/*! * jQuery Tools v1.2.7 - The missing UI library for the Web * * toolbox/toolbox.expose.js * toolbox/toolbox.flashembed.js * toolbox/toolbox.history.js * toolbox/toolbox.mousewheel.js * tooltip/tooltip.js * tooltip/tooltip.dynamic.js * tooltip/tooltip.slide.js * * NO COPYRIGHTS OR LICENSES. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. * * http://flowplayer.org/tools/ * * jquery.event.wheel.js - rev 1 * Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (http://threedubmedia.com) * Liscensed under the MIT License (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Created: 2008-07-01 | Updated: 2008-07-14 * * ----- * * Added jQueryUI and checks whether jQuery.browser exists * Following @vonpiernik * 2020-10-26T2005+0100 * * Removed usage of jQuery browser check function 2020-11-12T0127+0100 * ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ * See also on the Forum, lastly * * #1 (54) This was only a tweak to adjust width and height in Internet Explorer. * * #2 (226) This was only for very old Internet Explorer (older than IE8). * * #3 (266) This was only about a naming convention of Firefox: 'DOMMouseScroll' vs 'mousewheel', * or 'mousemove' in very old Firefox (older than v1.9). * When making jQuery.browser optional, an 'if(a.browser)' condition was added around. * * #4 (293) This disabled fade-in for Internet Explorer other than FadeIE. * * #5 (296) This disabled fade-out for Internet Explorer other than FadeIE. * * #6 (420) This disabled slide-fade for Internet Explorer. * Browsers not supporting an effect simply don’t execute it, they won’t throw an error. * * Last modified: 2020-11-12T0537+0100 */ (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || {version: "v1.2.7"}; var b; b = a.tools.expose = {conf: {maskId: "exposeMask", loadSpeed: "slow", closeSpeed: "fast", closeOnClick: !0, closeOnEsc: !0, zIndex: 9998, opacity: .8, startOpacity: 0, color: "#fff", onLoad: null, onClose: null}}; function c() { /*if (a.browser && a.browser.msie) { var b = a(document).height(), c = a(window).height(); return[window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, b - c < 20 ? c : b] }*/ return[a(document).width(), a(document).height()] } function d(b) { if (b)return b.call(a.mask) } var e, f, g, h, i; a.mask = {load: function (j, k) { if (g)return this; typeof j == "string" && (j = {color: j}), j = j || h, h = j = a.extend(a.extend({}, b.conf), j), e = a("#" + j.maskId), e.length || (e = a("
").attr("id", j.maskId), a("body").append(e)); var l = c(); e.css({position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: l[0], height: l[1], display: "none", opacity: j.startOpacity, zIndex: j.zIndex}), j.color && e.css("backgroundColor", j.color); if (d(j.onBeforeLoad) === !1)return this; j.closeOnEsc && a(document).on("keydown.mask", function (b) { b.keyCode == 27 && a.mask.close(b) }), j.closeOnClick && e.on("click.mask", function (b) { a.mask.close(b) }), a(window).on("resize.mask", function () { a.mask.fit() }), k && k.length && (i = k.eq(0).css("zIndex"), a.each(k, function () { var b = a(this); /relative|absolute|fixed/i.test(b.css("position")) || b.css("position", "relative") }), f = k.css({zIndex: Math.max(j.zIndex + 1, i == "auto" ? 0 : i)})), e.css({display: "block"}).fadeTo(j.loadSpeed, j.opacity, function () { a.mask.fit(), d(j.onLoad), g = "full" }), g = !0; return this }, close: function () { if (g) { if (d(h.onBeforeClose) === !1)return this; e.fadeOut(h.closeSpeed, function () { d(h.onClose), f && f.css({zIndex: i}), g = !1 }), a(document).off("keydown.mask"), e.off("click.mask"), a(window).off("resize.mask") } return this }, fit: function () { if (g) { var a = c(); e.css({width: a[0], height: a[1]}) } }, getMask: function () { return e }, isLoaded: function (a) { return a ? g == "full" : g }, getConf: function () { return h }, getExposed: function () { return f }}, a.fn.mask = function (b) { a.mask.load(b); return this }, a.fn.expose = function (b) { a.mask.load(b, this); return this } })(jQuery); (function () { var