{{- /**/ -}} {{- $abbr := .Get 0 -}} {{- $mode := default "shortTitle" ( .Get 1 ) -}} {{- with ( index $.Site.Data.abbreviations $abbr ) -}} {{- if ( or ( eq $mode "shortTitle" ) ( eq $mode "shortTitlePl" ) ) -}} {{- if ( eq $mode "shortTitle" ) -}} {{- .shortTitle | safeHTML -}} {{- else if ( eq $mode "shortTitlePl" ) -}} {{- with .shortTitlePl -}}{{- . | safeHTML -}}{{- else -}}{{- .shortTitle | safeHTML -}}s{{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- /**/ -}} {{- else if ( or ( eq $mode "longTitle" ) ( eq $mode "longTitlePl" ) ) -}} {{- if ( eq $mode "longTitle" ) -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}} {{- .longTitle | safeHTML -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}} {{- else if ( eq $mode "longTitlePl" ) -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}} {{- with .longTitlePl -}}{{- . | safeHTML -}}{{- else -}}{{- .longTitle | safeHTML -}}s{{- end -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}}{{- /**/ -}} {{- end -}} {{- else if ( or ( eq $mode "fullTitle" ) ( eq $mode "fullTitlePl" ) ) -}} {{- if ( eq $mode "fullTitle" ) -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}} {{- .longTitle | safeHTML -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}}  ({{- .shortTitle | safeHTML -}}) {{- else if ( eq $mode "fullTitlePl" ) -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}} {{- with .longTitlePl -}}{{- . | safeHTML -}}{{- else -}}{{- .longTitle | safeHTML -}}s{{- end -}} {{- if .lang -}}{{- end -}}  ({{- with .shortTitlePl -}}{{- . | safeHTML -}}{{- else -}}{{- .shortTitle | safeHTML -}}s{{- end -}}){{- /**/ -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- errorf "No definition found for abbreviation '%q'" $abbr -}} {{- end -}} {{- /**/ -}}