<?php require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class.json-api-site-jetpack-base.php'; // this code runs on Jetpack (.org) sites class Jetpack_Site extends Abstract_Jetpack_Site { protected function get_mock_option( $name ) { return get_option( 'jetpack_'.$name ); } protected function get_constant( $name ) { if ( defined( $name) ) { return constant( $name ); } return null; } protected function current_theme_supports( $feature_name ) { return current_theme_supports( $feature_name ); } protected function get_theme_support( $feature_name ) { return get_theme_support( $feature_name ); } protected function get_updates() { return (array) Jetpack::get_updates(); } function get_id() { return $this->platform->token->blog_id; } function has_videopress() { // TODO - this only works on wporg site - need to detect videopress option for remote Jetpack site on WPCOM $videopress = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'videopress', array() ); if ( isset( $videopress['blog_id'] ) && $videopress['blog_id'] > 0 ) { return true; } return false; } function upgraded_filetypes_enabled() { return true; } function is_mapped_domain() { return true; } function is_redirect() { return false; } function is_following() { return false; } function has_wordads() { // TODO: any way to detect wordads on the site, or does it need to be modified on the way through? return false; } function get_frame_nonce() { return false; } function allowed_file_types() { $allowed_file_types = array(); // http://codex.wordpress.org/Uploading_Files $mime_types = get_allowed_mime_types(); foreach ( $mime_types as $type => $mime_type ) { $extras = explode( '|', $type ); foreach ( $extras as $extra ) { $allowed_file_types[] = $extra; } } return $allowed_file_types; } function is_private() { return false; } function get_plan() { return false; } function get_subscribers_count() { return 0; // special magic fills this in on the WPCOM side } function get_capabilities() { return false; } function get_locale() { return get_bloginfo( 'language' ); } function get_icon() { if ( function_exists( 'jetpack_site_icon_url' ) && function_exists( 'jetpack_photon_url' ) ) { return array( 'img' => (string) jetpack_photon_url( jetpack_site_icon_url( get_current_blog_id() , 80 ), array( 'w' => 80 ), 'https' ), 'ico' => (string) jetpack_photon_url( jetpack_site_icon_url( get_current_blog_id() , 16 ), array( 'w' => 16 ), 'https' ), ); } return null; } function is_jetpack() { return true; } protected function get_jetpack_version() { return JETPACK__VERSION; } function get_ak_vp_bundle_enabled() {} }