2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
< ? php
* Includes the Plugin Class to display all Settings .
* @ filesource
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0 14.09 . 14 14 : 47
* Displays and handles all Settings of the Plugin .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
class MCI_Footnotes_Layout_Settings extends MCI_Footnotes_LayoutEngine {
* Returns a Priority index . Lower numbers have a higher Priority .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
* @ return int
public function getPriority () {
return 10 ;
* Returns the unique slug of the sub page .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
* @ return s tring
protected function getSubPageSlug () {
return " - " . MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ;
* Returns the title of the sub page .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
* @ return string
protected function getSubPageTitle () {
return MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME ;
* Returns an array of all registered sections for the sub page .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
* @ return array
protected function getSections () {
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
$l_arr_Tabs = array ();
$l_arr_Tabs [] = $this -> addSection ( " settings " , __ ( " Settings " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), 0 , true );
$l_arr_Tabs [] = $this -> addSection ( " customize " , __ ( " Customize " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), 1 , true );
if ( MCI_Footnotes_Convert :: toBool ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: instance () -> get ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_EXPERT_MODE ))) {
$l_arr_Tabs [] = $this -> addSection ( " expert " , __ ( " Expert mode " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), 2 , true );
2014-11-15 13:48:12 +00:00
$l_arr_Tabs [] = $this -> addSection ( " how-to " , __ ( " Preview " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), null , false );
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
return $l_arr_Tabs ;
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
* Returns an array of all registered meta boxes for each section of the sub page .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
* @ return array
protected function getMetaBoxes () {
return array (
$this -> addMetaBox ( " settings " , " reference-container " , __ ( " References Container " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " ReferenceContainer " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " settings " , " styling " , sprintf ( __ ( " %s styling " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME ), " Styling " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " settings " , " love " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME . ' ' . MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_LOVE_SYMBOL , " Love " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " settings " , " other " , __ ( " Other " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " Other " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " customize " , " superscript " , __ ( " Superscript layout " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " Superscript " ),
2014-10-01 20:57:16 +00:00
$this -> addMetaBox ( " customize " , " mouse-over-box " , __ ( " Mouse-over box " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " MouseOverBox " ),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
$this -> addMetaBox ( " customize " , " hyperlink-arrow " , __ ( " Hyperlink symbol in the Reference container " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " HyperlinkArrow " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " customize " , " custom-css " , __ ( " Add custom CSS to the public page " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " CustomCSS " ),
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
$this -> addMetaBox ( " expert " , " lookup " , __ ( " WordPress hooks to look for Footnote short codes " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " lookupHooks " ),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
$this -> addMetaBox ( " how-to " , " help " , __ ( " Brief introduction in how to use the plugin " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " Help " ),
$this -> addMetaBox ( " how-to " , " donate " , __ ( " Help us to improve our Plugin " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), " Donate " )
* Displays all settings for the reference container .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function ReferenceContainer () {
// options for the positioning of the reference container
$l_arr_Positions = array (
" footer " => __ ( " in the footer " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" post_end " => __ ( " at the end of the post " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" widget " => __ ( " in the widget area " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " settings-reference-container " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-name " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_NAME , __ ( " References label " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" name " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_NAME ),
" label-collapse " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_COLLAPSE , __ ( " Collapse references by default " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" collapse " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_COLLAPSE ),
" label-position " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_POSITION , __ ( " Where shall the reference container appear " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" position " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_REFERENCE_CONTAINER_POSITION , $l_arr_Positions )
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays all settings for the footnotes styling .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Styling () {
// define some space for the output
$l_str_Space = " " ;
// options for the combination of identical footnotes
$l_arr_CombineIdentical = array (
" yes " => __ ( " Yes " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" no " => __ ( " No " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// options for the start of the footnotes short code
$l_arr_ShortCodeStart = array (
" (( " => " (( " ,
2014-09-28 11:23:09 +00:00
htmlspecialchars ( " <fn> " ) => htmlspecialchars ( " <fn> " ),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" [ref] " => " [ref] " ,
" userdefined " => __ ( 'user defined' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// options for the end of the footnotes short code
$l_arr_ShortCodeEnd = array (
" )) " => " )) " ,
2014-09-28 11:23:09 +00:00
htmlspecialchars ( " </fn> " ) => htmlspecialchars ( " </fn> " ),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" [/ref] " => " [/ref] " ,
" userdefined " => __ ( 'user defined' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// options for the counter style of the footnotes
$l_arr_CounterStyle = array (
