/* global jpConnection, jQuery */ (function( $, jpConnection ) { /////////////////////////////////////// // INIT /////////////////////////////////////// var data = { 'jetpackIsActive' : jpConnection.jetpackIsActive, 'isAdmin' : jpConnection.isAdmin, 'otherAdminsLinked' : jpConnection.otherAdminsLinked, 'stats_urls' : jpConnection.my_jetpack_stats_urls, 'masterUser' : jpConnection.masterUser, 'masterUserLink' : jpConnection.masterUser.masterUserLink, 'currentUser' : jpConnection.currentUser }; $( document ).ready(function () { renderPageTemplate( data ); // Set someone as master. $( '#change-primary-btn' ).click( function() { $( '#change-primary-btn' ).hide(); $( '#user-list' ).show(); $( '#save-primary-btn' ).show(); //Log My Jetpack event "change primary" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.change_primary; }); // Hide the success message after a little bit setTimeout( function(){ jQuery( '.jetpack-message:not( .stay-visible, .jetpack-err )' ).hide( 600 ); }, 6000); }); function renderPageTemplate( data ) { $( '#my-jetpack-page-template' ).html( wp.template( 'connection-page' )( data ) ); // Save the focused element, then shift focus to the modal window. confirmJetpackDisconnect(); } /* The function used to display the disconnect confirmation and support buttons */ function confirmJetpackDisconnect() { if ( window.location.hash.substr( '#disconnect' ) ) { $( '#jetpack-disconnect-content' ).show(); $( '#my-jetpack-content, .my-jetpack-actions' ).hide(); //Log My Jetpack event "wants to disconnect Jetpack" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.disconnect_site; } $( '#jetpack-disconnect' ).click( function() { $( '#jetpack-disconnect-content' ).show(); $( '#my-jetpack-content, .my-jetpack-actions' ).hide(); //Log My Jetpack event "wants to disconnect Jetpack" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.disconnect_site; }); $( '#cancel-disconnect' ).click( function() { event.preventDefault(); $( '#jetpack-disconnect-content' ).hide(); $( '#my-jetpack-content, .my-jetpack-actions' ).show(); //Log My Jetpack event "decided not to disconnect Jetpack" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.cancel_disconnect; }); $( '#jetpack-disconnect-content #support-no-disconnect' ).click( function() { //Log My Jetpack event "get support instead of disconnecting site" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.support_no_disconnect; }); $( '#jetpack-disconnect-content #confirm-disconnect' ).click( function() { //Log My Jetpack event "confirm the disconnecting of a the site" in MC Stats new Image().src = data.stats_urls.confirm_disconnect; }); } })( jQuery, jpConnection );