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2017-01-12 23:10:07 +00:00
* These functions are shared by the Protect module and its related json-endpoints
* Returns an array of IP objects that will never be blocked by the Protect module
* The array is segmented into a local whitelist which applies only to the current site
* and a global whitelist which, for multisite installs, applies to the entire networko
* @return array
function jetpack_protect_format_whitelist() {
$local_whitelist = jetpack_protect_get_local_whitelist();
$formatted = array (
'local' => array (),
foreach ( $local_whitelist as $item ) {
if ( $item->range ) {
$formatted['local'][] = $item->range_low . ' - ' . $item->range_high;
} else {
$formatted['local'][] = $item->ip_address;
if ( is_multisite() && current_user_can( 'manage_network' ) ) {
$formatted['global'] = array ();
$global_whitelist = jetpack_protect_get_global_whitelist();
if ( false === $global_whitelist ) {
// if the global whitelist has never been set, check for a legacy option set prior to 3.6
$global_whitelist = get_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_whitelist', array () );
foreach ( $global_whitelist as $item ) {
if ( $item->range ) {
$formatted['global'][] = $item->range_low . ' - ' . $item->range_high;
} else {
$formatted['global'][] = $item->ip_address;
return $formatted;
* Gets the local Protect whitelist
* The 'local' part of the whitelist only really applies to multisite installs,
* which can have a network wide whitelist, as well as a local list that applies
* only to the current site. On single site installs, there will only be a local
* whitelist.
* @return array A list of IP Address objects or an empty array
function jetpack_protect_get_local_whitelist() {
$whitelist = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'protect_whitelist' );
if ( false === $whitelist ) {
// The local whitelist has never been set
if ( is_multisite() ) {
// On a multisite, we can check for a legacy site_option that existed prior to v 3.6, or default to an empty array
$whitelist = get_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_whitelist', array () );
} else {
// On a single site, we can just use an empty array
$whitelist = array ();
return $whitelist;
* Get the global, network-wide whitelist
* It will revert to the legacy site_option if jetpack_protect_global_whitelist has never been set
* @return array
function jetpack_protect_get_global_whitelist() {
$whitelist = get_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_global_whitelist' );
if ( false === $whitelist ) {
// The global whitelist has never been set. Check for legacy site_option, or default to an empty array
$whitelist = get_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_whitelist', array () );
return $whitelist;
function jetpack_protect_save_whitelist( $whitelist, $global = false ) {
$whitelist_error = false;
$new_items = array ();
if ( ! is_array( $whitelist ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_parameters', __( 'Expecting an array', 'jetpack' ) );
if ( $global && ! is_multisite() ) {
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_parameters', __( 'Cannot use global flag on non-multisites', 'jetpack' ) );
if ( $global && ! current_user_can( 'manage_network' ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'permission_denied', __( 'Only super admins can edit the global whitelist', 'jetpack' ) );
// validate each item
foreach ( $whitelist as $item ) {
$item = trim( $item );
if ( empty( $item ) ) {
$range = false;
if ( strpos( $item, '-' ) ) {
$item = explode( '-', $item );
$range = true;
$new_item = new stdClass();
$new_item->range = $range;
if ( ! empty( $range ) ) {
$low = trim( $item[0] );
$high = trim( $item[1] );
if ( ! filter_var( $low, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) || ! filter_var( $high, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) {
$whitelist_error = true;
if ( ! jetpack_convert_ip_address( $low ) || ! jetpack_convert_ip_address( $high ) ) {
$whitelist_error = true;
$new_item->range_low = $low;
$new_item->range_high = $high;
} else {
if ( ! filter_var( $item, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) {
