% layout 'admin'; % title 'Import'; % content_for javascript => begin % end % if ( my $error = flash 'error' ) { % } elsif ( my $success = flash 'success' ) { % }

User Assignments

Unique users in this Import, and their assigned entity
% for my $user ( $import_users_rs->all ) {
%= $user->user_name
% if ( my $lookup = $import_lookup_rs->find({ name => $user->user_name }) ) { <%= $lookup->entity->name %> % } else { Unassigned % }
% }

Org Assignments

Unique orgs in this Import, and their assigned entity
% for my $org ( $import_org_rs->all ) {
%= $org->org_name
% }

%= format_human_datetime $import_set->date;

Content listed in original order of import
% for my $import_value ( $import_value_rs->all ) {
<%= $import_value->user_name %>
<%= format_human_datetime $import_value->purchase_date %>
<%= $import_value->purchase_value %>
<%= $import_value->org_name %>
% }