a = document.all, b = "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer", c = typeof jQuery == "function", d = /(\d+)[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]*(\d*)/, e = {width: "100%", height: "100%", id: "_" + ("" + Math.random()).slice(9), allowfullscreen: !0, allowscriptaccess: "always", quality: "high", version: [3, 0], onFail: null, expressInstall: null, w3c: !1, cachebusting: !1}; window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function () { __flash_unloadHandler = function () { }, __flash_savedUnloadHandler = function () { } }); function f(a, b) { if (b)for (var c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c]); return a } function g(a, b) { var c = []; for (var d in a)a.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = b(a[d])); return c } window.flashembed = function (a, b, c) { typeof a == "string" && (a = document.getElementById(a.replace("#", ""))); if (a) { typeof b == "string" && (b = {src: b}); return new j(a, f(f({}, e), b), c) } }; var h = f(window.flashembed, {conf: e, getVersion: function () { var a, b; try { b = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description.slice(16) } catch (c) { try { a = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"), b = a && a.GetVariable("$version") } catch (e) { try { a = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"), b = a && a.GetVariable("$version") } catch (f) { } } } b = d.exec(b); return b ? [b[1], b[3]] : [0, 0] }, asString: function (a) { if (a === null || a === undefined)return null; var b = typeof a; b == "object" && a.push && (b = "array"); switch (b) { case"string": a = a.replace(new RegExp("([\"\\\\])", "g"), "\\$1"), a = a.replace(/^\s?(\d+\.?\d*)%/, "$1pct"); return"\"" + a + "\""; case"array": return"[" + g(a,function (a) { return h.asString(a) }).join(",") + "]"; case"function": return"\"function()\""; case"object": var c = []; for (var d in a)a.hasOwnProperty(d) && c.push("\"" + d + "\":" + h.asString(a[d])); return"{" + c.join(",") + "}" } return String(a).replace(/\s/g, " ").replace(/\'/g, "\"") }, getHTML: function (b, c) { b = f({}, b); var d = ""; b.width = b.height = b.id = b.w3c = b.src = null, b.onFail = b.version = b.expressInstall = null; for (var e in b)b[e] && (d += ""); var g = ""; if (c) { for (var i in c)if (c[i]) { var j = c[i]; g += i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(/function|object/.test(typeof j) ? h.asString(j) : j) + "&" } g = g.slice(0, -1), d += "" } d += ""; return d }, isSupported: function (a) { return i[0] > a[0] || i[0] == a[0] && i[1] >= a[1] }}), i = h.getVersion(); function j(c, d, e) { if (h.isSupported(d.version))c.innerHTML = h.getHTML(d, e); else if (d.expressInstall && h.isSupported([6, 65]))c.innerHTML = h.getHTML(f(d, {src: d.expressInstall}), {MMredirectURL: location.href, MMplayerType: "PlugIn", MMdoctitle: document.title}); else { c.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g, "") || (c.innerHTML = "

Flash version " + d.version + " or greater is required

" + (i[0] > 0 ? "Your version is " + i : "You have no flash plugin installed") + "

" + (c.tagName == "A" ? "

Click here to download latest version

" : "

Download latest version from here

"), c.tagName == "A" && (c.onclick = function () { location.href = b })); if (d.onFail) { var g = d.onFail.call(this); typeof g == "string" && (c.innerHTML = g) } } a && (window[d.id] = document.getElementById(d.id)), f(this, {getRoot: function () { return c }, getOptions: function () { return d }, getConf: function () { return e }, getApi: function () { return c.firstChild }}) } c && (jQuery.tools = jQuery.tools || {version: "v1.2.7"}, jQuery.tools.flashembed = {conf: e}, jQuery.fn.flashembed = function (a, b) { return this.each(function () { jQuery(this).data("flashembed", flashembed(this, a, b)) }) }) })(); (function (a) { var b, c, d, e; a.tools = a.tools || {version: "v1.2.7"}, a.tools.history = {init: function (g) { e || (/*a.browser && a.browser.msie && a.browser.version < "8" ? c || (c = a("