package Pear::LocalLoop::Controller::Admin::ImportFrom; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Moo; use Try::Tiny; use Mojo::File qw/ path /; sub index { my $c = shift; $c->app->max_request_size(104857600); } sub post_suppliers { my $c = shift; unless ($c->param('suppliers_csv')) { $c->flash( error => "No CSV file given" ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } # Check file size if ($c->req->is_limit_exceeded) { $c->flash( error => "CSV file size is too large" ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } my $file = $c->param('suppliers_csv'); my $filename = path($c->app->config->{upload_path}, time.'suppliers.csv' ); $file->move_to($filename); my $job_id = $c->minion->enqueue('csv_supplier_import' => [$filename] ); my $job_url = $c->url_for("/admin/minion/jobs?id=$job_id")->to_abs; $c->flash(success => "CSV import started, see status of minion job at: $job_url"); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } sub post_transactions { my $c = shift; unless ($c->param('transactions_csv')) { $c->flash( error => "No CSV file given" ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } # Check file size if ($c->req->is_limit_exceeded) { $c->flash( error => "CSV file size is too large" ); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } my $file = $c->param('transactions_csv'); my $filename = path($c->app->config->{upload_path}, time.'transactions.csv' ); $file->move_to($filename); my $job_id = $c->minion->enqueue('csv_transaction_import' => [$filename] ); my $job_url = $c->url_for("/admin/minion/jobs?id=$job_id")->to_abs; $c->flash(success => "CSV import started, see status of minion job at: $job_url"); return $c->redirect_to( '/admin/import_from' ); } 1;