2023-08-07 18:23:46 -04:00
{{- $itemType := default "CreativeWork" ( .Params.schemaType ) -}}
{{- if ( in $.Site.Data.itemtypes $itemType ) -}}
{{- with .Params.href -}}
2023-06-30 21:16:59 -06:00
<a href="{{ if eq . "asCite" }}{{ $.Params.cite }}{{ else }}{{ . }}{{ end }}">
2023-08-07 18:23:46 -04:00
{{- end -}}
class="cite{{ with .Params.citeStyle }} cite--{{ . }}{{ end }}"
itemtype="https://schema.org/{{- $itemType -}}"
{{- if .Params.titleLang -}}
lang="{{- .Params.titleLang -}}"
title="{{- .Params.titleTr -}}"
{{- end -}}>
{{- with .Params.cite -}}
<meta itemprop="url" content="{{ . }}">
{{- end -}}
2023-06-30 21:16:59 -06:00
<span itemprop="name">
{{- if .Params.titleLang -}}
<i lang="{{ .Params.titleLang }}" title="{{ .Params.titleTr }}">
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.shortTitle -}}
{{- .Params.shortTitle | markdownify | safeHTML -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- .Params.title | markdownify | safeHTML -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.titleLang -}}
{{- end -}}
</span>{{- /**/ -}}
2023-08-07 18:23:46 -04:00
{{- with .Params.href -}}
2023-06-30 21:16:59 -06:00
2023-08-07 18:23:46 -04:00
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- warnf "Invalid Schema.org type value: %q (%q)" $itemType .Page.File.Path -}}
2023-06-30 21:16:59 -06:00
{{- end -}}