{{ define "title" }} “{{ .Title | plainify }}” | {{ .Site.Title }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-class" }}--single layouts-blog-single{{ end }} {{ define "header-scripts" }} {{ with .Params.locations }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "header-styles" }} {{ with .Params.styles }} {{ end }} {{ with .Params.locations }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "footer-scripts" }} {{ with .Params.locations }} {{ end }} {{ if $.HasShortcode "chart" }} {{ $chartsConfigJS := $.Page.Resources.GetMatch "charts-init" | fingerprint }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-header" }}
{{ if .Params.series }}

Part of series: {{ range ( .GetTerms "series" ) }} {{ .LinkTitle }} {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Params.featured_image }} {{ end }}

{{- .Title | safeHTML -}}

{{ with .Params.subtitle }}

{{ . | safeHTML }}

{{ end }}
{{ with .Resources.GetMatch .Params.featured_image }}

{{- if .Params.attrlink -}}{{- end -}} {{- .Params.attr | safeHTML -}} {{- if .Params.attrlink -}}{{- end -}} {{- if .Params.attrlicence }} ( {{- with .Params.attrlicencelink -}} {{- end -}} {{- .Params.attrlicence -}} {{- with .Params.attrlicencelink -}} {{- end -}} ) {{- end -}}

{{ end }}

~{{ .FuzzyWordCount | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }} words


Last modified:

Author{{ with .Params.authors }}s{{ end }}:  {{- with .Params.authors -}}

{{- else -}} {{- end -}}

{{ $post_age_in_years := math.Round ( div ( div ( now.Sub .PublishDate ).Hours 24 ) 365 ) }} {{ if ( or .Params.site .Params.controversial ( gt $post_age_in_years 2 ) ) }} {{ end }} {{ if .Params.notes }} {{ end }} {{ if and ( .TableOfContents ) ( ne .TableOfContents "" ) }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ define "main-body" }}
{{ with .Summary }}


{{ . }}

{{ end }} {{- if ( or .Params.internal_links .Params.external_links ) -}}
{{- with .Params.internal_links -}}

Internal Links

{{- end -}} {{- with .Params.external_links -}}

External Links

{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ .Content }}
{{ if fileExists ( path.Join $.Page.File.Dir "appendices.md" ) }}


{{ $file := path.Join $.Page.File.Dir "appendices.md" | readFile }} {{ $file | .RenderString }}
{{ end }} {{ if fileExists ( path.Join $.Page.File.Dir "corrigendum.md" ) }}


{{ $file := path.Join $.Page.File.Dir "corrigendum.md" | readFile }} {{ $file | .RenderString }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Page.Resources.Get "comments.md" }}


{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-footer" }} {{ partial "post-meta.html" . }} {{ end }}