2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -class" >
< h2 class = "phpdocumentor-content__title" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__extends" >
extends < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsGroup" > SettingsGroup< / abbr > < / a >
< / span >
< div class = "phpdocumentor-element__package" >
in package
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2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 23< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Class defining the hard links settings.< / p >
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< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h3 id = "toc" >
Table of Contents
< a href = "#toc" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTE_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" > FOOTNOTE_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_footnote_fragment_id_slug' , ' name' => ' Fragment Identifier Slug for Footnotes' , ' description' => ' This will show up in the address bar after clicking on a hard-linked footnote referrer.' , ' default_value' => ' f' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the fragment ID slug in footnotes.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_ENABLE" > FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_ENABLE< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_backlink_tooltip_enable' , ' name' => ' Enable Backlink Tooltips' , ' description' => ' Hard backlinks get ordinary tooltips hinting to use the backbutton instead to keep it usable.' , ' default_value' => true, ' type' => ' boolean' , ' input_type' => ' checkbox' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key to enable backlink tooltips.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_TEXT" > FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_TEXT< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_backlink_tooltip_text' , ' name' => ' Backlink Tooltip Text' , ' description' => ' Default text is the keyboard shortcut; may be a localized descriptive hint.' , ' default_value' => ' Alt + ←' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key to configure the backlink tooltip.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_HARD_LINKS_ENABLE" > FOOTNOTES_HARD_LINKS_ENABLE< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_hard_links_enable' , ' name' => ' Enable Hard Links' , ' description' => ' Hard links disable jQuery delays but have the same scroll offset, and allow to share footnotes (accessed if the list is not collapsed by default).' , ' default_value' => false, ' type' => ' boolean' , ' input_type' => ' checkbox' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key to enable hard links.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_ID" > GROUP_ID< / a >
< span >
= ' hard-links' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting group ID.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_NAME" > GROUP_NAME< / a >
< span >
= ' URL Fragment ID Configuration' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting group name.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_HARD_LINK_IDS_SEPARATOR" > HARD_LINK_IDS_SEPARATOR< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_hard_link_ids_separator' , ' name' => ' ID Separator' , ' description' => ' May be empty or any string, for example _, - or +, to distinguish post number, container number and footnote number.' , ' default_value' => ' +' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the ID separator in fragment IDs.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_REFERRER_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" > REFERRER_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG< / a >
< span >
= array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_referrer_fragment_id_slug' , ' name' => ' Fragment Identifier Slug for Footnote Referrers' , ' description' => ' This will show up in the address bar after clicking on a hard-linked backlink.' , ' default_value' => ' r' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' ) < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Settings container key for the fragment ID slug in referrers.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_options_group_slug" > $options_group_slug< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting options group slug.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_section_slug" > $section_slug< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Setting section slug.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_setting_classes" > $setting_classes< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The setting classes.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings" > $settings< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The settings in this group.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings_obj" > $settings_obj< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The plugin settings object.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method___construct" > __construct()< / a >
< span >
: mixed < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Constructs the settings section.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings_fields" > add_settings_fields()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Adds all the settings fields for this group to the admin. dashboard.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_options" > get_options()< / a >
< span >
: array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Creates an options group from the values of the settings in this section.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting" > get_setting()< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Retrieve a setting by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting_value" > get_setting_value()< / a >
< span >
: mixed < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Get a setting' s value by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_set_setting_value" > set_setting_value()< / a >
< span >
: bool < / span >
< / dt >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< dd > Set a setting' s value by its key.< / dd >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_setting" > add_setting()< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Constructs settings from the provided details.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" > add_settings()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Add the settings for this settings group.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_dependencies" > load_dependencies()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Load the required dependencies.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_values" > load_values()< / a >
< span >
: void < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Load the values for this settings group.< / dd >
< / dl >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-constants" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "constants" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constants" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTE_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTE_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 90< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the fragment ID slug in footnotes.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTE_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_footnote_fragment_id_slug' , ' name' => ' Fragment Identifier Slug for Footnotes' , ' description' => ' This will show up in the address bar after clicking on a hard-linked footnote referrer.' , ' default_value' => ' f' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.3.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_ENABLE" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_ENABLE" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 134< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key to enable backlink tooltips.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_ENABLE< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_backlink_tooltip_enable' , ' name' => ' Enable Backlink Tooltips' , ' description' => ' Hard backlinks get ordinary tooltips hinting to use the backbutton instead to keep it usable.' , ' default_value' => true, ' type' => ' boolean' , ' input_type' => ' checkbox' )< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > When hard links are enabled, clicks on the backlinks are logged in the
browsing history, along with clicks on the referrers.
This tooltip hints to use the backbutton instead, so the history gets
streamlined again.
See < a href = "https://wordpress.org/support/topic/making-it-amp-compatible/#post-13837359" > here< / a > for more information.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.5.4< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .
Convert setting data type from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > boolean< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_TEXT" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_TEXT" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 152< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key to configure the backlink tooltip.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_BACKLINK_TOOLTIP_TEXT< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_backlink_tooltip_text' , ' name' => ' Backlink Tooltip Text' , ' description' => ' Default text is the keyboard shortcut; may be a localized descriptive hint.' , ' default_value' => ' Alt + ←' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.5.4< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_FOOTNOTES_HARD_LINKS_ENABLE" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_FOOTNOTES_HARD_LINKS_ENABLE" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 54< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key to enable hard links.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > FOOTNOTES_HARD_LINKS_ENABLE< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_hard_links_enable' , ' name' => ' Enable Hard Links' , ' description' => ' Hard links disable jQuery delays but have the same scroll offset, and allow to share footnotes (accessed if the list is not collapsed by default).' , ' default_value' => false, ' type' => ' boolean' , ' input_type' => ' checkbox' )< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > When the alternative reference container is enabled, hard links are too.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.3.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .
