package Pear::LocalLoop::Controller::Admin::Users; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Try::Tiny; use Data::Dumper; has user_result_set => sub { my $c = shift; return $c->schema->resultset('User'); }; has customer_result_set => sub { my $c = shift; return $c->schema->resultset('Customer'); }; has organisation_result_set => sub { my $c = shift; return $c->schema->resultset('Organisation'); }; sub index { my $c = shift; my $user_rs = $c->user_result_set->search( undef, { prefech => { entity => [qw/ customer organisation /] }, page => $c->param('page') || 1, rows => 10, order_by => { -asc => 'email' }, } ); $c->stash( user_rs => $user_rs ); } sub read { my $c = shift; my $id = $c->param('id'); if ( my $user = $c->user_result_set->find($id) ) { my $transactions = $user->entity->purchases->search( undef, { page => $c->param('page') || 1, rows => 10, order_by => { -desc => 'submitted_at' }, }, ); $c->stash( user => $user, transactions => $transactions, ); } else { $c->flash( error => 'No User found' ); $c->redirect_to('/admin/users'); } } sub update { my $c = shift; my $id = $c->param('id'); my $user; unless ( $user = $c->user_result_set->find($id) ) { $c->flash( error => 'No User found' ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/users/' . $id ); } my $validation = $c->validation; my $not_myself_user_rs = $c->user_result_set->search( { id => { "!=" => $user->id }, } ); $validation->required('email') ->email->not_in_resultset( 'email', $not_myself_user_rs ); $validation->required('postcode')->postcode; $validation->optional('new_password'); if ( $user->type eq 'customer' ) { $validation->required('display_name'); $validation->required('full_name'); } elsif ( $user->type eq 'organisation' ) { $validation->required('name'); $validation->required('street_name'); $validation->required('town'); $validation->optional('sector'); } if ( $validation->has_error ) { $c->flash( error => 'The validation has failed' ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/users/' . $id ); } my $location = $c->get_location_from_postcode( $validation->param('postcode'), $user->type, ); if ( $user->type eq 'customer' ) { try { $c->schema->txn_do( sub { $user->entity->customer->update( { full_name => $validation->param('full_name'), display_name => $validation->param('display_name'), postcode => $validation->param('postcode'), ( defined $location ? (%$location) : ( latitude => undef, longitude => undef ) ), } ); $user->update( { email => $validation->param('email'), ( defined $validation->param('new_password') ? ( password => $validation->param('new_password') ) : () ), } ); } ); } finally { if (@_) { $c->flash( error => 'Something went wrong Updating the User' ); $c->app->log->warn( Dumper @_ ); } else { $c->flash( success => 'Updated User' ); } } } elsif ( $user->type eq 'organisation' ) { try { $c->schema->txn_do( sub { $user->entity->organisation->update( { name => $validation->param('name'), street_name => $validation->param('street_name'), town => $validation->param('town'), sector => $validation->param('sector'), postcode => $validation->param('postcode'), ( defined $location ? (%$location) : ( latitude => undef, longitude => undef ) ), } ); $user->update( { email => $validation->param('email'), ( defined $validation->param('new_password') ? ( password => $validation->param('new_password') ) : () ), } ); } ); } finally { if (@_) { $c->flash( error => 'Something went wrong Updating the User' ); $c->app->log->warn( Dumper @_ ); } else { $c->flash( success => 'Updated User' ); } } } $c->redirect_to( '/admin/users/' . $id ); } 1;