use Mojo::Base -strict; BEGIN { use Test::MockTime qw/ set_absolute_time /; } use FindBin qw/ $Bin /; use Test::More; use Mojo::JSON; use Test::Pear::LocalLoop; use DateTime; my $framework = Test::Pear::LocalLoop->new( etc_dir => "$Bin/../../../etc", ); $framework->install_fixtures('users'); my $t = $framework->framework; my $schema = $t->app->schema; set_absolute_time('2017-01-02T00:00:00Z'); my $start = DateTime->today->subtract( hours => 12 ); # create 30 days worth of data for my $count ( 0 .. 60 ) { my $trans_day = $start->clone->subtract( days => $count ); create_random_transaction( '', $trans_day ); if ( $count % 2 ) { create_random_transaction( '', $trans_day ); } if ( $count % 3 ) { create_random_transaction( '', $trans_day ); } if ( $count % 4 ) { create_random_transaction( '', $trans_day ); } } my $lb_start = $start->clone->truncate( to => 'month' )->subtract( months => 1); #use Devel::Dwarn; Dwarn({ $_->get_columns }) for $schema->resultset('Transaction')->all; $schema->resultset('Leaderboard')->create_new( 'monthly_total', $lb_start ); my $session_key = $framework->login({ email => '', password => 'abc123', }); $t->post_ok('/api/v1/customer/snippets' => json => { session_key => $session_key, }) ->status_is(200)->or($framework->dump_error) ->json_is('/snippets', { user_sum => 1760, user_position => 1, }); $framework->logout( $session_key ); $session_key = $framework->login({ email => '', password => 'abc123', }); sub create_random_transaction { my $buyer = shift; my $time = shift; my $buyer_result = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ email => $buyer })->entity; my $seller_result = $schema->resultset('Organisation')->find({ name => 'Test Org' })->entity; $schema->resultset('Transaction')->create({ buyer => $buyer_result, seller => $seller_result, value => 10 * 100000, proof_image => 'a', purchase_time => $time, }); } done_testing;