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* The plugin bootstrap file.
* This file is read by WordPress to generate the plugin information in the plugin
* admin area. This file also includes all of the dependencies used by the plugin,
* registers the activation and deactivation functions, and defines a function
* that starts the plugin.
2021-04-26 09:37:19 +01:00
* @author Mark Cheret
* @since 1.0.0
* @package footnotes
2021-04-26 09:37:19 +01:00
* @copyright 2021 Mark Cheret (email:
* @license GPL-3.0-only
* @wordpress-plugin
* Plugin Name: footnotes
* Plugin URI:
* Description: footnotes lets you easily add highly-customisable footnotes on your WordPress Pages and Posts.
* Version: 2.8.0d
2021-04-26 09:37:19 +01:00
* Requires at least: 3.9
* Requires PHP: 7.0
* Author: Mark Cheret
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: footnotes
* Domain Path: /languages
2021-04-26 09:37:19 +01:00
* License: GPL v3
* License URI:
// If this file is called directly, abort.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
* Current plugin version.
define('C_STR_FOOTNOTES_VERSION', '2.8.0d');
2021-04-15 16:52:59 +01:00
* Defines the current environment ('development' or 'production').
2021-04-26 09:37:19 +01:00
* This primarily affects whether minified or unminified files are requested.
2021-04-15 16:52:59 +01:00
* @since 2.5.5
define('PRODUCTION_ENV' , false);
2021-04-15 16:52:59 +01:00
* The code that runs during plugin activation.
* This action is documented in includes/class-plugin-name-activator.php
function activate_footnotes() {
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-footnotes-activator.php';
* The code that runs during plugin deactivation.
* This action is documented in includes/class-plugin-name-deactivator.php
function deactivate_plugin_name() {
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-footnotes-deactivator.php';
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activate_footnotes' );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'deactivate_footnotes' );
* The core plugin class that is used to define internationalization,
* admin-specific hooks, and public-facing site hooks.
require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-footnotes.php';
* Begins execution of the plugin.
* Since everything within the plugin is registered via hooks,
* then kicking off the plugin from this point in the file does
* not affect the page life cycle.
* @since 2.8.0
function run_footnotes() {
global $footnotes;
$footnotes = new Footnotes();
// Add the links to the dashboard plugins page.
// TODO: Move this somewhere more appropriate.
add_filter( "plugin_action_links_footnotes/footnotes.php", array( 'Footnotes_Hooks', 'get_plugin_links' ), 10, 2 );