l_arr_Data = $this->LoadSetting( $p_str_SettingsID ); /* if input shall have a css class, add the style tag for it */ if (!empty($p_str_ClassName)) { $p_str_ClassName = 'class="' . $p_str_ClassName . '"'; } /* select starting tag */ $l_str_Output = ''; /* outputs the SELECT field */ echo $l_str_Output; } /** * initialize general settings tab * called in class constructor @ admin_init * @since 1.0 */ function RegisterTab_General() { $l_str_SectionName = "Footnote_Secion_Settings_General"; /* add tab to the tab array */ $this->a_arr_SettingsTabs[ FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL ] = __( "General", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ); /* register settings tab */ add_settings_section( $l_str_SectionName, sprintf(__( "%s Settings", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'footnotes'), array( $this, 'RegisterTab_General_Description' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL ); add_settings_field( 'Register_References_Label', __( "References label:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_References_Label' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_Collapse_References', __( "Collapse references by default:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_Collapse_References' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_Combine_Identical', __( "Combine identical footnotes:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_Combine_Identical' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_Placeholder_Tags', __( "Footnote tag:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_Placeholder_Tags' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_CounterStyle', __( "Counter style:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_CounterStyle' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_SearchExcerpt', __( "Allow footnotes on Summarized Posts:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'Register_SearchExcerpt' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); add_settings_field( 'Register_LoveAndShare', sprintf(__( "Tell the world you're using %sfoot%snotes%s:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), '', '', ''), array( $this, 'Register_LoveAndShare' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_GENERAL, $l_str_SectionName ); } /** * adds a desciption to the general settings tab * called in RegisterTab_General * @since 1.0 */ function RegisterTab_General_Description() { // unused description } /** * outputs the settings field for the "references label" * @since 1.0 */ function Register_References_Label() { /* add a textbox to the output */ $this->AddTextbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_REFERENCES_LABEL, "footnote_plugin_50"); } /** * outputs the settings field for the "references label" * @since 1.0-beta */ function Register_Collapse_References() { /* add a checkbox to the output */ $this->AddCheckbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COLLAPSE_REFERENCES); } /** * outputs the settings field for the "combine identical footnotes" * @since 1.0 */ function Register_Combine_Identical() { /* get array with option elements */ $l_arr_Options = array( "yes" => __( "Yes", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), "no" => __( "No", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); /* add a select box to the output */ $this->AddSelectbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COMBINE_IDENTICAL, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_25"); } /** * outputs the settings fields for the footnote starting and ending tag * @since 1.0-gamma */ function Register_Placeholder_Tags() { /* add a textbox to the output */ $this->AddTextbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_START, "", 14, __( "starts with:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME )); /* small space between the two input fields */ echo '   '; /* add a textbox to the output */ $this->AddTextbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_END, "", 14, __( "ends with:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME )); } /** * outouts the settings field for the counter style * @since 1.0-gamma */ function Register_CounterStyle() { $l_str_Space = "     "; /* get array with option elements */ $l_arr_Options = array( "arabic_plain" => __( "Arabic Numbers - Plain", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) .$l_str_Space. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...", "arabic_leading" => __( "Arabic Numbers - Leading 0", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) .$l_str_Space. "01, 02, 03, 04, 05, ...", "latin_low" => __( "Latin Character - lower case", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) .$l_str_Space. "a, b, c, d, e, ...", "latin_high" => __( "Latin Character - upper case", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) .$l_str_Space. "A, B, C, D, E, ...", "romanic" => __( "Roman Numerals", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) .$l_str_Space. "I, II, III, IV, V, ..." ); /* add a select box to the output */ $this->AddSelectbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_COUNTER_STYLE, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_50"); } /** * outputs the settings field for "allow searching in summarized posts" * @since 1.0-gamma */ function Register_SearchExcerpt() { /* get array with option elements */ $l_arr_Options = array( "yes" => __( "Yes", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), "no" => __( "No", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); /* add a select box to the output */ $this->AddSelectbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_SEARCH_IN_EXCERPT, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_25"); } /** * outputs the settings field for "love and share this plugin" * @since 1.0-gamma */ function Register_LoveAndShare() { /* get array with option elements */ $l_arr_Options = array( "yes" => __( "Yes", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), "no" => __( "No", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ) ); /* add a select box to the output */ $this->AddSelectbox(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_LOVE, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_25"); } /** * initialize howto settings tab * called in class constructor @ admin_init * @since 1.0 */ function RegisterTab_HowTo() { $l_str_SectionName = "Footnote_Secion_Settings_Howto"; /* add tab to the tab array */ $this->a_arr_SettingsTabs[ FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_HOWTO ] = __( "HowTo", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ); /* register settings tab */ add_settings_section( $l_str_SectionName, __( "HowTo", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ), array( $this, 'RegisterTab_HowTo_Description' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_HOWTO ); add_settings_field( 'Register_Howto_Box', "", array( $this, 'Register_Howto_Box' ), FOOTNOTE_SETTINGS_LABEL_HOWTO, $l_str_SectionName ); } /** * adds a descrption to the HowTo settings tab * called int RegisterTab_HowTo * @since 1.0 */ function RegisterTab_HowTo_Description() { echo __( "This is a brief introduction in how to use the plugin.", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME ); } /** * outputs the content of the HowTo settings tab * @since 1.0 */ function Register_Howto_Box() { $l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag = $this->LoadSetting(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_START); $l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag = $this->LoadSetting(FOOTNOTE_INPUTFIELD_PLACEHOLDER_END); ?>


', '' ); ?>