" arabic_plain " => __ ( " Arabic Numbers - Plain " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ) . $l_str_Space . " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... " ,
" arabic_leading " => __ ( " Arabic Numbers - Leading 0 " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ) . $l_str_Space . " 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, ... " ,
" latin_low " => __ ( " Latin Character - lower case " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ) . $l_str_Space . " a, b, c, d, e, ... " ,
" latin_high " => __ ( " Latin Character - upper case " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ) . $l_str_Space . " A, B, C, D, E, ... " ,
" romanic " => __ ( " Roman Numerals " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ) . $l_str_Space . " I, II, III, IV, V, ... "
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " settings-styling " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-identical " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_COMBINE_IDENTICAL_FOOTNOTES , __ ( " Combine identical footnotes " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" identical " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_COMBINE_IDENTICAL_FOOTNOTES , $l_arr_CombineIdentical ),
" label-short-code-start " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START , __ ( " Footnote tag starts with " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" short-code-start " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START , $l_arr_ShortCodeStart ),
" label-short-code-end " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END , __ ( " and ends with " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" short-code-end " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END , $l_arr_ShortCodeEnd ),
" label-short-code-start-user " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START_USER_DEFINED , " " ),
" short-code-start-user " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START_USER_DEFINED ),
" label-short-code-end-user " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END_USER_DEFINED , " " ),
" short-code-end-user " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END_USER_DEFINED ),
" label-counter-style " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_COUNTER_STYLE , __ ( " Counter style " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" counter-style " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_COUNTER_STYLE , $l_arr_CounterStyle ),
" short-code-start-id " => MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START ,
" short-code-end-id " => MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END ,
" short-code-start-user-id " => MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START_USER_DEFINED ,
" short-code-end-user-id " => MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END_USER_DEFINED ,
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays all settings for 'I love Footnotes' .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Love () {
// options for the positioning of the reference container
$l_arr_Love = array (
" text-1 " => sprintf ( __ ( 'I %s %s' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_LOVE_SYMBOL , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME ),
" text-2 " => sprintf ( __ ( 'this site uses the awesome %s Plugin' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME ),
" text-3 " => sprintf ( __ ( 'extra smooth %s' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME ),
" random " => __ ( 'random text' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" no " => sprintf ( __ ( " Don't display a %s %s text in my footer. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_LOVE_SYMBOL )
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " settings-love " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-love " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_LOVE , sprintf ( __ ( " Tell the world you're using %s " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME )),
" love " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_LOVE , $l_arr_Love ),
" label-no-love " => $this -> addText ( sprintf ( __ ( " Don't tell the world you're using %s on specific pages by adding the following short code: " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_NAME )),
" no-love " => $this -> addText ( MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_NO_LOVE_SLUG )
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays all settings that are not grouped in special meta boxes .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Other () {
// options for the Footnotes to be replaced in excerpt
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
$l_arr_Enabled = array (
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" yes " => __ ( " Yes " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" no " => __ ( " No " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " settings-other " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-excerpt " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_IN_EXCERPT , __ ( " Allow footnotes on Summarized Posts " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
" excerpt " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_IN_EXCERPT , $l_arr_Enabled ),
" label-expert-mode " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_EXPERT_MODE , __ ( " Enable the Expert mode " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" expert-mode " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_EXPERT_MODE , $l_arr_Enabled )
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays all settings for the footnotes Superscript .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Superscript () {
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " customize-superscript " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-before " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_STYLING_BEFORE , __ ( " Before Footnotes index " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" before " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_STYLING_BEFORE ),
" label-after " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_STYLING_AFTER , __ ( " After Footnotes index " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" after " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_STYLING_AFTER )
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
2014-10-01 20:57:16 +00:00
* Displays all settings for the footnotes mouse - over box .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 2
public function MouseOverBox () {
// options for the Footnotes to be replaced in excerpt
$l_arr_Enabled = array (
" yes " => __ ( " Yes " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" no " => __ ( " No " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
2014-10-13 17:06:54 +00:00
// options for the Mouse-over box position
$l_arr_Position = array (
" top left " => __ ( " top left " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" top center " => __ ( " top center " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" top right " => __ ( " top right " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" center right " => __ ( " center right " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" bottom right " => __ ( " bottom right " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" bottom center " => __ ( " bottom center " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" bottom left " => __ ( " bottom left " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" center left " => __ ( " center left " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
