use Mojo::Base -strict; use Test::More; use Mojo::JSON; use Test::Pear::LocalLoop; my $framework = Test::Pear::LocalLoop->new; my $t = $framework->framework; my $schema = $t->app->schema; my $dump_error = $framework->dump_error; #Variables to be used for uniqueness when testing. my @tokens = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $schema->resultset('AccountToken')->populate([ [ qw/ name / ], map { [ $_ ] } @tokens, ]); #No JSON sent $t->post_ok('/api/register') ->status_is(400)->or($dump_error) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->json_like('/message', qr/JSON is missing/i); #Empty JSON my $testJson = {}; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false); #token missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no token sent/i); #Not valid token. $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'testing', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(401) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/token/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #name missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'a', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no display name sent/i); #name missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'a', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no full name sent/i); #Blank name $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'a', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'full_name' => '', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/blank/i) ->content_like(qr/name/i); #Blank name $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'a', 'display_name' => '', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/blank/i) ->content_like(qr/name/i); #Valid customer $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'a', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #Valid customer2 $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'b', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->or($dump_error) ->status_is(200) ->or($dump_error) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true) ->or($dump_error); #Valid customer3 $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'c', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #email missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2005 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no email sent/i); #invalid email 1 $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #invalid email 2 $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => 'dfsd@com', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #Email exists $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(403) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/email/i) ->content_like(qr/already in use/i); #postcode missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no postcode sent/i); #TODO validate postcode #password missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'd', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no password sent/i); #TODO enforce password complexity requirements. #usertype missing JSON $testJson = { 'token' => 'f', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 2006 }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no usertype sent/i); #Invalid user type $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation1', 'token' => 'f', 'name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/usertype/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #year_of_birth missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'f', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no year of birth sent/i); #Age is invalid $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => 'f', 'full_name' => 'test name', 'display_name' => 'test name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'year_of_birth' => 'invalid' }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/year of birth/i) ->content_like(qr/invalid/i); #full address missing JSON $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation', 'token' => 'f', 'name' => 'test org', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'sector' => 'A', }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/no street name sent/i); #TODO Validation of full address #Organisation valid $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation', 'token' => 'f', 'name' => 'org name', 'email' => '', 'postcode' => 'LA1 1AA', 'password' => 'Meh', 'street_name' => 'mary lane testing....', 'town' => 'Lancaster', 'sector' => 'A', }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); is $t->app->schema->resultset('User')->count, 4, 'Correct user count'; is $t->app->schema->resultset('Customer')->count, 3, 'Correct customer count'; is $t->app->schema->resultset('Organisation')->count, 1, 'Correct organisation count'; done_testing();