<figure class="figure--gallery gallery" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery">
  {{- if or ( .Get "caption" ) ( .Get "title" ) -}}
    <figcaption class="figure__caption gallery__caption{{ if not ( or ( .Get "caption" ) ( .Get "title" ) ) }} figure__caption--no-height{{ end }}">
      {{- with .Get "title" -}}<h4 class="figcaption__title">{{ . | markdownify | safeHTML }}</h4>{{- end -}}
      {{- with .Get "caption" -}}
        <p class="figcaption__caption">{{ . | markdownify | safeHTML }}</p>
      {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}
	{{- with (.Get "dir") -}}
		<!-- If a directory was specified, generate figures for all of the images in the directory -->
		{{- $images := $.Page.Resources.Match ( print . "/*" ) }}
		{{- range $images -}}
			{{- $caption :=  .Name | replaceRE "\\..*" "" | humanize }}<!-- humanized filename without extension -->
			{{- $linkURL := print $.Page.Permalink ($.Get "dir") "/" .Name | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to hi-res image -->
		  <figure class="figure gallery__figure" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">
		    <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" itemprop="contentUrl">
		      <picture class="figure__picture"
	          <img itemprop="thumbnail" 
	               class="u-photo gallery__thumbnail"
                {{ if ( or ( eq .MediaType.SubType "svg" ) ( eq .MediaType.SubType "gif" ) ) }}
                  src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
                {{ else }}
                  {{ with .Resize "600x webp" }}
                    src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
                  {{ end }}
                  width="{{ .Width }}"
                  height="{{ .Height }}"
                {{ end }}
                {{- with .Params.alt }}
                  alt="{{ . }}"
                {{- end -}}
                {{- with .Params.title }} title="{{ . }}" {{ end -}}
		    {{- if or ( .Params.title ) ( .Params.attr ) -}}
        <figcaption class="figure__caption{{ if not .Params.title }} figure__caption--no-height{{ end }}">
          {{ if .Params.attrlink -}}
            <a class="figcaption__attrlink" href="{{ .Params.attrlink }}"
              {{- with .Params.attrtarget }} target="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
              {{- with .Params.attrrel }} rel="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
          {{- end -}}
          {{- if .Params.attr -}}<p class="figcaption__attr">{{ .Params.attr | safeHTML }}{{ with .Params.attrlicence }} <span class="figcaption__licence">{{ . | safeHTML }}</span>{{ end }}</p>{{- end -}}
          {{- if .Params.attrlink -}}
          {{- end -}}
          {{- if .Params.href -}}
            <a href="{{- if ( eq .Params.href "asCite" ) -}}{{ .Params.cite }}{{- else -}}{{ .Params.href }}{{- end -}}">
          {{- end -}}
          {{- if .Params.title -}}
            <h5 class="figcaption__title">
            {{- if .Params.titleLang -}}
              <i lang="{{ .Params.titleLang }}" title="{{ .Params.titleTr }}">
            {{- end -}}
            {{ .Params.title | safeHTML }}
            {{- if .Params.titleLang -}}
            {{- end -}}
          {{- else -}}
            {{- with .Params.href -}}
              <p class="figcaption__title">Link</p>
            {{- end -}}
          {{- end -}}
          {{- if .Params.href -}}
          {{- end -}}
        {{- end -}}
		{{- end }}
	{{- else -}}
		<!-- If no directory was specified, include any figure shortcodes called within the gallery -->
	  {{ .Inner }}
	{{- end }}