site_key = $site_key; $this->secret_key = $secret_key; $this->config = wp_parse_args( $config, $this->get_default_config() ); $this->error_codes = array( 'missing-input-secret' => __( 'The secret parameter is missing', 'jetpack' ), 'invalid-input-secret' => __( 'The secret parameter is invalid or malformed', 'jetpack' ), 'missing-input-response' => __( 'The response parameter is missing', 'jetpack' ), 'invalid-input-response' => __( 'The response parameter is invalid or malformed', 'jetpack' ), 'invalid-json' => __( 'Invalid JSON', 'jetpack' ), 'unexpected-response' => __( 'Unexpected response', 'jetpack' ), ); } /** * Get default config for this reCAPTCHA instance. * * @return array Default config */ public function get_default_config() { return array( 'language' => get_locale(), 'script_async' => true, 'tag_class' => 'g-recaptcha', 'tag_attributes' => array( 'theme' => 'light', 'type' => 'image', 'tabindex' => 0, ), ); } /** * Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify whether the user passes * CAPTCHA test. * * @param string $response The value of 'g-recaptcha-response' in the submitted * form. * @param string $remote_ip The end user's IP address. * * @return bool|WP_Error Returns true if verified. Otherwise WP_Error is returned. */ public function verify( $response, $remote_ip ) { // No need make a request if response is empty. if ( empty( $response ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing-input-response', $this->error_codes['missing-input-response'], 400 ); } $resp = wp_remote_post( self::VERIFY_URL, $this->get_verify_request_params( $response, $remote_ip ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $resp ) ) { return $resp; } $resp_decoded = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $resp ), true ); if ( ! $resp_decoded ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid-json', $this->error_codes['invalid-json'], 400 ); } // Default error code and message. $error_code = 'unexpected-response'; $error_message = $this->error_codes['unexpected-response']; // Use the first error code if exists. if ( isset( $resp_decoded['error-codes'] ) && is_array( $resp_decoded['error-codes'] ) ) { if ( isset( $resp_decoded['error-codes'][0] ) && isset( $this->error_codes[ $resp_decoded['error-codes'][0] ] ) ) { $error_message = $this->error_codes[ $resp_decoded['error-codes'][0] ]; $error_code = $resp_decoded['error-codes'][0]; } } if ( ! isset( $resp_decoded['success'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( $error_code, $error_message ); } if ( true !== $resp_decoded['success'] ) { return new WP_Error( $error_code, $error_message ); } return true; } /** * Get siteverify request parameters. * * @param string $response The value of 'g-recaptcha-response' in the submitted * form. * @param string $remote_ip The end user's IP address. * * @return array */ public function get_verify_request_params( $response, $remote_ip ) { return array( 'body' => array( 'secret' => $this->secret_key, 'response' => $response, 'remoteip' => $remote_ip, ), 'sslverify' => true, ); } /** * Get reCAPTCHA HTML to render. * * @return string */ public function get_recaptcha_html() { return sprintf( '
', esc_attr( $this->config['tag_class'] ), esc_attr( $this->site_key ), esc_attr( $this->config['tag_attributes']['theme'] ), esc_attr( $this->config['tag_attributes']['type'] ), esc_attr( $this->config['tag_attributes']['tabindex'] ), rawurlencode( $this->config['language'] ), $this->config['script_async'] ? ' async' : '' ); } }