252 lines
7.1 KiB
252 lines
7.1 KiB
package Pear::LocalLoop::Controller::Admin::Organisations;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Try::Tiny;
has result_set => sub {
my $c = shift;
return $c->schema->resultset('Organisation');
sub list {
my $c = shift;
my $orgs_rs = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation')->search(
page => $c->param('page') || 1,
rows => 10,
order_by => { -asc => 'name' },
orgs_rs => $orgs_rs,
sub add_org {
my $c = shift;
sub add_org_submit {
my $c = shift;
my $validation = $c->validation;
if ( $validation->has_error ) {
$c->flash( error => 'The validation has failed' );
return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/add' );
my $organisation;
try {
my $entity = $c->schema->resultset('Entity')->create({
organisation => {
name => $validation->param('name'),
street_name => $validation->param('street_name'),
town => $validation->param('town'),
sector => $validation->param('sector'),
postcode => $validation->param('postcode'),
submitted_by_id => $c->current_user->id,
pending => defined $validation->param('pending') ? 0 : 1,
is_local => $validation->param('is_local'),
is_fair => $validation->param('is_fair'),
type => 'organisation',
$organisation = $entity->organisation;
} finally {
if ( @_ ) {
$c->flash( error => 'Something went wrong Adding the Organisation' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/add' );
} else {
$c->flash( success => 'Added Organisation' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $organisation->id);
sub valid_read {
my $c = shift;
my $valid_org = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation')->find( $c->param('id') );
my $transactions = $valid_org->entity->purchases->search(
undef, {
page => $c->param('page') || 1,
rows => 10,
order_by => { -desc => 'submitted_at' },
my $associations = $valid_org->entity->associations;
my $assoc = {
lis => defined $associations ? $associations->lis : 0,
esta => defined $associations ? $associations->esta : 0,
valid_org => $valid_org,
transactions => $transactions,
associations => $assoc,
sub valid_edit {
my $c = shift;
my $validation = $c->validation;
if ( $validation->has_error ) {
$c->flash( error => 'The validation has failed' );
return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $c->param('id') );
my $valid_org = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation')->find( $c->param('id') );
try {
$c->schema->storage->txn_do( sub {
name => $validation->param('name'),
street_name => $validation->param('street_name'),
town => $validation->param('town'),
sector => $validation->param('sector'),
postcode => $validation->param('postcode'),
pending => defined $validation->param('pending') ? 0 : 1,
is_local => $validation->param('is_local'),
is_fair => $validation->param('is_fair'),
$valid_org->entity->update_or_create_related( 'associations', {
lis => $validation->param('is_lis'),
esta => $validation->param('is_esta')
} );
} finally {
if ( @_ ) {use Devel::Dwarn; Dwarn \@_;
$c->flash( error => 'Something went wrong Updating the Organisation' );
} else {
$c->flash( success => 'Updated Organisation' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $c->param('id') );
sub merge_list {
my $c = shift;
my $org_id = $c->param('id');
my $org_result = $c->result_set->find($org_id);
if ( defined $org_result->entity->user ) {
$c->flash( error => 'Cannot merge from user-owned organisation!' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $org_id );
my $org_rs = $c->result_set->search(
id => { '!=' => $org_id },
page => $c->param('page') || 1,
rows => 10,
order_by => { '-asc' => 'name' },
org_result => $org_result,
org_rs => $org_rs,
sub merge_detail {
my $c = shift;
my $org_id = $c->param('id');
my $org_result = $c->result_set->find($org_id);
if ( defined $org_result->entity->user ) {
$c->flash( error => 'Cannot merge from user-owned organisation!' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $org_id );
my $target_id = $c->param('target_id');
my $target_result = $c->result_set->find($target_id);
unless ( defined $target_result ) {
$c->flash( error => 'Unknown target organisation' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $org_id . '/merge' );
org_result => $org_result,
target_result => $target_result,
sub merge_confirm {
my $c = shift;
my $org_id = $c->param('id');
my $org_result = $c->result_set->find($org_id);
if ( defined $org_result->entity->user ) {
$c->flash( error => 'Cannot merge from user-owned organisation!' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $org_id );
my $target_id = $c->param('target_id');
my $target_result = $c->result_set->find($target_id);
my $confirm = $c->param('confirm');
if ( $confirm eq 'checked' && defined $org_result && defined $target_result ) {
try {
$c->schema->txn_do( sub {
# Done as an update, not update_all, so its damn fast - we're only
# editing an id which is guaranteed to be an integer here, and this
# makes it only one update statement.
{ seller_id => $target_result->entity->id }
my $count = $org_result->entity->sales->count;
die "Failed to migrate all sales" if $count;
$c->schema->resultset('ImportLookup')->search({ entity_id => $org_result->entity->id })->delete;
my $org_count = $c->result_set->search({id => $org_result->id })->count;
my $entity_count = $c->schema->resultset('Entity')->search({id => $org_result->entity->id })->count;
die "Failed to remove org" if $org_count;
die "Failed to remove entity" if $entity_count;
} catch {
$c->flash( error => 'Engage' );
} else {
$c->flash( error => 'You must tick the confirmation box to proceed' );
$c->redirect_to( '/admin/organisations/' . $org_id . '/merge/' . $target_id );