package Pear::LocalLoop::Schema::Script::DeploymentHandler; use MooX::Options::Actions; use Module::Runtime qw/ use_module /; use DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler; =head1 NAME My::DeploymentScript - Deploy script using DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler =head1 SYNOPSIS use My::DeploymentScript; My::DeploymentScript->new_with_options( schema_class => 'My::Schema' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is for deploying and maintaining the ddl files, created by DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler. =head1 OPTIONS These are the options available on the command line =head2 --connection ( -c ) This option is the connection you wish to deploy against, for example: "DBI:mysql:database=;hostname=" This option is then provided to the Schema's 'connect' function. =cut option connection => ( is => 'ro', format => 's', required => 0, short => 'c', doc => "The DBI connection string to use", ); =head2 --username ( -u ) The username to use for connection to the database =cut option username => ( is => 'ro', format => 's', default => '', short => 'u', doc => "The username for the DB connection", ); =head2 --password ( -p ) The password to use for connection to the database =cut option password => ( is => 'ro', format => 's', default => '', short => 'p', doc => "The password for the supplied user", ); =head2 --force ( -f ) This option will force the action if required - for example when overwriting the same version of ddl items. =cut option force => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 0 }, short => 'f', doc => "Force the action if required", ); =head2 --version ( -v ) This option allows you to select a specific verison for installing and generating ddl. =cut option version => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i', default => sub { shift->dh->schema->schema_version }, short => 'v', doc => "Version to use as target", ); =head1 ATTRIBUTES These are options which can be passed to the constructor of the script =head2 schema_class This is the class of the schema you would like to connect to. This is required to be defined in the 'new_with_options' call. =cut has schema_class => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, ); =head2 schema This is the connected schema. This uses the 'schema_class' attribute and 'connection' option to provide a DBIx::Class schema connection. =cut has schema => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my $self = shift; return use_module( $self->schema_class )->connect( $self->connection, $self->username, $self->password, ); }, ); =head2 script_directory This is the directory where the DeploymentHandler scripts will be put for all versions. Defaults to 'share/ddl'. =cut has script_directory => ( is => 'ro', default => 'share/ddl', ); =head2 databases This is an arrayref of the database types to prepare ddl scripts for. This defaults to returning the following: [ 'mysql', ] =cut has databases => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { [ qw/ PostgreSQL SQLite / ] }, ); =head2 dh This returns the actual DeploymentHandler, set up using the 'schema', 'script_directory', and 'database' attributes, and the 'force' option. =cut has dh => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my ( $self ) = @_; return DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler->new({ schema => $self->schema, force_overwrite => $self->force, script_directory => $self->script_directory, databases => $self->databases, }); } ); =head1 COMMANDS These are the available commands =head2 write_ddl This will create the ddl files required to perform an upgrade. =cut sub cmd_write_ddl { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->dh->prepare_install; my $v = $self->version; if ( $v > 1 ) { $self->dh->prepare_upgrade({ from_version => $v - 1, to_version => $v, }); } } =head2 install_dh This will install the tables required to use deployment handler on your database. Only for use on a pre-existing database. =cut sub cmd_install_dh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->dh->install_version_storage; $self->dh->add_database_version({ version => $self->version, }); } =head2 install This command will install all the tables to the provided database =cut sub cmd_install { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->dh->install({ version => $self->version, }); } =head2 upgrade This command will upgrade all tables to the latest versions =cut sub cmd_upgrade { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->dh->upgrade; } =head1 AUTHOR Tom Bloor =head1 SEE ALSO * L * L * L =cut 1;