# **footnotes** Contributing Guide **footnotes** welcomes contributions! ## Code of Conduct Please read and ensure that you adhere to the project's [Code of Conduct][coc]. ## Requesting Features/Reporting Bugs To request a new feature or to report a bug, create an [Issue][new-issue] and choose the correct template. ## Contributing Code - **footnotes** uses [GitHub Flow][github-flow]; - branch off of `main` to start developing (`git checkout -b `); - ensure that your new branch has a descriptive name; - create a remote copy of your new branch (`git push`); - create a draft [pull request][pull-request] to merge your branch with `main` — tag any related Issues, and if they are assigned to a Project board, this will automatically move them into the ‘In Progress’ bucket; and - when you think you're finished, un-draft your pull request — if the PR is assigned to a Project board, this will automatically move it and any related Issues into the ‘Review in progress’ bucket. ## Commits - **footnotes** uses the [Conventional Commits][conventional-commits] for commit message formatting; - we recommend using [Commitizen][commitizen] to automate this: - install it globally using `npm install -g commitizen`; - use `git cz` instead of `git commit`. - keep individual commits as small as possible. ## Versioning **footnotes** uses [WordPress Versioning][wpver]. ## Translating Translations are welcome! [coc]: https://github.com/markcheret/footnotes/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [new-issue]: https://github.com/markcheret/footnotes/issues/new/choose [github-flow]: https://githubflow.github.io/ [pull-request]: https://github.com/markcheret/footnotes/compare [conventional-commits]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org [commitizen]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/commitizen [wpver]: https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/about/release-cycle/version-numbering/