<?php include_once( 'class.jetpack-admin-page.php' ); include_once( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'class.jetpack-modules-list-table.php' ); // Builds the My Jetpack page class Jetpack_My_Jetpack_Page extends Jetpack_Admin_Page { // Show the settings page only when Jetpack is connected or in dev mode protected $dont_show_if_not_active = true; function add_page_actions( $hook ) {} // There are no page specific actions to attach to the menu // Adds the My Jetpack page, but hides it from the submenu function get_page_hook() { return add_submenu_page( null, __( 'My Jetpack', 'jetpack' ), __( 'My Jetpack', 'jetpack' ), 'jetpack_connect_user', 'my_jetpack', array( $this, 'render' ) ); } // Renders the view file function page_render() { Jetpack::init()->load_view( 'admin/my-jetpack-page.php' ); //My Jetpack view tracking, send to MC Stats Jetpack::init()->stat( 'admin', 'my-jetpack' ); Jetpack::init()->do_stats( 'server_side' ); } /* * Handle the change in master user */ function jetpack_my_jetpack_change_user() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['_my_jetpack_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_my_jetpack_nonce'], 'jetpack_change_primary_user' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Failed permissions, please try again.', 'jetpack' ) ); exit; } if ( isset( $_POST['jetpack-new-master'] ) ) { $old_master_user = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'master_user' ); $new_master_user = $_POST['jetpack-new-master']; $user_token = Jetpack_Data::get_access_token( $new_master_user ); $is_user_connected = $user_token && ! is_wp_error( $user_token ); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && $is_user_connected ) { Jetpack::log( 'switch_master_user', array( 'old_master' => $old_master_user, 'new_master' => $new_master_user ) ); Jetpack_Options::update_option( 'master_user', $new_master_user ); Jetpack::state( 'message', 'switch_master' ); //My Jetpack primary user successfully changed, send to MC Stats Jetpack::init()->stat( 'admin', 'change-primary-successful' ); Jetpack::init()->do_stats( 'server_side' ); // Change the blog owner dotcom side $this->wpcom_switch_blog_owner( $new_master_user ); } } } /* * Tell wpcom that the master user has switched * so we can update the 'wpcom_blog_owner' */ function wpcom_switch_blog_owner( $new_master ) { $request = array( 'new_blog_owner' => $new_master ); // Tell wpcom about the change Jetpack::load_xml_rpc_client(); $xml = new Jetpack_IXR_Client( array( 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), ) ); $xml->query( 'jetpack.switchBlogOwner', $request ); } /* * Checks to see if there are any other users available to become primary * Users must both: * - Be linked to wpcom * - Be an admin * * @return bool */ function jetpack_are_other_users_linked_and_admin() { // If only one admin $all_users = count_users(); if ( 2 > $all_users['avail_roles']['administrator'] ) { return false; } $users = get_users(); $available = array(); // If no one else is linked to dotcom foreach ( $users as $user ) { if ( isset( $user->caps['administrator'] ) && Jetpack::is_user_connected( $user->ID ) ) { $available[] = $user->ID; } } if ( 2 > count( $available ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* * All the data we'll need about the Master User * for the My Jetpack page template * * @return array */ function jetpack_master_user_data() { // If the master user has disappeared, none of this is useful. // @todo throw up a warning and offer a solution $master = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'master_user' ); if ( ! get_user_by( 'id', $master ) ) { return false; } $master_user = get_userdata( $master ); $master_user_data_com = Jetpack::get_connected_user_data( $master_user->ID ); $gravatar = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_edit_user_link( $master_user->ID ), get_avatar( $master_user->ID, 40 ) ); $master_user_data = array( 'masterUser' => $master_user, 'masterDataCom' => $master_user_data_com, 'gravatar' => $gravatar, ); return $master_user_data; } /* * All the data we'll need about the Current User * * @return array */ function jetpack_current_user_data() { global $current_user; $is_master_user = $current_user->ID == Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'master_user' ); $dotcom_data = Jetpack::get_connected_user_data(); $current_user_data = array( 'isUserConnected' => Jetpack::is_user_connected( $current_user->ID ), 'isMasterUser' => $is_master_user, 'adminUsername' => $current_user->user_login, 'userComData' => $dotcom_data, 'gravatar' => sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_edit_user_link( $current_user->ID ), get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 40 ) ), ); return $current_user_data; } /* * Build an array of My Jetpack stats urls. * requires the build URL args passed as an array * * @param array $my_jetpack_stats * @return (array) of built stats urls */ function build_my_jetpack_stats_urls( $my_jetpack_stats ) { $my_jetpack_urls = array(); foreach ( $my_jetpack_stats as $value ) { $my_jetpack_urls[ $value ] = Jetpack::build_stats_url( array( 'x_jetpack-admin' => $value ) ); } return $my_jetpack_urls; } // Load up admin scripts function page_admin_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'jp-connection-js', plugins_url( '_inc/jp-my-jetpack.js', JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), array( 'jquery', 'wp-util' ), JETPACK__VERSION . 'yep' ); wp_localize_script( 'jp-connection-js', 'jpConnection', array( 'jetpackIsActive' => Jetpack::is_active(), 'isAdmin' => current_user_can( 'jetpack_manage_modules' ), 'otherAdminsLinked' => $this->jetpack_are_other_users_linked_and_admin(), 'masterUser' => $this->jetpack_master_user_data(), 'currentUser' => $this->jetpack_current_user_data(), 'my_jetpack_stats_urls' => $this->build_my_jetpack_stats_urls( array( 'change_primary', 'disconnect_site', 'confirm_disconnect', 'support_no_disconnect', 'cancel_disconnect' ) ), 'alertText' => __( 'You must link another admin account before switching primary account holders.', 'jetpack' ), ) ); } }