#!/usr/bin/env perl -w # NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION use Mojolicious::Lite; use Data::UUID; use Devel::Dwarn; use Mojo::JSON; use Data::Dumper; use Email::Valid; use ORM::Date; use Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); # connect to database use DBI; my $config = plugin 'Config'; my $dbh = DBI->connect($config->{dsn},$config->{user},$config->{pass}) or die "Could not connect"; $dbh->do("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"); $dbh->do("PRAGMA secure_delete = ON"); my $sessionTimeSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; #1 week. my $sessionTokenJsonName = 'sessionToken'; my $sessionExpiresJsonName = 'sessionExpires'; Dwarn $config; # shortcut for use in template helper db => sub { $dbh }; any '/' => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->render(text => 'If you are seeing this, then the server is running.', success => Mojo::JSON->true); }; #TODO this should limit the number of responses returned, when location is implemented that would be the main way of filtering. post '/search' => sub { my $self = shift; my $userId = $self->get_active_user_id(); my $json = $self->req->json; if ( ! defined $json ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'JSON is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $searchName = $json->{searchName}; if ( ! defined $searchName ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'searchName is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #Is blank elsif ( $searchName =~ m/^\s*$/) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'searchName is blank.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #Currently ingnored #TODO implement further. my $searchLocation = $json->{searchLocation}; my @validatedOrgs = (); { my $statementValidated = $dbh->prepare("SELECT OrganisationalId, Name, FullAddress, PostCode FROM Organisations WHERE Name LIKE ?"); $statementValidated->execute('%'.$searchName.'%'); while (my ($id, $name, $address, $postcode) = $statementValidated->fetchrow_array()) { push(@validatedOrgs, $self->create_hash_valid($id,$name,$address,$postcode)); } } #$self->app->log->debug( "Orgs: " . Dumper @validatedOrgs ); my @unvalidatedOrgs = (); { my $statementUnvalidated = $dbh->prepare("SELECT PendingOrganisationId, Name, StreetName, Town, Postcode FROM PendingOrganisations WHERE Name LIKE ? AND UserSubmitted_FK = ?"); $statementUnvalidated->execute('%'.$searchName.'%', $userId); while (my ($id, $name, $streetName, $town, $postcode) = $statementUnvalidated->fetchrow_array()) { push(@unvalidatedOrgs, $self->create_hash_unvalid($id, $name, $streetName, $town, $postcode)); } } $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, unvalidated => \@unvalidatedOrgs, validated => \@validatedOrgs, }, status => 200,); }; post '/upload' => sub { my $self = shift; my $userId = $self->get_active_user_id(); my $json = $self->param('json'); if ( ! defined $json ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'JSON is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } $json = Mojo::JSON::decode_json($json); $self->app->log->debug( "JSON: " . Dumper $json ); my $microCurrencyValue = $json->{microCurrencyValue}; if ( ! defined $microCurrencyValue ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'microCurrencyValue is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #Is valid number elsif (! Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($microCurrencyValue)){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'microCurrencyValue does not look like a number.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #Is the number range valid. elsif ($microCurrencyValue <= 0){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'microCurrencyValue cannot be equal to or less than zero.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $transactionAdditionType = $json->{transactionAdditionType}; if ( ! defined $transactionAdditionType ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'transactionAdditionType is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $file = $self->req->upload('file2'); $self->app->log->debug( "file: " . Dumper $file ); if (! defined $file) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'no file uploaded.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $ext = '.jpg'; my $uuid = Data::UUID->new->create_str; my $filename = $uuid . $ext; #TODO Check for valid image file. # my $headers = $file->headers->content_type; # $self->app->log->debug( "content type: " . Dumper $headers ); #Is content type wrong? # if ($headers ne 'image/jpeg') { # return $self->render( json => { # success => Mojo::JSON->false, # message => 'Wrong image extension!', # }, status => 400); # }; #Add validated organisation. if ($transactionAdditionType == 1){ my $addValidatedId = $json->{addValidatedId}; if (! defined $addValidatedId){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'addValidatedId is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } if (! $self->does_organisational_id_exist($addValidatedId)){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'addValidatedId does not exist in the database.