use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; use Mojo::JSON; use FindBin; $ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'development'; $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = 'debug'; require "$FindBin::Bin/../"; my $t = Test::Mojo->new; my $dbh = $t->app->db; #Dump all pf the test tables and start again. my $sqlDeployment = Mojo::File->new("$FindBin::Bin/../dropschema.sql")->slurp; for (split ';', $sqlDeployment){ $dbh->do($_) or die $dbh->errstr; } my $sqlDeployment = Mojo::File->new("$FindBin::Bin/../schema.sql")->slurp; for (split ';', $sqlDeployment){ $dbh->do($_) or die $dbh->errstr; } #Variables to be used for uniqueness when testing. my @names = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n'); my @emails = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); my @tokens = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n'); my $tokenStatement = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO Tokens (TokenName) VALUES (?)'); foreach (@tokens){ my $rowsAdded = $tokenStatement->execute($_); } #Not valid token. print "test1\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => ' ', 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '50+' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(401)->or(sub{ diag $t->tx->res->body}) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/token/i); #Blank username print "test2\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => '', 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '50+' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/blank/i) ->content_like(qr/username/i); #Not alpha numeric chars e.g. ! print "test3\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => 'asa!', 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '50+' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/username/i); my $usernameToReuse = shift(@names); my $emailToReuse = shift(@emails); #Valid customer print "test4\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => $usernameToReuse, 'email' => $emailToReuse, 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '50+' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #Valid customer2 print "test5\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '35-50' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #Valid customer3 print "test6\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '20-35' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #Username exists print "test7\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => $usernameToReuse, 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '50+' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(403) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/exists/i); #invalid email 1 print "test8\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '35-50' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #invalid email 2 print "test9\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => 'dfsd@com', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '35-50' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #Email exists print "test10\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => $emailToReuse, 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => '35-50' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(403) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/exists/i); #Age is invalid print "test11\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'age' => 'invalid' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/age/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #Organisation valid print "test12\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'fulladdress' => 'mary lane testing....' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #Invalid user type print "test13\n\n"; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation1', 'token' => shift(@tokens), 'username' => shift(@names), 'email' => shift(@emails), 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'fulladdress' => 'mary lane testing....' }; $t->post_ok('/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/usertype/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); done_testing();