2014-10-01 20:57:16 +00:00
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " customize-mouse-over-box " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-enable " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_ENABLED , __ ( " Enable the mouse-over box " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" enable " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_ENABLED , $l_arr_Enabled ),
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
2014-10-07 11:32:25 +00:00
" label-activate-excerpt " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_EXCERPT_ENABLED , __ ( " Display only an excerpt " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" activate-excerpt " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_EXCERPT_ENABLED , $l_arr_Enabled ),
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
2014-10-07 11:32:25 +00:00
" label-excerpt-length " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_EXCERPT_LENGTH , __ ( " Maximum characters for the excerpt " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" excerpt-length " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_EXCERPT_LENGTH ),
2014-10-13 17:06:54 +00:00
" label-position " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION , __ ( " Position " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" position " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION , $l_arr_Position ),
" label-offset-x " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X , __ ( " Offset X (px) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" offset-x " => $this -> addNumBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X , - 50 , 50 ),
" notice-offset-x " => __ ( " Offset (X axis) in px (may be negative) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-offset-y " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y , __ ( " Offset Y (px) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" offset-y " => $this -> addNumBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y , - 50 , 50 ),
" notice-offset-y " => __ ( " Offset (Y axis) in px (may be negative) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-color " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_COLOR , __ ( " Color " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" color " => $this -> addColorSelection ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_COLOR ),
" notice-color " => __ ( " Empty color will use the default color defined by your current theme. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-background " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BACKGROUND , __ ( " Background color " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" background " => $this -> addColorSelection ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BACKGROUND ),
" notice-background " => __ ( " Empty color will use the default background-color defined by your current theme. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-border-width " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_WIDTH , __ ( " Border width (px) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" border-width " => $this -> addNumBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_WIDTH , 0 , 4 ),
" notice-border-width " => __ ( " Set the width to 0px to hide the border. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-border-color " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_COLOR , __ ( " Border color " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" border-color " => $this -> addColorSelection ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_COLOR ),
" notice-border-color " => __ ( " Empty color will use the default border-color defined by your current theme. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-border-radius " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_RADIUS , __ ( " Border radius (px) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" border-radius " => $this -> addNumBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_BORDER_RADIUS , 0 , 20 ),
" notice-border-radius " => __ ( " Set the radius to 0px to avoid a radius. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-max-width " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_MAX_WIDTH , __ ( " Max. width (px) " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" max-width " => $this -> addNumBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_INT_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_MAX_WIDTH , 0 , 1280 ),
2014-10-18 18:14:59 +00:00
" notice-max-width " => __ ( " Set the max-width to 0px to disable this setting. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-box-shadow-color " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_SHADOW_COLOR , __ ( " Box shadow color " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" box-shadow-color " => $this -> addColorSelection ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_SHADOW_COLOR ),
" notice-box-shadow-color " => __ ( " Empty color will use the default box shadow defined by your current theme. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
2014-10-01 20:57:16 +00:00
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
* Displays all settings for the hyperlink arrow .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function HyperlinkArrow () {
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " customize-hyperlink-arrow " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-symbol " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_HYPERLINK_ARROW , __ ( " Hyperlink symbol " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" symbol " => $this -> addSelectBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_HYPERLINK_ARROW , MCI_Footnotes_Convert :: getArrow ()),
" label-user-defined " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_HYPERLINK_ARROW_USER_DEFINED , __ ( " or enter a user defined symbol " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" user-defined " => $this -> addTextBox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_HYPERLINK_ARROW_USER_DEFINED ),
" comment " => __ ( " if set it overrides the hyperlink symbol above " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays the custom css box .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function CustomCSS () {
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " customize-css " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-css " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_CUSTOM_CSS , __ ( " Add custom CSS " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" css " => $this -> addTextArea ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_CUSTOM_CSS ),
" headline " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " Available CSS classes to customize the footnotes and the reference container " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
