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"a, b, c, d, e, ...", "latin_high" => __("Latin Character - upper case", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME) . $l_str_Space . "A, B, C, D, E, ...", "romanic" => __("Roman Numerals", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME) . $l_str_Space . "I, II, III, IV, V, ..." ); $this->AddLabel(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_COUNTER_STYLE, __('Counter style:', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME)); $this->AddSelect(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_COUNTER_STYLE, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_50"); } /** * output the setting fields to love and share the footnotes plugin * @since 1.3 */ public function Love() { // setting for 'love and share this plugin in my footer' $l_arr_Options = array( "text-1" => sprintf(__('I %s %s', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_LOVE_SYMBOL, FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME), "text-2" => sprintf(__('this site uses the awesome %s Plugin', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME), "text-3" => sprintf(__('extra smooth %s', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME), "random" => __('random text', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), "no" => sprintf(__("Don't display a %s %s text in my footer.", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME, FOOTNOTES_LOVE_SYMBOL) ); $this->AddLabel(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_LOVE, sprintf(__("Tell the world you're using %s:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME)); $this->AddSelect(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_LOVE, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_50"); $this->AddNewline(); // no 'love me' on specific pages $this->AddText(sprintf(__("Don't tell the world you're using %s on specific pages by adding the following short code:", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME)); $this->AddText("      "); $this->AddText(FOOTNOTES_NO_SLUGME_PLUG); } /** * output settings fields with no specific topic * @since 1.3 */ public function Other() { // setting for 'search footnotes tag in excerpt' $l_arr_Options = array( "yes" => __("Yes", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME), "no" => __("No", FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME) ); $this->AddLabel(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_SEARCH_IN_EXCERPT, __('Allow footnotes on Summarized Posts:', FOOTNOTES_PLUGIN_NAME)); $this->AddSelect(FOOTNOTES_INPUT_SEARCH_IN_EXCERPT, $l_arr_Options, "footnote_plugin_50"); } } // class MCI_Footnotes_Tab_General endif;