/* jshint devel: true, onevar: false, smarttabs: true */ /* global AtD, QTags, AtD_l10n_r0ar, edButtons, edButton, switchEditors, AtD_unbind_proofreader_listeners */ /* exported AtD_unbind_proofreader_listeners */ var AtD_qtbutton, autosave; /* convienence method to restore the text area from the preview div */ function AtD_restore_text_area() { var content; /* swap the preview div for the textarea, notice how I have to restore the appropriate class/id/style attributes */ if( jQuery('#atd-content').get(0) ) { AtD.remove('atd-content'); content = jQuery('#atd-content').html(); } else { AtD.remove('content'); content = jQuery('#content').html(); } if ( navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) { content = content.replace(/<BR.*?class.*?atd_remove_me.*?>/gi, '\n'); } // Remove emoji replacement images if ( typeof window.twemoji !== 'undefined' ) { content = content.replace( /<img [^>]+>/g, function( img ) { // The images should have class containing 'emoji' if ( img.indexOf( 'emoji' ) !== -1 ) { var alt = img.match( /alt="([^"]+)"/ ); if ( alt && alt[1] && window.twemoji.test( alt[1] ) ) { return alt[1]; } } return img; }); } // jQuery('#content').replaceWith( AtD.content_canvas ); jQuery('#content').val( content.replace(/\<\;/g, '<').replace(/\>\;/g, '>').replace(/\&/g, '&') ) .height(AtD.height) .show(); jQuery('#atd-content').remove(); if ( AtD_qtbutton ) { /* change the link text back to its original label */ jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).val( AtD.getLang('button_proofread', 'proofread') ); jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).css({ 'color' : '#464646' }); /* enable the toolbar buttons */ jQuery( AtD_qtbutton ).siblings('input').andSelf().attr( 'disabled', false ); } /* restore autosave */ if ( AtD.autosave !== undefined ) { if ( window.wp && window.wp.autosave && window.wp.autosave.server ) { window.wp.autosave.local.resume && window.wp.autosave.local.resume(); window.wp.autosave.server.resume && window.wp.autosave.server.resume(); } else { autosave = AtD.autosave; } } } // add the AtD button properly to quicktags if ( typeof(QTags) !== 'undefined' && QTags.addButton ) { jQuery(document).ready(function(){ QTags.addButton( 'AtD', AtD_l10n_r0ar.button_proofread, AtD_check ); }); } else { edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_AtD', 'AtD', '', '', ''); jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#ed_AtD').replaceWith('<input type="button" id="ed_AtD" accesskey="" class="ed_button" onclick="AtD_check(this);" value="' + AtD_l10n_r0ar.button_proofread + '" />'); }); } function AtD_restore_if_proofreading() { if ( AtD_qtbutton && jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).val() === AtD.getLang('button_edit_text', 'edit text') ) { AtD_restore_text_area(); } } function AtD_unbind_proofreader_listeners() { jQuery('#save-post, #post-preview, #publish, #edButtonPreview').unbind('focus', AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); jQuery('#add_poll, #add_image, #add_video, #add_audio, #add_media').unbind('click', AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); jQuery('#post').unbind('submit', AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); } function AtD_bind_proofreader_listeners() { jQuery('#save-post, #post-preview, #publish, #edButtonPreview').focus( AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); jQuery('#add_poll, #add_image, #add_video, #add_audio, #add_media').click( AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); jQuery('#post').submit( AtD_restore_if_proofreading ); } /* where the magic happens, checks the spelling or restores the form */ function AtD_check(button) { var callback, divHeight; if ( jQuery.isFunction( button ) ) { callback = button; if ( !AtD_qtbutton ) { AtD_qtbutton = jQuery( '#qt_content_AtD, #ed_AtD' ).get( 0 ); } } else { if ( !button.id ) { button = button[0]; } AtD_qtbutton = button; } if ( !jQuery('#content').size() ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof callback ) { callback( 0 ); } AtD_restore_if_proofreading(); return; } /* If the text of the link says edit comment, then restore the textarea so the user can edit the text */ if ( jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).val() === AtD.getLang('button_edit_text', 'edit text') ) { AtD_restore_text_area(); } else { // Disable editor expand/scroll if ( window.editorExpand && jQuery( '#postdivrich' ).hasClass( 