/* element, at the condition that the page is not built with Elementor: body:not([class*="elementor-page-"]) Therefore, in pages built with Elementor, proper layout is applied only to features managed by Elementor, not others. Footnotes reference containers are near the bottom of main. This stylesheet lets Footnotes’ reference containers come into the benefit of the basic responsive layout style rules that would apply if the page were not built with Elementor. This is mainly useful with Hello Elementor, but it may help fix also other themes like Twenty Twenty-One for display in older browsers not yet supporting CSS variables. */ main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { margin: 0 auto; } @media (max-width: 575px) { main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { padding: 0 10px; } } @media (min-width: 576px) { main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { max-width: 500px; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { max-width: 600px; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { max-width: 800px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { main, .main-content, .site-main, div.hentry { max-width: 960px; } }