$whitelist_error = true;
if ( ! jetpack_convert_ip_address( $item ) ) {
$whitelist_error = true;
$new_item->ip_address = $item;
$new_items[] = $new_item;
} // end item loop
if ( ! empty( $whitelist_error ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_ip', __( 'One of your IP addresses was not valid.', 'jetpack' ) );
if ( $global ) {
update_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_global_whitelist', $new_items );
// once a user has saved their global whitelist, we can permanently remove the legacy option
delete_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_whitelist' );
} else {
Jetpack_Options::update_option( 'protect_whitelist', $new_items );
return true;
function jetpack_protect_get_ip() {
$trusted_header_data = get_site_option( 'trusted_ip_header' );
if ( isset( $trusted_header_data->trusted_header ) && isset( $_SERVER[ $trusted_header_data->trusted_header ] ) ) {
$ip = $_SERVER[ $trusted_header_data->trusted_header ];
$segments = $trusted_header_data->segments;
$reverse_order = $trusted_header_data->reverse;
} else {
$ips = explode( ',', $ip );
if ( ! isset( $segments ) || ! $segments ) {
$segments = 1;
if ( isset( $reverse_order ) && $reverse_order ) {
$ips = array_reverse( $ips );
$ip_count = count( $ips );
if ( 1 == $ip_count ) {
return jetpack_clean_ip( $ips[0] );
} elseif ( $ip_count >= $segments ) {
$the_one = $ip_count - $segments;
return jetpack_clean_ip( $ips[ $the_one ] );
} else {
return jetpack_clean_ip( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
function jetpack_clean_ip( $ip ) {
$ip = trim( $ip );
// Check for IPv4 IP cast as IPv6
if ( preg_match( '/^::ffff:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/', $ip, $matches ) ) {
$ip = $matches[1];
return $ip;
* Checks an IP to see if it is within a private range
* @param int $ip
* @return bool
function jetpack_protect_ip_is_private( $ip ) {
// we are dealing with ipv6, so we can simply rely on filter_var
if ( false === strpos( $ip, '.' ) ) {
// we are dealing with ipv4
$private_ip4_addresses = array (
'|', // single class A network
'|', // 16 contiguous class B network
'|', // 256 contiguous class C network
'|', // Link-local address also referred to as Automatic Private IP Addressing
'|' // localhost
$long_ip = ip2long( $ip );
if ( -1 != $long_ip ) {
foreach ( $private_ip4_addresses as $pri_addr ) {
list ( $start, $end ) = explode( '|', $pri_addr );
if ( $long_ip >= ip2long( $start ) && $long_ip <= ip2long( $end ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Uses inet_pton if available to convert an IP address to a binary string.
* If inet_pton is not available, ip2long will convert the address to an integer.
* Returns false if an invalid IP address is given.
* NOTE: ip2long will return false for any ipv6 address. servers that do not support
* inet_pton will not support ipv6
* @param $ip
* @return int|string|bool
function jetpack_convert_ip_address( $ip ) {
if ( function_exists( 'inet_pton' ) ) {
return inet_pton( $ip );
return ip2long( $ip );
* Checks that a given IP address is within a given low - high range.
* Servers that support inet_pton will use that function to convert the ip to number,
* while other servers will use ip2long.
* NOTE: servers that do not support inet_pton cannot support ipv6.
* @param $ip
* @param $range_low
* @param $range_high
* @return bool
function jetpack_protect_ip_address_is_in_range( $ip, $range_low, $range_high ) {
// inet_pton will give us binary string of an ipv4 or ipv6
// we can then use strcmp to see if the address is in range
if ( function_exists( 'inet_pton' ) ) {
$ip_num = inet_pton( $ip );
$ip_low = inet_pton( $range_low );
$ip_high = inet_pton( $range_high );
if ( $ip_num && $ip_low && $ip_high && strcmp( $ip_num, $ip_low ) >= 0 && strcmp( $ip_num, $ip_high ) <= 0 ) {
return true;
// ip2long will give us an integer of an ipv4 address only. it will produce FALSE for ipv6
} else {
$ip_num = ip2long( $ip );
$ip_low = ip2long( $range_low );
$ip_high = ip2long( $range_high );
if ( $ip_num && $ip_low && $ip_high && $ip_num >= $ip_low && $ip_num <= $ip_high ) {
return true;
return false;