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $time = time(); my $statement = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Transactions (BuyerUserId_FK, SellerOrganisationId_FK, ValueMicroCurrency, ProofImage, TimeDateSubmitted) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsAdded = $statement->execute($userId, $addValidatedId, $microCurrencyValue, $filename, $time); #It was successful. if ($rowsAdded != 0) { $file->move_to('images/' . $filename); $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, message => 'Added transaction for validated organisation.', }, status => 200,); } #TODO Untested, not quite sure how to test it. else { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'An unknown error occurred when adding the transaction.', }, status => 500,); } } #2 and 3 are similar by the adding of a transaction at the end. elsif ($transactionAdditionType == 2 || $transactionAdditionType == 3){ my $unvalidatedOrganisationId = undef; if ($transactionAdditionType == 2){ $self->app->log->debug('Path: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); $unvalidatedOrganisationId = $json->{addUnvalidatedId}; if (! defined $unvalidatedOrganisationId){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'addUnvalidatedId is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif (! Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($unvalidatedOrganisationId)){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'addUnvalidatedId does not look like a number.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my ($existsRef) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(PendingOrganisationId) FROM PendingOrganisations WHERE PendingOrganisationId = ? AND UserSubmitted_FK = ?",undef,($unvalidatedOrganisationId, $userId)); if ($existsRef == 0) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'addUnvalidatedId does not exist in the database for the user.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } } #type need to add a organisation for type 3. else{ # ($transactionAdditionType == 3) $self->app->log->debug('Path: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); #TODO more validation. my $organisationName = $json->{organisationName}; if (! defined $organisationName){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'organisationName is missing.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #TODO validation. #TODO check which ones are present. my $streetName = $json->{streetName}; my $town = $json->{town}; my $postcode = $json->{postcode}; ($unvalidatedOrganisationId) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(PendingOrganisationId) FROM PendingOrganisations",undef,()); if (defined $unvalidatedOrganisationId){ $unvalidatedOrganisationId++; } else{ $unvalidatedOrganisationId = 1; } my $statement = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO PendingOrganisations (PendingOrganisationId, UserSubmitted_FK, TimeDateSubmitted, Name, StreetName, Town, Postcode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsAdded = $statement->execute($unvalidatedOrganisationId,$userId,time(),$organisationName,$streetName,$town,$postcode); #TODO, untested. It could not be added for some reason. Most likely race conditions. if ($rowsAdded == 0) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'An unknown error occurred when adding the transaction.', }, status => 500,); } } my $statement2 = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO PendingTransactions (BuyerUserId_FK, PendingSellerOrganisationId_FK, ValueMicroCurrency, ProofImage, TimeDateSubmitted) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsAdded2 = $statement2->execute($userId, $unvalidatedOrganisationId, $microCurrencyValue, $filename, time()); if ($rowsAdded2 != 0) { $file->move_to('images/' . $filename); $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, message => 'Added transaction for unvalidated organisation.', }, status => 200,); } else { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'An unknown error occurred when adding the transaction.', }, status => 500,); } } else{ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'transactionAdditionType is not a valid value.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } }; post '/register' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = $self->req->json; $self->app->log->debug( "\n\nStart of register"); $self->app->log->debug( "JSON: " . Dumper $json ); if ( ! defined $json ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No json sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $token = $json->{token}; if ( ! defined $token ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No token sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ( ! $self->is_token_unused($token) ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Token invalid or has been used.', }, status => 401,); #Unauthorized } my $username = $json->{username}; if ( ! defined $username ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No username sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ($username eq ''){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Username cannot be blank.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ( ! ($self->valid_username($username))){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Username can only be A-Z, a-z and 0-9 characters.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ( $self->does_username_exist($username) ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Username exists.', }, status => 403,); #Forbidden } my $email = $json->{email}; if ( ! defined $email ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No email sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ( ! $self->valid_email($email)){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Email is invalid.