Convert setting data type from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > boolean< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_GROUP_ID" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_ID" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 31< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting group ID.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > GROUP_ID< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' hard-links' < / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_GROUP_NAME" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_GROUP_NAME" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 40< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting group name.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > GROUP_NAME< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' URL Fragment ID Configuration' < / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_HARD_LINK_IDS_SEPARATOR" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_HARD_LINK_IDS_SEPARATOR" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 108< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the ID separator in fragment IDs.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > HARD_LINK_IDS_SEPARATOR< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_hard_link_ids_separator' , ' name' => ' ID Separator' , ' description' => ' May be empty or any string, for example _, - or +, to distinguish post number, container number and footnote number.' , ' default_value' => ' +' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.3.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_REFERRER_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#constant_REFERRER_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 72< / span >
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Settings container key for the fragment ID slug in referrers.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > REFERRER_FRAGMENT_ID_SLUG< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > array(' key' => ' footnotes_inputfield_referrer_fragment_id_slug' , ' name' => ' Fragment Identifier Slug for Footnote Referrers' , ' description' => ' This will show up in the address bar after clicking on a hard-linked backlink.' , ' default_value' => ' r' , ' type' => ' string' , ' input_type' => ' text' )< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.3.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Move from < code class = "prettyprint" > Settings< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > HardLinksSettingsGroup< / code > .
Convert from < code class = "prettyprint" > string< / code > to < code class = "prettyprint" > array< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-properties" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "properties" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#properties" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_options_group_slug" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_options_group_slug" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 76< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting options group slug.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $options_group_slug< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_section_slug" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_section_slug" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 85< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Setting section slug.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $section_slug< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_setting_classes" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_setting_classes" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 52< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The setting classes.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $setting_classes< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_settings" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 61< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The settings in this group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $settings< / span >
< / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_settings_obj" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#property_settings_obj" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 93< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The plugin settings object.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $settings_obj< / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > access< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > private< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-methods" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "methods" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#methods" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method___construct" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method___construct" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 68< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Constructs the settings section.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > __construct< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options_group_slug< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $section_slug< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $settings_obj< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options_group_slug< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $section_slug< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $settings_obj< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings" > Settings< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_settings_fields" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings_fields" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 183< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Adds all the settings fields for this group to the admin. dashboard.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_settings_fields< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-admin-layout-SettingsPage.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\admin\layout\SettingsPage" > SettingsPage< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $component< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $component< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-admin-layout-SettingsPage.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\admin\layout\SettingsPage" > SettingsPage< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The admin. dashboard settings page.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_options" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_options" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 216< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Creates an options group from the values of the settings in this section.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_options< / span > < span > (< / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsSection.html#method_get_options" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsSection::get_options()" > SettingsSection::get_options()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_setting" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 201< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Retrieve a setting by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_setting< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_get_setting" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::get_setting()" > Settings::get_setting()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > |null< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_get_setting_value" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_get_setting_value" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 231< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Get a setting' s value by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > get_setting_value< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_get_setting_value" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::get_setting_value()" > Settings::get_setting_value()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > mixed< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_set_setting_value" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_set_setting_value" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 246< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Set a setting' s value by its key.< / p >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > set_setting_value< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span > , < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > mixed < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $value< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > bool< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting_key< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > string< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $value< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > mixed< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-Settings.html#method_set_setting_value" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\Settings::set_setting_value()" > Settings::set_setting_value()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > bool< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_setting" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_setting" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 132< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Constructs settings from the provided details.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_setting< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $setting< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The setting details.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > The constructed setting object.< / p >
< / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_add_settings" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-general-HardLinksSettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-general-class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/general/class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php" > class-hardlinkssettingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 166< / span >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Add the settings for this settings group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > add_settings< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> |false < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> |false< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Saved values for the settings in this group. 'False' if none exist.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > see< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > < a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_add_settings" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\SettingsGroup::add_settings()" > SettingsGroup::add_settings()< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_load_dependencies" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_dependencies" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 109< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Load the required dependencies.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > load_dependencies< / span > < span > (< / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Include the following files that provide the settings for this plugin:< / p >
< ul >
< li >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-Setting.html" > < abbr title = "\footnotes\includes\settings\Setting" > Setting< / abbr > < / a > : defines individual settings.< / li >
< / ul >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_load_values" >
< a href = "classes/footnotes-includes-settings-SettingsGroup.html#method_load_values" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > < a href = "files/src-includes-settings-class-settingsgroup.html" > < abbr title = "src/includes/settings/class-settingsgroup.php" > class-settingsgroup.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
2021-08-09 11:49:15 +01:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 163< / span >
2021-08-09 11:27:33 +01:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Load the values for this settings group.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > load_values< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> |false < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $options< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string, mixed> |false< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Saved values for the settings in this group. 'False' if none exist.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
< a href = "#tags" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > since< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" > 2.8.0< / span >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > todo< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Remove settings from options group when not found.< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > void< / span >
< / article >
< / section >
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