2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< h2 class = "phpdocumentor-content__title" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__extends" >
extends < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsGroup" > SettingsGroup< / abbr > < / a >
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2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 23< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Class defining the tooltip position settings.< / p >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
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< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
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< h3 id = "toc" >
Table of Contents
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< dl class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_offset_x' , ' name' => ' Horizontal Offset (alternative tooltips)' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for a leftwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => -50, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for alternative tooltip _x_-offset.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_offset_y' , ' name' => ' Vertical Offset (alternative tooltips)' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for an upwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => 24, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for alternative tooltip _y_-offset.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_position' , ' name' => ' Position (alternative Tooltips)' , ' default_value' => ' top right' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' select' , ' input_options' => array(' top left' => ' top left' , ' top right' => ' top right' , ' bottom right' => ' bottom right' , ' bottom left' => ' bottom left' )) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for alternative tooltip position.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_offset_x' , ' name' => ' Horizontal Offset' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for a leftwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => 0, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the _x_-offset.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_offset_y' , ' name' => ' Vertical Offset' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for an upwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => -7, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the _y_-offset.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_position' , ' name' => ' Position' , ' description' => ' The second column of settings boxes is for the alternative tooltips.' , ' default_value' => ' top center' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' select' , ' input_options' => array(' top left' => ' top left' , ' top center' => ' top center' , ' top right' => ' top right' , ' center right' => ' center right' , ' bottom right' => ' bottom right' , ' bottom center' => ' bottom center' , ' bottom left' => ' bottom left' , ' center left' => ' center left' )) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the position.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_ID" > GROUP_ID< / a >
< span >
= ' tooltip-position' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting group ID.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_NAME" > GROUP_NAME< / a >
< span >
= ' Tooltip Position' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting group name.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_options_group_slug" > $options_group_slug< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting options group slug.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_section_slug" > $section_slug< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting section slug.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_setting_classes" > $setting_classes< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The setting classes.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings" > $settings< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The settings in this group.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings_obj" > $settings_obj< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The plugin settings object.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method___construct" > __construct()< / a >
< span >
: mixed < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Constructs the settings section.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings_fields" > add_settings_fields()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Adds all the settings fields for this group to the admin. dashboard.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_options" > get_options()< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Creates an options group from the values of the settings in this section.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting" > get_setting()< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Retrieve a setting by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting_value" > get_setting_value()< / a >
< span >
: mixed < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Get a setting' s value by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_set_setting_value" > set_setting_value()< / a >
< span >
: bool < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Set a setting' s value by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_setting" > add_setting()< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Constructs settings from the provided details.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" > add_settings()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Add the settings for this settings group.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_dependencies" > load_dependencies()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Load the required dependencies.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_values" > load_values()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Load the values for this settings group.< / dd >
< / dl >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-constants" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "constants" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constants" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 126< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for alternative tooltip _x_-offset.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_offset_x' , ' name' => ' Horizontal Offset (alternative tooltips)' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for a leftwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => -50, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
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< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.2.5< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 165< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for alternative tooltip _y_-offset.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_offset_y' , ' name' => ' Vertical Offset (alternative tooltips)' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for an upwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => 24, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
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< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.5.5< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 85< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for alternative tooltip position.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_ALTERNATIVE_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_alternative_mouse_over_box_position' , ' name' => ' Position (alternative Tooltips)' , ' default_value' => ' top right' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' select' , ' input_options' => array(' top left' => ' top left' , ' top right' => ' top right' , ' bottom right' => ' bottom right' , ' bottom left' => ' bottom left' ))< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Fixed-width is for alternative tooltips, cannot reuse < code class = "prettyprint" > max-width< / code > nor offsets.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.2.5< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 108< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the _x_-offset.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_X< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_offset_x' , ' name' => ' Horizontal Offset' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for a leftwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => 0, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 1.5.7< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 147< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the _y_-offset.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_OFFSET_Y< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_offset_y' , ' name' => ' Vertical Offset' , ' description' => ' pixels; negative value for an upwards offset; alternative tooltips: direction depends on position' , ' default_value' => -7, ' type' => ' number' , ' input_type' => ' number' )< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The vertical offset must be negative for the box not to cover the current
line of text.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 1.5.7< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 55< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the mouse-over box to define the position.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_MOUSE_OVER_BOX_POSITION< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnote_inputfield_custom_mouse_over_box_position' , ' name' => ' Position' , ' description' => ' The second column of settings boxes is for the alternative tooltips.' , ' default_value' => ' top center' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' select' , ' input_options' => array(' top left' => ' top left' , ' top center' => ' top center' , ' top right' => ' top right' , ' center right' => ' center right' , ' bottom right' => ' bottom right' , ' bottom center' => ' bottom center' , ' bottom left' => ' bottom left' , ' center left' => ' center left' ))< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The default position should not be lateral because of the risk