'wp-editor-expand' ) ) { AtD.wpEditorExpand = true; // window.editorExpand.off && window.editorExpand.off(); } else { AtD.wpEditorExpand = false; } /* initialize some of the stuff related to this plugin */ if ( ! AtD.height ) { AtD.height = jQuery('#content').height(); AtD_bind_proofreader_listeners(); /* make it so clicking the Visual button works when AtD is active */ jQuery('#edButtonPreview').attr( 'onclick', null ).click( function() { AtD_restore_if_proofreading(); switchEditors.go( 'content', 'tinymce' ); }); /* saved the textarea as we need to restore the original one for the toolbar to continue to function properly */ AtD.content_canvas = jQuery('#content'); /* store the autosave, we're going to make it empty during spellcheck to prevent auto saved text from being over written with empty text */ AtD.autosave = autosave; } else { // Update the height AtD.height = jQuery('#content').height(); } /* set the spell check link to a link that lets the user edit the text */ /* disable the button to prevent a race condition where content is deleted if proofread is clicked with a check in progress. */ jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).css({ 'color' : 'red' }).val( AtD.getLang('button_edit_text', 'edit text') ).attr('disabled', true); /* replace the div */ var $replacement, $textarea = jQuery('#content'), text = $textarea.val().replace( /\&/g, '&' ).replace( /</g, '<' ).replace( /\>/g, '>' ), fontFamily = $textarea.css('font-family'), fontSize = $textarea.css('font-size'), lineHeight = $textarea.css('line-height'); if ( navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) { text = text.replace( /[\n\r\f]/gm, '<BR class="atd_remove_me">' ); } $replacement = jQuery( '<div class="input" id="atd-content">' + text + '</div>' ); $textarea.after( $replacement ).hide(); divHeight = AtD.height; // AtD disables resizing of the Text editor, normalize the size of the replacement div. if ( divHeight < 200 ) { divHeight = 200; } else if ( divHeight > 1000 ) { divHeight = 1000; } var toolBarHeight = jQuery('#ed_toolbar').height(); $replacement.css( { overflow: 'auto', 'background-color': 'white', color: 'black', 'white-space': 'pre-wrap', padding: '10px', 'font-family': fontFamily || 'Consolas, Monaco, monospace', 'font-size': fontSize || '13px', 'line-height': lineHeight || '1.5', height: divHeight, 'margin-top': toolBarHeight+7+'px' } ); /* kill autosave... :) */ if ( window.wp && window.wp.autosave && window.wp.autosave.server ) { window.wp.autosave.local.suspend && window.wp.autosave.local.suspend(); window.wp.autosave.server.suspend && window.wp.autosave.server.suspend(); } else { autosave = function() { }; } /* disable the toolbar buttons */ jQuery( AtD_qtbutton ).siblings('input').andSelf().attr( 'disabled', true ); // using .arrt instead of .prop so it's compat with older WP and jQuery /* check the writing in the textarea */ AtD.check('atd-content', { success: function(errorCount) { if ( Number( errorCount ) === 0 && typeof callback !== 'function' ) { alert( AtD.getLang('message_no_errors_found', 'No writing errors were found') ); } AtD_restore_if_proofreading(); }, ready: function(errorCount) { jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).attr('disabled', false); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback( errorCount ); } }, error: function() { jQuery(AtD_qtbutton).attr('disabled', false); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback( -1 ); } else { alert( AtD.getLang('message_server_error', 'There was a problem communicating with the Proofreading service. Try again in one minute.') ); } AtD_restore_if_proofreading(); }, editSelection: function(element) { var text = prompt( AtD.getLang('dialog_replace_selection', 'Replace selection with:'), element.text() ); if ( text != null ) { element.replaceWith( text ); } }, explain: function(url) { var left = (screen.width / 2) - (480 / 2); var top = (screen.height / 2) - (380 / 2); window.open( url, '', 'width=480,height=380,toolbar=0,status=0,resizable=0,location=0,menuBar=0,left=' + left + ',top=' + top).focus(); }, ignore: function(word) { jQuery.ajax({ type : 'GET', url : AtD.rpc_ignore + encodeURI( word ).replace( /&/g, '%26'), format : 'raw', error : function(XHR, status, error) { if ( AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.error !== undefined ) { AtD.callback_f.error(status + ': ' + error); } } }); } }); } }