ID ); $properties['user_lang'] = $user->get( 'WPLANG' ); $blog_details = array( 'blog_lang' => isset( $properties['blog_lang'] ) ? $properties['blog_lang'] : get_bloginfo( 'language' ) ); $timestamp = ( $event_timestamp_millis !== false ) ? $event_timestamp_millis : round( microtime( true ) * 1000 ); $timestamp_string = is_string( $timestamp ) ? $timestamp : number_format( $timestamp, 0, '', '' ); return new Jetpack_Tracks_Event( array_merge( $blog_details, (array) $properties, $identity, array( '_en' => $event_name, '_ts' => $timestamp_string ) ) ); } /* * Get the identity to send to tracks. * * @param int $user_id The user id of the local user * @return array $identity */ function jetpack_tracks_get_identity( $user_id ) { // Meta is set, and user is still connected. Use WPCOM ID $wpcom_id = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'jetpack_tracks_wpcom_id', true ); if ( $wpcom_id && Jetpack::is_user_connected( $user_id ) ) { return array( '_ut' => 'wpcom:user_id', '_ui' => $wpcom_id ); } // User is connected, but no meta is set yet. Use WPCOM ID and set meta. if ( Jetpack::is_user_connected( $user_id ) ) { $wpcom_user_data = Jetpack::get_connected_user_data( $user_id ); add_user_meta( $user_id, 'jetpack_tracks_wpcom_id', $wpcom_user_data['ID'], true ); return array( '_ut' => 'wpcom:user_id', '_ui' => $wpcom_user_data['ID'] ); } // User isn't linked at all. Fall back to anonymous ID. $anon_id = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'jetpack_tracks_anon_id', true ); if ( ! $anon_id ) { $anon_id = Jetpack_Tracks_Client::get_anon_id(); add_user_meta( $user_id, 'jetpack_tracks_anon_id', $anon_id, false ); } if ( ! isset( $_COOKIE[ 'tk_ai' ] ) && ! headers_sent() ) { setcookie( 'tk_ai', $anon_id ); } return array( '_ut' => 'anon', '_ui' => $anon_id ); } /** * Record an event in Tracks - this is the preferred way to record events from PHP. * * @param mixed $identity username, user_id, or WP_user object * @param string $event_name The name of the event * @param array $properties Custom properties to send with the event * @param int $event_timestamp_millis The time in millis since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 when the event occurred * @return bool true for success | \WP_Error if the event pixel could not be fired */ function jetpack_tracks_record_event( $user, $event_name, $properties = array(), $event_timestamp_millis = false ) { $event_obj = jetpack_tracks_build_event_obj( $user, $event_name, $properties, $event_timestamp_millis ); if ( is_wp_error( $event_obj->error ) ) { return $event_obj->error; } return $event_obj->record(); }