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif($self->does_email_exist($email)) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Email exists.', }, status => 403,); #Forbidden } #TODO test to see if post code is valid. my $postcode = $json->{postcode}; if ( ! defined $postcode ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No postcode sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #TODO should we enforce password requirements. my $password = $json->{password}; if ( ! defined $password ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No password sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $hashedPassword = $self->generate_hashed_password($password); my $secondsTime = time(); my $date = ORM::Date->new_epoch($secondsTime)->mysql_date; my $usertype = $json->{usertype}; if ( ! defined $usertype ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No usertype sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ($usertype eq 'customer'){ $self->app->log->debug('Path: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); my $age = $json->{age}; if ( ! defined $age ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No age sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $ageForeignKey = $self->get_age_foreign_key($age); if ( ! defined $ageForeignKey ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Age range is invalid.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #TODO UNTESTED as it's hard to simulate. #Token is no longer valid race condition. if ( ! $self->set_token_as_used($token) ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Token no longer is accepted.', }, status => 500,); #Internal server error. Racecondition } my ($idToUse) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(CustomerId) FROM Customers"); if (defined $idToUse){ $idToUse++; } else{ $idToUse = 1; } #TODO Race condition here. my $insertCustomer = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerId, UserName, AgeRange_FK, PostCode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsInsertedCustomer = $insertCustomer->execute($idToUse, $username, $ageForeignKey, $postcode); my $insertUser = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Users (CustomerId_FK, Email, JoinDate, HashedPassword) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsInsertedUser = $insertUser->execute($idToUse, $email, $date, $hashedPassword); $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true } ); } elsif ($usertype eq 'organisation') { $self->app->log->debug('Path: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); #TODO validation on the address. Or perhaps add the organisation to a "to be inspected" list then manually check them. my $fullAddress = $json->{fulladdress}; if ( ! defined $fullAddress ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No fulladdress sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #TODO UNTESTED as it's hard to simulate. #Token is no longer valid race condition. if ( ! $self->set_token_as_used($token) ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Token no longer is accepted.', }, status => 500,); #Internal server error. Racecondition } my $idToUse = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(OrganisationalId) FROM Organisations"); if (defined $idToUse){ $idToUse++; } else{ $idToUse = 1; } #TODO Race condition here. my $insertOrganisation = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Organisations (OrganisationalId, Name, FullAddress, PostCode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsInsertedOrganisation = $insertOrganisation->execute($idToUse, $username, $fullAddress, $postcode); my $insertUser = $self->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Users (OrganisationalId_FK, Email, JoinDate, HashedPassword) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $rowsInsertedUser = $insertUser->execute($idToUse, $email, $date, $hashedPassword); $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true } ); } else{ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => '"usertype" is invalid.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } }; post '/edit' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = $self->req->json; my $account = $self->get_account_by_username( $json->{username} ); unless ( defined $account ) { return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Username not recognised, has your token expired?', }); # PLUG SECURITY HOLE } elsif ( $account->{keyused} ne 't' ) { return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Token has not been used yet!', }); } my $insert = $self->db->prepare("UPDATE accounts SET fullname = ?, postcode = ?, age = ?, gender = ?, WHERE username = ?"); $insert->execute( @{$json}{ qw/ fullname postcode age gender / }, $account->{username}, ); $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true } ); }; hook before_dispatch => sub { my $self = shift; $self->remove_all_expired_sessions(); #See if logged in. my $sessionToken = $self->get_session_token(); #0 = no session, npn-0 is has updated session my $hasBeenExtended = $self->extend_session($sessionToken); my $path = $self->req->url->to_abs->path; #Has valid