" label-class-1 " => " .footnote_plugin_tooltip_text " ,
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" class-1 " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " superscript, Footnotes index " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" label-class-2 " => " .footnote_tooltip " ,
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" class-2 " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " mouse-over box, tooltip for each superscript " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" label-class-3 " => " .footnote_plugin_index " ,
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" class-3 " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " 1st column of the Reference Container, Footnotes index " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" label-class-4 " => " .footnote_plugin_link " ,
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" class-4 " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " 2nd column of the Reference Container, Arrow / Hyperlink " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" label-class-5 " => " .footnote_plugin_text " ,
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
" class-5 " => $this -> addText ( __ ( " 3rd column of the Reference Container, Footnote text " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ))
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
* Displays available Hooks to look for Footnote short codes .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 5
public function lookupHooks () {
2014-10-11 12:27:00 +00:00
// load template file
2014-10-08 21:36:35 +00:00
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " expert-lookup " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" head-hook " => __ ( " WordPress hook function name " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" head-checkbox " => __ ( " Activate " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" head-url " => __ ( " WordPress documentation " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" label-the-title " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_TITLE , " the_title " ),
" the-title " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_TITLE ),
" url-the-title " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/the_title " ,
" label-the-content " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_CONTENT , " the_content " ),
" the-content " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_CONTENT ),
" url-the-content " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/the_content " ,
" label-the-excerpt " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_EXCERPT , " the_excerpt " ),
" the-excerpt " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_EXCERPT ),
" url-the-excerpt " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_excerpt " ,
" label-widget-title " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_WIDGET_TITLE , " widget_title " ),
" widget-title " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_WIDGET_TITLE ),
" url-widget-title " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/widget_title " ,
" label-widget-text " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_WIDGET_TEXT , " widget_text " ),
" widget-text " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_WIDGET_TEXT ),
" url-widget-text " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/widget_text " ,
" label-post-object " => $this -> addLabel ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_POST , " the_post " ),
" post-object " => $this -> addCheckbox ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_BOOL_EXPERT_LOOKUP_THE_POST ),
" url-post-object " => " http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/the_post "
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
* Displays a short introduction of the Plugin .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Help () {
global $g_obj_MCI_Footnotes ;
// load footnotes starting and end tag
$l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag = $this -> LoadSetting ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START );
$l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag = $this -> LoadSetting ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END );
if ( $l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag [ " value " ] == " userdefined " || $l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag [ " value " ] == " userdefined " ) {
// load user defined starting and end tag
$l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag = $this -> LoadSetting ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_START_USER_DEFINED );
$l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag = $this -> LoadSetting ( MCI_Footnotes_Settings :: C_STR_FOOTNOTES_SHORT_CODE_END_USER_DEFINED );
2014-11-15 13:48:12 +00:00
$l_str_Example = " Hello " . $l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag [ " value " ] .
" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, " .
" sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. " .
" Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, " .
" consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. " .
" At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. "
. $l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag [ " value " ] . " World! " ;
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " how-to-help " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" label-start " => __ ( " Start your footnote with the following short code: " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" start " => $l_arr_Footnote_StartingTag [ " value " ],
" label-end " => __ ( " ...and end your footnote with this short code: " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
" end " => $l_arr_Footnote_EndingTag [ " value " ],
" example-code " => $l_str_Example ,
2014-11-15 13:48:12 +00:00
" example-string " => " <br/> " . __ ( " will be displayed as: " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ),
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
" example " => $g_obj_MCI_Footnotes -> a_obj_Task -> exec ( $l_str_Example , true ),
" information " => sprintf ( __ ( " For further information please check out our %ssupport forum%s on WordPress.org. " , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME ), '<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/footnotes" target="_blank" class="footnote_plugin">' , '</a>' )
2014-10-13 17:06:54 +00:00
// call wp_head function to get the Styling of the mouse-over box
$g_obj_MCI_Footnotes -> a_obj_Task -> wp_head ();
2014-09-14 20:32:59 +00:00
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();
* Displays all Donate button to support the developers .
* @ author Stefan Herndler
* @ since 1.5 . 0
public function Donate () {
// load template file
$l_obj_Template = new MCI_Footnotes_Template ( MCI_Footnotes_Template :: C_STR_DASHBOARD , " how-to-donate " );
// replace all placeholders
$l_obj_Template -> replace (
array (
" caption " => __ ( 'Donate now' , MCI_Footnotes_Config :: C_STR_PLUGIN_NAME )
// display template with replaced placeholders
echo $l_obj_Template -> getContent ();