{{- range .Pages -}} {{- $organisation_title := .Title -}} {{- if ( not ( and ( .Params.redact ) ( ne $.Site.Params.redact "show" ) ) ) -}} {{ $organisation_titles := slice ( $organisation_title | plainify ) }} {{ with .Sections }} {{ $organisation_titles = $organisation_titles | append ( partial "cv/organisations/recursive-children-titles.html" . ) }} {{ end }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}
Organisation Children Related Items
{{- if ( and ( .Params.redact ) ( ne $.Site.Params.redact "show" ) ) -}} {{- if ( eq $.Site.Params.redact "black" ) -}} {{- partialCached "redact-black.html" . -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- if .Params.featured_image -}} {{- with .Resources.GetMatch .Params.featured_image -}} {{- else -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if ( and ( .Params.redact ) ( ne $.Site.Params.redact "show" ) ) -}} {{- if ( eq $.Site.Params.redact "black" ) -}} {{- partialCached "redact-black.html" . -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- if .Params.TitleLang -}}{{- end -}} {{- with .Params.markup_title -}}{{- . | $.Page.RenderString -}}{{- else -}}{{- $organisation_title | $.Page.RenderString -}}{{- end -}} {{- if .Params.TitleLang -}}{{- end -}} {{- end -}} 🧑‍🧒
{{- len .Sections -}}
{{- range slice "Roles" "Blog Posts" "Web Sites" "Programs" "Writings" "Audiovisuals" "Others" "Qualifications" "Awards" "Appearances" -}} {{- partialCached "cv/organisation/get-num-of-items.html" ( dict "sc" $ "section_title" . "organisation_titles" $organisation_titles ) ( print $organisation_title "_" . ) -}} {{- end -}}