the box gets squeezed between note anchor at line end and window edge,
and top because reading at the bottom of the window is more likely.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 1.5.7< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > ReferenceContainerSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_GROUP_ID" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_ID" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 31< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting group ID.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > GROUP_ID< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' tooltip-position' < / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_GROUP_NAME" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_NAME" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 40< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting group name.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > GROUP_NAME< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' Tooltip Position' < / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-properties" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "properties" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#properties" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_options_group_slug" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_options_group_slug" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 76< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting options group slug.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $options_group_slug< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_section_slug" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_section_slug" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 85< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting section slug.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $section_slug< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_setting_classes" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_setting_classes" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 52< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The setting classes.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $setting_classes< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_settings" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 61< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The settings in this group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $settings< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_settings_obj" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings_obj" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 93< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The plugin settings object.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $settings_obj< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > access< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > private< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-methods" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "methods" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#methods" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method___construct" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method___construct" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 68< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Constructs the settings section.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > __construct< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options_group_slug< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $section_slug< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $settings_obj< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options_group_slug< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $section_slug< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $settings_obj< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_settings_fields" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings_fields" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 183< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Adds all the settings fields for this group to the admin. dashboard.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_settings_fields< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-admin-layout-SettingsPage.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\admin\layout\SettingsPage" > SettingsPage< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $component< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $component< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-admin-layout-SettingsPage.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\admin\layout\SettingsPage" > SettingsPage< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The admin. dashboard settings page.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_options" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_options" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 216< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Creates an options group from the values of the settings in this section.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_options< / span > < span > (< / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsSection.html#method_get_options" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsSection::get_options()" > SettingsSection::get_options()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_setting" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 201< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Retrieve a setting by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_setting< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_get_setting" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::get_setting()" > Settings::get_setting()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_setting_value" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting_value" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 231< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Get a setting' s value by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_setting_value< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_get_setting_value" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::get_setting_value()" > Settings::get_setting_value()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_set_setting_value" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_set_setting_value" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 246< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Set a setting' s value by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > set_setting_value< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > mixed < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $value< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > bool< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $value< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > mixed< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_set_setting_value" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::set_setting_value()" > Settings::set_setting_value()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > bool< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_setting" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_setting" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 132< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Constructs settings from the provided details.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_setting< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The setting details.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The constructed setting object.< / p >
< / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_settings" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-referrersandtooltips-TooltipPositionSettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-referrers-and-tooltips-class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/referrers-and-tooltips/class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php" > class-tooltippositionsettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 179< / span >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Add the settings for this settings group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_settings< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> |false < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> |false< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Saved values for the settings in this group. 'False' if none exist.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsGroup::add_settings()" > SettingsGroup::add_settings()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_load_dependencies" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_dependencies" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 109< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Load the required dependencies.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > load_dependencies< / span > < span > (< / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Include the following files that provide the settings for this plugin:< / p >
< ul >
< li >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > : defines individual settings.< / li >
< / ul >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_load_values" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_values" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 163< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Load the values for this settings group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > load_values< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> |false < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> |false< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Saved values for the settings in this group. 'False' if none exist.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > todo< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Remove settings from options group when not found.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< / section >
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