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# footnotes Contributing Guidelines
This project welcomes contributions!
This document describes everything you need to know about working with this
## Table of Contents
* [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
* [Requesting Features and Reporting Bugs](#requesting-feature-and-reporting-bugs)
* [Development](#development)
* [Releases](#releases)
* [Translating](#translating)
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## Code of Conduct
Please read and ensure that you adhere to the project's [Code of Conduct][coc].
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## Requesting Features and Reporting Bugs
To request a new feature or to report a bug, create an [Issue][new-issue]:
* example templates are provided;
* if you are reporting a bug that has security implications, please see
the project [security guidelines][security].
## Development
### Version Control
Version control for this project uses [Git][git] for development and
[Apache Subversion][svn] for releases:
* The [development repository][dev-repo] is hosted on [GitHub][github]; and
* the [release repository][rel-repo] is hosted on the [WordPress Plugin Directory][wp-plugin-dir],
a Subversion repository hosted by the WordPress Plugins team:
* information on using the WordPress Plugin Directory can be found in the
[_WordPress Plugin Handbook_][wp-plugin-handbook].
#### Branching
This project uses the [GitHub Flow][github-flow] branching methodology:
* branch off of `main` to start developing (`git checkout -b <your branch>`);
* ensure that your new branch has a descriptive name (e.g., fix-foo-bug);
* create a remote copy of your new branch (`git push`);
* create a draft [pull request][new-pull-request] to merge your branch with `main`:
* tag any related or to-close Issues, Projects and Milestones:
* if any Issues are assigned to a Project board, this will automatically
move them into the In Progress bucket.
* assign the PR to yourself unless you have a good reason not to.
* when you think you're finished, un-draft your pull request:
* if the request is assigned to a Project board, this will automatically
move it and any related Issues into the Review in progress bucket.
#### Committing
This project uses the [Conventional Commits][conventional-commits] format for
commit messages:
* commit message formatting can be automatically enforced by using
* install it globally using `npm install -g commitizen`; then
* use `git cz` instead of `git commit`.
* please keep individual commits as small and atomic as possible.
### Configuration
The only configurable environment variable is the `PRODUCTION_ENV` flag in
`src/footnotes.php`. This should always be set to `false` on this repo, and is
automatically flipped during the release process.
### Code Formatting
This repo. uses [Husky][husky] to run pre-commit code formatting and linting
on all staged files. This ensures that only style-conformant code can be
committed (although this can be bypassed by passing the `--no-verify` argument
to your `git commit` command).
The individual commands used by Husky can also be called manually:
* Run `composer run format` to run all format commands.
* Run `composer run format:fix` to attempt to automatically fix all formatter warnings
and errors.
* Run `composer run lint` to run all linting commands.
* Run `composer run lint:fix` to attempt to automatically fix all linter warnings
and errors.
_NB: `npm` can also be used in place of `composer`._
#### PHP
PHP code must follow the [WordPress PHP Coding Standards][wpcs-php] and be
compatible with PHP 7.0+.
1. Run `composer run lint:php` to lint all PHP files with
[PHP CodeSniffer][phpcs]; and
1. run `composer run lint:php:fix` to attempt to automatically fix warnings and
errors using the PHP Code Beautifier and Formatter tool.
#### JavaScript
JavaScript code must follow the [WordPress JavaScript Coding Standards][wpcs-js].
JavaScript code targets the [ESNext][esnext] standard.
1. Run `composer run format:js` to format all JS files with [Prettier]
[prettier]; and
1. run `composer run format:js:fix` to attempt to automatically fix warnings and
1. Run `composer run lint:js` to lint all JS files with [ESLint][eslint]; and
1. run `composer run lint:js:fix` to attempt to automatically fix warnings and errors.
Prettier and ESLint configuration settings are found in `package.json`. Prettier
ignore rules are found in `.prettierignore`.
#### CSS
CSS stylesheets must follow the [WordPress CSS Coding Standards][wpcs-css].
1. Run `composer run lint:css` to lint all CSS files with [stylelint]
[stylelint]; and
1. run `composer run lint:css:fix` to attempt to automatically fix warnings and
stylelint configuration settings are found in `package.json`.
#### Markdown
* Run `composer run lint:md` to lint all Markdown files with [markdownLint]
[markdownlint]; and
* run `composer run lint:md:fix` to attempt to automatically fix warnings and errors.
#### HTML
Run `composer run lint:html` to lint all HTML files with [HTMLHint][htmlhint].
#### YAML
Run `composer run validate:yaml` to validate all YAML files with [yaml-validator][yaml-validator].
#### JSON
### Testing
## Documentation
This repo. uses [Husky][husky] to run pre-push documentation generation. This is
to guarantee that all HTML documentation on the remote repo. should be up-to-date,
but this step can be bypassed if necessary by passing the `--no-verify` flag to
the `git push` command.
### Tooling
HTML documentation of the codebase is generated using [phpDocumentor][phpdocumentor].
phpDocumentor configuration settings are found in `phpdoc.dist.xml`.
### Documenting
The codebase is documented using PHPDoc docblocks.
### Documentation Commands
| Command | Result |
| `composer run docs` | Regenerate HTML documentation. |
## Releases
Only Project Collaborators can issue new releases.
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### Versioning
This project uses [WordPress Versioning][wpver] for version numbering (as of 2.7).
### Building
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Run `composer run build` to build the Plugin.
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### Releasing
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Run `composer run release` to run use the release handler:
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* this is still a WIP!
* TODO: move to a GitHub Action so that the only way of handling a release is to
create one on GitHub:
* TODO: create separate pre-release and non-pre-release Actions
## Translating
Translations are welcome!