<?php /** * @autounit nosara tracks-client * * Example Usage: ```php require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . 'path/to/tracks/class.tracks-event' ); $event = new Jetpack_Tracks_Event( array( '_en' => $event_name, // required '_ui' => $user_id, // required unless _ul is provided '_ul' => $user_login, // required unless _ui is provided // Optional, but recommended '_via_ip' => $client_ip, // for geo, etc. // Possibly useful to set some context for the event '_via_ua' => $client_user_agent, '_via_url' => $client_url, '_via_ref' => $client_referrer, // For user-targeted tests 'abtest_name' => $abtest_name, 'abtest_variation' => $abtest_variation, // Your application-specific properties 'custom_property' => $some_value, ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $event->error ) ) { // Handle the error in your app } $bump_and_redirect_pixel = $event->build_signed_pixel_url(); ``` */ require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/class.tracks-client.php' ); class Jetpack_Tracks_Event { const EVENT_NAME_REGEX = '/^(([a-z0-9]+)_){2}([a-z0-9_]+)$/'; const PROP_NAME_REGEX = '/^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/'; public $error; function __construct( $event ) { $_event = self::validate_and_sanitize( $event ); if ( is_wp_error( $_event ) ) { $this->error = $_event; return; } foreach( $_event as $key => $value ) { $this->{$key} = $value; } } function record() { return Jetpack_Tracks_Client::record_event( $this ); } /** * Annotate the event with all relevant info. * @param mixed $event Object or (flat) array * @return mixed The transformed event array or WP_Error on failure. */ static function validate_and_sanitize( $event ) { $event = (object) $event; // Required if ( ! $event->_en ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_event', 'A valid event must be specified via `_en`', 400 ); } // delete non-routable addresses otherwise geoip will discard the record entirely if ( property_exists( $event, '_via_ip' ) && preg_match( '/^192\.168|^10\./', $event->_via_ip ) ) { unset($event->_via_ip); } $validated = array( 'browser_type' => Jetpack_Tracks_Client::BROWSER_TYPE, '_aua' => Jetpack_Tracks_Client::get_user_agent(), ); $_event = (object) array_merge( (array) $event, $validated ); // If you want to blacklist property names, do it here. // Make sure we have an event timestamp. if ( ! isset( $_event->_ts ) ) { $_event->_ts = Jetpack_Tracks_Client::build_timestamp(); } return $_event; } /** * Build a pixel URL that will send a Tracks event when fired. * On error, returns an empty string (''). * * @return string A pixel URL or empty string ('') if there were invalid args. */ function build_pixel_url() { if ( $this->error ) { return ''; } $args = get_object_vars( $this ); // Request Timestamp and URL Terminator must be added just before the HTTP request or not at all. unset( $args['_rt'] ); unset( $args['_'] ); $validated = self::validate_and_sanitize( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $validated ) ) return ''; return Jetpack_Tracks_Client::PIXEL . '?' . http_build_query( $validated ); } static function event_name_is_valid( $name ) { return preg_match( Jetpack_Tracks_Event::EVENT_NAME_REGEX, $name ); } static function prop_name_is_valid( $name ) { return preg_match( Jetpack_Tracks_Event::PROP_NAME_REGEX, $name ); } static function scrutinize_event_names( $event ) { if ( ! Jetpack_Tracks_Event::event_name_is_valid( $event->_en ) ) { return; } $whitelisted_key_names = array( 'anonId', 'Browser_Type', ); foreach ( array_keys( (array) $event ) as $key ) { if ( in_array( $key, $whitelisted_key_names ) ) { continue; } if ( ! Jetpack_Tracks_Event::prop_name_is_valid( $key ) ) { return; } } } }