session if ($hasBeenExtended) { #If logged in and requestine the login page redirect to the main page. if ($path eq '/login') { #Force expire and redirect. $self->res->code(303); $self->redirect_to('/'); } } #Has expired or did not exist in the first place and the path is not login elsif ($path ne '/login' && $path ne '/register') { $self->res->code(303); $self->redirect_to('/login'); } }; #FIXME placeholders #Because of "before_dispatch" this will never be accessed unless the user is not logged in. get '/login' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render( text => 'This will be the login page.' ); }; #TODO set session cookie and add it to the database. #FIXME This suffers from replay attacks, consider a challenge response. Would TLS solve this, most likely. #SessionToken #Because of "before_dispatch" this will never be accessed unless the user is not logged in. post '/login' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = $self->req->json; $self->app->log->debug( "\n\nStart of login"); $self->app->log->debug( "JSON: " . Dumper $json ); if ( ! defined $json ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No json sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $email = $json->{email}; if ( ! defined $email ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No email sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } elsif ( ! $self->valid_email($email) ) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'email is invalid.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } my $password = $json->{password}; if ( ! defined $password ){ $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'No password sent.', }, status => 400,); #Malformed request } #FIXME There is a timing attack here determining if an email exists or not. if ($self->does_email_exist($email) && $self->check_password_email($email, $password)) { #Match. $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); my $userId = $self->get_userid_foreign_key($email); #Generates and stores my $hash = $self->generate_session($userId); $self->app->log->debug('session dump:' . Dumper ($hash)); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, $sessionTokenJsonName => $hash->{$sessionTokenJsonName}, $sessionExpiresJsonName => $hash->{$sessionExpiresJsonName}, }); } else{ #Mismatch $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Email or password is invalid.', }, status => 401,); #Unauthorized request } }; post '/logout' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = $self->req->json; $self->app->log->debug( "\n\nStart of logout"); $self->app->log->debug( "JSON: " . Dumper $json ); #If the session token exists. if ($self->expire_current_session()) { $self->app->log->debug('Path Success: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, message => 'you were successfully logged out.', }); } #Due to the "before_dispatch" hook, this most likely will not be called. i.e. race conditions. #FIXME untested. #An invalid token was presented, most likely because it has expired. else { $self->app->log->debug('Path Error: file:' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'the session has expired or did not exist in the first place.', }, status => 401,); #Unauthorized request } }; post '/fetchuser' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = $self->req->json; my $account = $self->get_account_by_username( $json->{username} ); unless ( defined $account ) { return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Username not recognised, has your token expired?', }); # PLUG SECURITY HOLE } elsif ( $account->{keyused} ne 't' ) { return $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->false, message => 'Token has not been used yet!', }); } # Add stuff to send back to user below here! $self->render( json => { success => Mojo::JSON->true, }); }; helper create_hash_valid => sub{ my ($self, $id, $name, $fullAddress, $postcode) = @_; my $hash = {}; $hash->{'id'} = $id; $hash->{'name'} = $name; $hash->{'fullAddress'} = $fullAddress . ", " . $postcode; return $hash; }; helper create_hash_unvalid => sub{ my ($self, $id, $name, $streetName, $town, $postcode) = @_; my $hash = {}; $hash->{'id'} = $id; $hash->{'name'} = $name; my $fullAddress = ""; if (defined $streetName && ! ($streetName =~ m/^\s+$/)){ $fullAddress = $streetName; } if (defined $town && ! ($town =~ m/^\s+$/)){ if ($fullAddress eq ""){ $fullAddress = $town; } else{ $fullAddress = $fullAddress . ", " . $town; } } if (defined $postcode && ! ($postcode =~ m/^\s+$/)){ if ($fullAddress eq ""){ $fullAddress = $postcode; } else{ $fullAddress = $fullAddress . ", " . $postcode; } } $hash->{'fullAddress'} = $fullAddress; return $hash; }; helper valid_username => sub { my ($self, $username) = @_; return ($username =~ m/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/); }; helper valid_email => sub { my ($self, $email) = @_; return (Email::Valid->address($email)); }; helper get_active_user_id => sub { my $self = shift; my $token = $self->get_session_token(); if (! defined $token){ return undef; } my @out = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT UserIdAssignedTo_FK FROM SessionTokens WHERE SessionTokenName = ?",undef,($token)); if (! @out){ return undef; } else{ return $out[0]; } }; helper get_session_token => sub { my $self = shift; #See if logged in. my $sessionToken = undef; my $json = $self->req->json; if (defined $json) { $sessionToken = $json->{$sessionTokenJsonName}; } if ( ! defined $sessionToken || $sessionToken eq "" ) { $sessionToken = $self->session->{$sessionTokenJsonName}; } if (defined $sessionToken && $sessionToken eq "" ) { $sessionToken = undef; } return $sessionToken; }; #This assumes the user has no current session on that device. helper generate_session => sub { my ($self, $userId) = @_; my $sessionToken = $self->generate_session_token(); my $expireDateTime = $self->session_token_expiry_date_time(); my $insertStatement = $self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO SessionTokens (SessionTokenName, UserIdAssignedTo_FK, ExpireDateTime) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); my $rowsAdded = $insertStatement->execute($sessionToken, $userId, $expireDateTime); $self->session(expires => $expireDateTime); $self->session->{$sessionTokenJsonName} = $sessionToken; return {$sessionTokenJsonName => $sessionToken, $sessionExpiresJsonName => $expireDateTime}; }; helper generate_session_token => sub { my $self = shift; return Data::UUID->new->create_str(); }; helper expire_all_sessions => sub { my $self = shift; my $rowsDeleted = $self->db->prepare("DELETE FROM SessionTokens")->execute(); return $rowsDeleted; }; helper session_token_expiry_date_time => sub { my $self = shift; return time() + $sessionTimeSeconds; }; helper remove_all_expired_sessions => sub { my $self = shift; my $timeDateNow = time(); my $removeStatement = $self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM SessionTokens WHERE ExpireDateTime < ?'); my $rowsRemoved = $removeStatement->execute($timeDateNow); return $rowsRemoved; }; #1 = session update, 0 = there was no session or it expired. #We assume the token has a valid structure. helper extend_session => sub { my ( $self, $sessionToken ) = @_; my $timeDateExpire = $self->session_token_expiry_date_time(); my $updateStatement = $self->db->prepare('UPDATE SessionTokens SET ExpireDateTime = ? WHERE SessionTokenName = ?'); my $rowsChanges = $updateStatement->execute($timeDateExpire, $sessionToken); #Has been updated. if ($rowsChanges != 0) { $self->session(expires => $timeDateExpire); return 1; } else { $self->session(expires => 1); return 0; } }; helper get_session_expiry => sub { my ( $self, $sessionToken ) = @_; my ( $expireTime ) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT ExpireDateTime FROM SessionTokens WHERE SessionTokenName = ?", undef, ($sessionToken)); return $expireTime; }; #True for session was expire, false there was no session to expire. helper expire_current_session => sub { my $self = shift; my $sessionToken = $self->get_session_token(); my $removeStatement = $self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM SessionTokens WHERE SessionTokenName = ?'); my $rowsRemoved = $removeStatement->execute($sessionToken); $self->session(expires => 1); $self->session->{$sessionTokenJsonName} = $sessionToken; return $rowsRemoved != 0; }; #Return true if and only if the token exists and has not been used. helper is_token_unused => sub { my ( $self, $token ) = @_; my ( $out ) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(AccountTokenId) FROM AccountTokens WHERE AccountTokenName = ? AND Used = 0", undef, ($token)); return $out != 0; }; #Return true if and only if the token exists and has not been used. helper does_organisational_id_exist => sub { my ( $self, $organisationalId ) = @_; my ( $out ) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(OrganisationalId) FROM Organisations WHERE OrganisationalId = ?", undef, ($organisationalId)); return $out != 0; }; helper get_age_foreign_key => sub { my ( $self, $ageString ) = @_; my ($out) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT AgeRangeId FROM AgeRanges WHERE AgeRangeString = ?", undef, ($ageString)); return $out; }; helper get_userid_foreign_key => sub { my ( $self, $email ) = @_; my ($out) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT UserId FROM Users WHERE Email = ?", undef, ($email)); return $out; }; helper does_username_exist => sub { my ( $self, $username ) = @_; my ($out) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(UserName) FROM Customers WHERE UserName = ?", {}, ($username)); return $out != 0; }; helper does_email_exist => sub { my ( $self, $email ) = @_; my ($out) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(Email) FROM Users WHERE Email = ?", {}, ($email)); return $out != 0; }; helper set_token_as_used => sub { my ( $self, $token ) = @_; #Return true if and only if the token exists and has not been used. my $statement = $self->db->prepare("UPDATE AccountTokens SET Used = 1 WHERE AccountTokenName = ? AND Used = 0 "); my $rows = $statement->execute($token); #print '-set_token_as_used-'.(Dumper($rows))."-\n"; return $rows != 0; }; helper generate_hashed_password => sub { my ( $self, $password ) = @_; my $ppr = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new( cost => 8, salt_random => 1, passphrase => $password); return $ppr->as_crypt; }; # We assume the user already exists. helper check_password_email => sub{ my ( $self, $email, $password) = @_; my ($hashedPassword) = $self->db->selectrow_array("SELECT HashedPassword FROM Users WHERE Email = ?", undef, ($email)); my $ppr = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->from_crypt($hashedPassword); return $ppr->match($password); }; app->start;