#!/bin/bash echo "Building Plugin..." # Moves everything including the style sheets over to `dist/` echo "Copying directories..." rm -rf dist/ mkdir dist cp -r -t dist src/{class,languages,templates}/ # Among the images, only 2 out of 3 are distributed. echo "Copying the needed images..." mkdir -p dist/img cp -t dist/img src/img/fn-wysiwyg.png echo "Copying files..." cp -t dist ./{SECURITY.md,CHANGELOG.md,wpml-config.xml} src/{license.txt,readme.txt,includes.php} echo "Setting production flag..." sed "s/'PRODUCTION_ENV', false/'PRODUCTION_ENV', true/g" src/footnotes.php > dist/footnotes.php echo "Production flag set." # TODO: once automatic minification is implemented, this should handle that. # For now, we shall have to assume that this command is being run on a repo. with # minimised stylesheet files already in `dist/css/`. echo "Building stylesheets..." ./_tools/build-stylesheets.sh -c if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Concatenation failed!"; exit 1; fi echo "Stylesheet build complete." echo "Minifying CSS and JS..." mkdir -p dist/{css,js} npm run minify if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Minification failed!"; exit 1; fi echo "Minification complete." echo "Build complete." exit 0