240 lines
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240 lines
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package Pear::LocalLoop::Controller::Api::Upload;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Data::Dumper;
=head2 post_upload
Takes a file upload, with a file key of 'file', and a json string under the
'json' key.
The json string should be an object, with the following keys:
=item * transaction_value
The value of the transaction
=item * transaction_type
Is a value of 1, 2, or 3 - depending on the type of transaction.
=item * purchase_time
Is a DateTime value submitted for when the receipt is from.
=item * organisation_id
An ID of a valid organisation. used when transaction_type is 1 or 2.
=item * organisation_name
The name of an organisation. Used when transaction_type is 3.
=item * street_name
The street of an organisation, optional key. Used when transaction_type is 3.
=item * town
The village/town/city of an organisation. Used when transaction_type is 3.
=item * postcode
The postcode of an organisation, optional key. Used when transaction_Type is 3.
has error_messages => sub {
return {
transaction_type => {
required => { message => 'transaction_type is missing.', status => 400 },
in => { message => 'transaction_type is not a valid value.', status => 400 },
transaction_value => {
required => { message => 'transaction_value is missing', status => 400 },
number => { message => 'transaction_value does not look like a number', status => 400 },
gt_num => { message => 'transaction_value cannot be equal to or less than zero', status => 400 },
purchase_time => {
required => { message => 'purchase_time is missing', status => 400 },
file => {
required => { message => 'No file uploaded', status => 400 },
upload => { message => 'file key does not contain a file', status => 400 },
filetype => { message => 'File must be of type image/jpeg', status => 400 },
organisation_id => {
required => { message => 'organisation_id is missing', status => 400 },
number => { message => 'organisation_id is not a number', status => 400 },
in_resultset => { message => 'organisation_id does not exist in the database', status => 400 },
organisation_name => {
required => { message => 'organisation_name is missing', status => 400 },
search_name => {
required => { message => 'search_name is missing', status => 400 },
postcode => {
required => { message => 'postcode is missing', status => 400 },
postcode => { message => 'postcode must be valid', status => 400 },
sub post_upload {
my $c = shift;
my $user = $c->stash->{api_user};
my $validation = $c->validation;
# Test for file before loading the JSON in to the validator
$validation->input( $c->stash->{api_json} );
$validation->required('transaction_type')->in( 1, 2, 3 );
#Check a proper purchase time was submitted
# First pass of required items
return $c->api_validation_error if $validation->has_error;
my $type = $validation->param('transaction_type');
my $organisation;
if ( $type == 1 ) {
# Validated Organisation
my $valid_org_rs = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation');
$validation->required('organisation_id')->number->in_resultset( 'id', $valid_org_rs );
return $c->api_validation_error if $validation->has_error;
$organisation = $valid_org_rs->find( $validation->param('organisation_id') );
} elsif ( $type == 2 ) {
# Unvalidated Organisation
my $valid_org_rs = $c->schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->search({ submitted_by_id => $user->id });
$validation->required('organisation_id')->number->in_resultset( 'id', $valid_org_rs );
return $c->api_validation_error if $validation->has_error;
$organisation = $valid_org_rs->find( $validation->param('organisation_id') );
} elsif ( $type == 3 ) {
# Unknown Organisation
return $c->api_validation_error if $validation->has_error;
$organisation = $c->schema->resultset('PendingOrganisation')->create({
submitted_by => $user,
submitted_at => DateTime->now,
name => $validation->param('organisation_name'),
street_name => $validation->param('street_name'),
town => $validation->param('town'),
postcode => $validation->param('postcode'),
unless ( defined $organisation ) {
return $c->render( json => {
success => Mojo::JSON->false,
message => 'Error Finding Organisation',
error => 'organisation_error',
my $transaction_value = $validation->param('transaction_value');
my $upload = $validation->param('file');
my $purchase_time = $c->parse_iso_datetime($validation->param('purchase_time') || '');
$purchase_time ||= DateTime->now();
my $file = $c->store_file_from_upload( $upload );
my $new_transaction = $organisation->create_related(
buyer => $user,
value => $transaction_value,
proof_image => $file,
purchase_time => $c->format_db_datetime($purchase_time),
unless ( defined $new_transaction ) {
return $c->render( json => {
success => Mojo::JSON->false,
message => 'Error Adding Transaction',
error => 'transaction_error',
return $c->render( json => {
success => Mojo::JSON->true,
message => 'Upload Successful',
# TODO Limit search results, possibly paginate them?
# TODO Search by location as well
sub post_search {
my $c = shift;
my $self = $c;
my $validation = $c->validation;
$validation->input( $c->stash->{api_json} );
return $c->api_validation_error if $validation->has_error;
my $search_name = $validation->param('search_name');
my $search_stmt = [ 'LOWER("name") LIKE ?', '%' . lc $search_name . '%' ];
my $valid_orgs_rs = $c->schema->resultset('Organisation')->search(
my $pending_orgs_rs = $c->stash->{api_user}->pending_organisations->search(
my @valid_orgs = (
map {{
id => $_->id,
name => $_->name,
street_name => $_->street_name,
town => $_->town,
postcode => $_->postcode,
}} $valid_orgs_rs->all
my @pending_orgs = (
map {{
id => $_->id,
name => $_->name,
street_name => $_->street_name,
town => $_->town,
postcode => $_->postcode,
}} $pending_orgs_rs->all
return $self->render( json => {
success => Mojo::JSON->true,
validated => \@valid_orgs,
unvalidated => \@pending_orgs,