/* jshint onevar: false,  smarttabs: true */
/* global tb_show, tb_pathToImage, ajaxurl, tb_init, tb_remove */
/* global myblogsResponse, publicizeConnTestStart:true, publicizeConnTestComplete:true, publicizeConnRefreshClick:true */

var showOptionsPage;

jQuery( function( $ ) {

	showOptionsPage = function( service, nonce, connection, blogId ) {
		tb_show( null, null, null );
		$('body').append( '<div id=\'TB_load\'><img src=\'' + tb_pathToImage + '\' /></div>' );

		var query = '';
		if ( connection ) {
			query += '&connection=' + encodeURIComponent( connection );
		if ( 'undefined' !== typeof( blogId ) && blogId ) {
			query += '&blog_id=' + Number( blogId );

		$.post( ajaxurl, 'action=publicize_' + service + '_options_page&_wpnonce=' + nonce + query, function( response ) {

			try {
				var obj = jQuery.parseJSON( response );
				if ( obj && 'object' === typeof( obj ) ) {
					if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( 'fb_redirect' ) ) {
						location.href = obj.fb_redirect + '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent( location.href );
			} catch (err) {
				// Do nothing and move on

			if ( response ) {
				var blogID = $( 'input[name=wpas_ajax_blog_id]' ).val();

				var message = $( '<div id="wpas-ajax-' + blogID + '" class="wrap"></div>' ).append( response );
				message.append( '<a href="#TB_inline?thickbox&height=420&width=555&inlineId=wpas-ajax-' + blogID + '" id="wpas-click-' + blogID + '" class="new-thickbox" style="display: none;"></a>' );
				$('#wpas-message').html( message );

				tb_init( 'a.new-thickbox' );
				$('#wpas-click-' + blogID).click();

				var tb_height = parseInt( $('#TB_ajaxContent').css('height'), 10 );
				var content_height = $('#thickbox-content').height();
				if ( content_height < tb_height ) {
					var new_height = content_height + 15;
					$('#TB_ajaxContent').css( 'height', new_height );

					var new_margin = parseInt( $('#TB_window').css( 'margin-top'), 10 ) + (tb_height - new_height) / 2 + 'px';
					$('#TB_window').css( 'margin-top',  new_margin);

				$('.save-options').unbind('click').click( function() {
					var sel = $( 'input[name=\'option\']:checked' );
					var global = $( 'input[name=\'global\']:checked' );

					var connection = $(this).data('connection');
					var token = encodeURIComponent( sel.val() );
					var id = encodeURIComponent( sel.attr( 'id' ) );
					var type = encodeURIComponent( sel.attr( 'data-type' ) );
					var nonce = $(this).attr('rel');
					var global_conn = 'off';
					var global_nonce = '';

					if ( global.length ) {
						global_conn = 'on';
						global_nonce = global.val();

					$.post( ajaxurl, 'action=publicize_'+ service + '_options_save&connection=' + connection + '&selected_id=' + id + '&token=' + token + '&type=' + type + '&_wpnonce=' + nonce + '&global=' + global_conn + '&global_nonce=' + global_nonce, function( /*response*/ ) {
						var frameNonce;
						frameNonce = document.location.search.match( /frame-nonce=([^&]+)/ );
						if ( /inside-newdash=1/.test( document.location.search ) && frameNonce ) {
							document.location = 'options-general.php?page=sharing&inside-newdash=1&frame-nonce' + frameNonce[1];
						} else {
							top.location = 'options-general.php?page=sharing';
					} );

				} );

		}, 'html' );

	$( 'body' ).append( '<div id="wpas-message" style="display: none"></div>' );

	$( '.wpas-posts' ).change( function() {
		var inputs = $(this).parents( 'td:first' ).find( ':input' );
		var _this = this;
		var blogID = inputs.filter( '[name=wpas_ajax_blog_id]' ).val();

		$( '#waiting_' + blogID ).show();
		$.post( ajaxurl, inputs.serialize() + '&action=wpas_post', function( response ) { myblogsResponse.call( _this, blogID, response ); }, 'html' );
	} );

	$( '.options' ).unbind('click').bind( 'click', function(e) {

		var service = $(this).attr('class').replace( 'options ', '' );

		var blogId = null;
		if ( 'undefined' !== typeof( $(this).attr('id') ) ) {
			blogId = parseInt( $(this).attr('id').replace( 'options-', '' ), 10 );

		var nonce = $(this).attr('href').replace( '#nonce=', '' );
		var connection = $(this).data( 'connection' );
		showOptionsPage.call( this, service, nonce, connection, blogId );

	  * Kicks off tests for all connections
	publicizeConnTestStart = function() {
		$( '.pub-connection-test' )
			.addClass( 'test-in-progress' );
		$.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'test_publicize_conns' }, publicizeConnTestComplete );

	publicizeConnRefreshClick = function( event ) {
		var popupURL = event.currentTarget.href;
		var popupTitle = event.currentTarget.title;
		// open a popup window
		// when it is closed, kick off the tests again
		var popupWin = window.open( popupURL, popupTitle, '' );
		var popupWinTimer= window.setInterval( function() {
			if ( popupWin.closed !== false ) {
				window.clearInterval( popupWinTimer );
		}, 500 );

	publicizeConnTestComplete = function( response ) {
		$( '.pub-connection-test' ).removeClass( 'test-in-progress' );

		$.each( response.data, function( index, testResult ) {
			// find the li for this connection
			var testSelector = '#pub-connection-test-' + testResult.connectionID;
			if ( testResult.connectionTestPassed ) {
				$( testSelector )
					.addClass( 'test-passed' )
					.html( '' )
					.removeClass( 'test-failed' );
			} else {
				$( testSelector )
					.addClass( 'test-failed' )
					.html( '<p><span class="pub-connection-error">' + testResult.connectionTestMessage + '</span></p>' )
					.removeClass( 'test-passed' );

				if ( testResult.userCanRefresh ) {
					$( testSelector )
						.append( '<br/>' );
					$( '<a/>', {
						'class'  : 'pub-refresh-button button',
						'title'  : testResult.refreshText,
						'href'   : testResult.refreshURL,
						'text'   : testResult.refreshText,
						'target' : '_refresh_' + testResult.serviceName
					} )
						.appendTo( testSelector )
						.click( publicizeConnRefreshClick );
		} );

	$( document ).ready( function() {
		// If we have at least one .pub-connection-test div present, kick off the connection test
		if ( $( '.pub-connection-test' ).length ) {
	} );

} );