{{- /*
    Renders a button, or no-JS fallback.

    @params id  ID for button.
    @params label   Label text for button.
    @params text    Text for button.
*/ -}}

<!-- Validation -->

{{- if ( not ( isset .Params "id" ) ) -}}
    {{- errorf "No ID set for button (%q)" .Page.File.Path -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- if ( not ( isset .Params "label" ) ) -}}
    {{- errorf "No label set for button '%q' (%q)" .Params.id .Page.File.Path -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- if ( not ( isset .Params "text" ) ) -}}
    {{- errorf "No text set for button '%q' (%q)" .Params.id .Page.File.Path -}}
{{- end -}}

<!-- Rendering -->

<noscript>You must have JavaScript enabled to interact with this button.</noscript>

<label class="label label--button">
    {{- .Params.label -}}:
    <button id="{{- .Params.id -}}" class="button">
        {{- .Params.text -}}