{{- /* Displays dates for an item. @params publishDate The date an item was published. @params lastmodDate The date an item was last modified. */ -}} {{ $publishDate := .publishDate }} {{ $lastmodDate := .lastmodDate }}
Published: {{- $publishDate.Format "January 2" -}}{{- if in (slice 1 21 31) $publishDate.Day -}} st {{- else if in (slice 2 22) $publishDate.Day -}} nd {{- else if in (slice 3 23) $publishDate.Day -}} rd {{- else -}} th {{- end -}} , 1{{- $publishDate.Format "2006" | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }} HE
Last modified: {{- $lastmodDate.Format "January 2" -}}{{- if in (slice 1 21 31) $lastmodDate.Day -}} st {{- else if in (slice 2 22) $lastmodDate.Day -}} nd {{- else if in (slice 3 23) $lastmodDate.Day -}} rd {{- else -}} th {{- end -}}, 1{{- $lastmodDate.Format "2006" | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }} HE