{{ define "title" }} {{ .Page.Title | plainify }} | {{ .Site.Title }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-class" }} {{- if .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) -}}--single{{- else -}}--section{{- end }} layouts-cv-section {{ end }} {{ define "header-scripts" }} {{ if ( or ( eq .Type "cv" ) ( .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) ) ) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "footer-scripts" }} {{ if .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) }} {{ $titles := .Scratch.Get "titles" }} {{- else -}} {{ $js := resources.Get "js/roles-chart.js" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "/js/render-roles-timeline.js" ( .GetPage "cv/roles" ) | resources.Fingerprint }} {{- end -}} {{ end }} {{ define "main-header" }} {{ if .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) }} {{ default .Title .Params.markup_title | .Page.RenderString }} {{- with .Params.nka -}}Now known as: {{ . }}{{- end -}} {{- with .Params.fka -}}Formerly known as: {{ . }}{{- end -}} {{- with .Params.tka -}}Then known as: {{ . }}{{- end -}} {{ else }} {{ .Title | safeHTML }}. {{ if not ( or ( eq .Type "cv" ) ( eq .Type "cv/organisations" ) ) -}} {{- range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- .Content -}} {{- if ( and ( eq .Type "cv" ) ( not ( .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) ) ) ) -}} {{ range ( where .Sections "Type" "not in" ( slice "cv/roles" ) ).ByTitle }} {{ .Title }} ({{ len (where ( where .Site.Pages "Section" "cv" ) "Parent.Title" .Title ) }}) {{ end }} {{- partialCached "cv/timeline-legend.html" . -}} {{- else -}} {{- partial "years-list.html" . -}} {{- end -}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-body" }} {{ if .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) }} {{ $titles := slice ( .Title | plainify ) }} {{ with .Sections }} {{ $titles = $titles | append ( partial "cv/organisations/recursive-children-titles.html" . ) }} {{ end }} {{ .Scratch.Set "titles" $titles }} {{- partial "cv/organisation/description.html" ( dict "content" .Content ) -}} {{- partial "cv/organisation/roles-timeline.html" -}} {{- partial "cv/organisation/related-items.html" ( dict "sc" $ "organisation_titles" ( .Scratch.Get "titles" ) "organisation_title" .Title ) -}} {{ else if eq .Type "cv" }} Javascript must be enabled to view this chart. {{ else }} {{ partial "items-grid.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "main-footer" }} {{ if .IsDescendant ( .GetPage "/cv/organisations" ) }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
Now known as: {{ . }}
Formerly known as: {{ . }}
Then known as: {{ . }}
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