<?php abstract class WPCOM_JSON_API_Taxonomy_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Endpoint { public $category_object_format = array( 'ID' => '(int) The category ID.', 'name' => "(string) The name of the category.", 'slug' => "(string) The slug of the category.", 'description' => '(string) The description of the category.', 'post_count' => "(int) The number of posts using this category.", 'parent' => "(int) The parent ID for the category.", 'meta' => '(object) Meta data', ); public $tag_object_format = array( 'ID' => '(int) The tag ID.', 'name' => "(string) The name of the tag.", 'slug' => "(string) The slug of the tag.", 'description' => '(string) The description of the tag.', 'post_count' => "(int) The number of posts using this t.", 'meta' => '(object) Meta data', ); function __construct( $args ) { parent::__construct( $args ); if ( preg_match( '#/tags/#i', $this->path ) ) $this->response_format =& $this->tag_object_format; else $this->response_format =& $this->category_object_format; } }