' . $html . ''; } /** * Check if oEmbed is a `$video_patterns` provider video before wrapping. * * @return string */ function jetpack_responsive_videos_maybe_wrap_oembed( $html, $url = null ) { if ( empty( $html ) || ! is_string( $html ) || ! $url ) { return $html; } $jetpack_video_wrapper = '
'; $already_wrapped = strpos( $html, $jetpack_video_wrapper ); // If the oEmbed has already been wrapped, return the html. if ( false !== $already_wrapped ) { return $html; } /** * oEmbed Video Providers. * * A whitelist of oEmbed video provider Regex patterns to check against before wrapping the output. * * @module theme-tools * * @since 3.8.0 * * @param array $video_patterns oEmbed video provider Regex patterns. */ $video_patterns = apply_filters( 'jetpack_responsive_videos_oembed_videos', array( 'https?://((m|www)\.)?youtube\.com/watch', 'https?://((m|www)\.)?youtube\.com/playlist', 'https?://youtu\.be/', 'https?://(.+\.)?vimeo\.com/', 'https?://(www\.)?dailymotion\.com/', 'https?://dai.ly/', 'https?://(www\.)?hulu\.com/watch/', 'https?://wordpress.tv/', 'https?://(www\.)?funnyordie\.com/videos/', 'https?://vine.co/v/', 'https?://(www\.)?collegehumor\.com/video/', 'https?://(www\.|embed\.)?ted\.com/talks/' ) ); // Merge patterns to run in a single preg_match call. $video_patterns = '(' . implode( '|', $video_patterns ) . ')'; $is_video = preg_match( $video_patterns, $url ); // If the oEmbed is a video, wrap it in the responsive wrapper. if ( false === $already_wrapped && 1 === $is_video ) { return jetpack_responsive_videos_embed_html( $html ); } return $html; }