<!--<?php//for docblock, @see MCI_Footnotes_Template::process_template() /** * Table row template for uncombined footnotes with the backlink symbol appended. * * - Bugfix: Reference container: option to append symbol (prepended by default), thanks to @spaceling code contribution. * * @since 2.1.1 * * @contributor @spaceling * @link https://wordpress.org/support/topic/change-the-position-5/#post-13615994 * * - Bugfix: Reference container: apply web semantics to improve readability for assistive technologies, thanks to @derivationfr issue report and code contribution. * * @since 2.5.11 * * @contributor @derivationfr * @link https://wordpress.org/support/topic/enhance-accesibility-by-using-instead-of/ * @link https://a11y-101.com/development/tables * * For assistive technologies to improve accessibility by reading tables in a meaningful manner, * the tables must be marked up properly using table header elements for header rows and header * columns as applicable. * The table caption must also be present for screen readers but may be hidden to sighted users. */?> --> <tr class="footnotes_plugin_reference_row"> <th scope="row" id="footnote_plugin_reference_[[post_id]]_[[container_id]]_[[note_id]]" class="footnote_plugin_index pointer" onclick="footnote_moveToAnchor_[[post_id]]_[[container_id]]('footnote_plugin_tooltip_[[post_id]]_[[container_id]]_[[note_id]]');" ><[[link-span]] role="button" tabindex="0" class="footnote_plugin_link" [[hard-link]] >[[index]][[terminator]][[arrow]]</[[link-span]] >[[anchor-element]]</th > <td class="footnote_plugin_text" >[[text]]</td> </tr>