use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; use Mojo::JSON; use Text::ParseWords; use FindBin; BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'testing'; $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = 'debug'; } my $t = Test::Mojo->new("Pear::LocalLoop"); my $dbh = $t->app->db; #Dump all pf the test tables and start again. my $sqlDeployment = Mojo::File->new("$FindBin::Bin/../dropschema.sql")->slurp; for (split ';', $sqlDeployment){ $dbh->do($_) or die $dbh->errstr; } my $sqlDeployment = Mojo::File->new("$FindBin::Bin/../schema.sql")->slurp; for (split ';', $sqlDeployment){ $dbh->do($_) or die $dbh->errstr; } my @accountTokens = ('a', 'b'); my $tokenStatement = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO AccountTokens (AccountTokenName) VALUES (?)'); foreach (@accountTokens){ my $rowsAdded = $tokenStatement->execute($_); } #TODO this should be done via the API but as that does not exist at the moment, just add them manually. my $statement = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO Organisations (OrganisationalId, Name, FullAddress, PostCode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $value = 1; my ($name, $address, $postcode) = ("Avanti Bar & Restaurant","57 Main St, Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria","LA6 2AH"); $statement->execute($value, $name, $address, $postcode); $value++; my ($name, $address, $postcode) = ("Full House Noodle Bar","21 Common Garden St, Lancaster, Lancashire","LA1 1XD"); $statement->execute($value, $name, $address, $postcode); $value++; my ($name, $address, $postcode) = ("The Quay's Fishbar","1 Adcliffe Rd, Lancaster","LA1 1SS"); $statement->execute($value, $name, $address, $postcode); $value++; my ($name, $address, $postcode) = ("Dan's Fishop","56 North Rd, Lancaster","LA1 1LT"); $statement->execute($value, $name, $address, $postcode); $value++; my ($name, $address, $postcode) = ("Hodgeson's Chippy","96 Prospect St, Lancaster","LA1 3BH"); $statement->execute($value, $name, $address, $postcode); #This depends on "register.t", "login.t" and "upload.t" working. #test with a customer. print "test 1 - Create customer user account (Rufus)\n"; my $emailRufus = ''; my $passwordRufus = 'MakoGold'; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'customer', 'token' => shift(@accountTokens), 'username' => 'RufusShinra', 'email' => $emailRufus, 'postcode' => 'LA1 1CF', 'password' => $passwordRufus, 'age' => '20-35' }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); #test with an organisation. print "test 2 - Create organisation user account (Choco Billy)\n"; my $emailBilly = ''; my $passwordBilly = 'Choco'; my $testJson = { 'usertype' => 'organisation', 'token' => shift(@accountTokens), 'username' => 'ChocoBillysGreens', 'email' => $emailBilly, 'postcode' => 'LA1 1HT', 'password' => $passwordBilly, 'fulladdress' => 'Market St, Lancaster' }; $t->post_ok('/api/register' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); sub login_rufus { $testJson = { 'email' => $emailRufus, 'password' => $passwordRufus, }; $t->post_ok('/api/login' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); }; sub login_billy { $testJson = { 'email' => $emailBilly, 'password' => $passwordBilly, }; $t->post_ok('/api/login' => json => $testJson) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); }; sub log_out{ $t->post_ok('/api/logout') ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); } ###################################################### #Login as Rufus (customer) print "test 3 - Login - Rufus (cookies, customer)\n"; login_rufus(); print "test 4 - Added something containing 'fish'\n"; $json = { microCurrencyValue => 10, transactionAdditionType => 3, organisationName => 'Shoreway Fisheries', streetName => "2 James St", town => "Lancaster", postcode => "LA1 1UP" }; my $upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file2 => {file => './t/test.jpg'}}; $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload ) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); print "test 5 - Logout Rufus \n"; log_out(); #End of Rufus (customer) ###################################################### #Login as Choco billy (organisation) print "test 6 - Login - Choco billy (cookies, organisation)\n"; login_billy(); print "test 7 - Added something containing 'bar'\n"; $json = { microCurrencyValue => 10, transactionAdditionType => 3, organisationName => 'The Palatine Bar', streetName => "The Crescent", town => "Morecambe", postcode => "LA4 5BZ" }; my $upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file2 => {file => './t/test.jpg'}}; $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload ) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); print "test 8 - Added another thing containing 'bar'\n"; $json = { microCurrencyValue => 10, transactionAdditionType => 3, organisationName => 'The Sun Hotel & Bar', streetName => "63-65 Church Street", town => "Lancaster", postcode => "LA1 1ET" }; my $upload = {json => Mojo::JSON::encode_json($json), file2 => {file => './t/test.jpg'}}; $t->post_ok('/api/upload' => form => $upload ) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true); print "test 9 - Logout Choco billy \n"; log_out(); #End of Choco billy (organisation) ###################################################### #Login as Rufus (customer) print "test 10 - Login - Rufus (cookies, customer)\n"; login_rufus(); print "test 11 - search blank\n"; $t->post_ok('/api/search' => json => {searchName => " "}) ->status_is(400) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->false) ->content_like(qr/searchName is blank/i); sub check_vars{ my ($searchTerm, $numValidated, $numUnvalidated) = @_; $t->post_ok('/api/search' => json => {searchName => $searchTerm}) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/success', Mojo::JSON->true) ->json_has("unvalidated") ->json_has("validated"); my $sessionJsonTest = $t->tx->res->json; my $validated = $sessionJsonTest->{validated}; my $unvalidated = $sessionJsonTest->{unvalidated}; my $validSize = scalar @$validated; my $unvalidSize = scalar @$unvalidated; is $validSize,$numValidated,"validated returned - " . $searchTerm; is $unvalidSize,$numUnvalidated,"unvalidated returned - " . $searchTerm; }; print "test 12 - Testing expected values with 'booths'\n"; #Expect 0 validated and 0 unvalidated with "booths". check_vars("booths", 0, 0); print "test 13 - Testing expected values with 'chip'\n"; #Expect 1 validated and 0 unvalidated with "chip". check_vars("chip", 1, 0); print "test 14 - Testing expected values with 'fish, with one unvalidated organisation'\n"; #Expect 2 validated and 1 unvalidated with "fish". check_vars("fish", 2, 1); print "test 15 - Testing expected values with 'bar'\n"; #Expect 3 validated and 0 unvalidated with "bar". check_vars("bar", 3, 0); print "test 16 - Logout Rufus \n"; log_out(); #End of Rufus (customer) ###################################################### #Login as Choco billy (organisation) print "test 17 - Login - Choco billy (cookies, organisation)\n"; login_billy(); print "test 18 - Testing expected values with 'booths'\n"; #Expect 0 validated and 0 unvalidated with "booths". check_vars("booths", 0, 0); print "test 19 - Testing expected values with 'chip'\n"; #Expect 1 validated and 0 unvalidated with "chip". check_vars("chip", 1, 0); print "test 20 - Testing expected values with 'fish'\n"; #Expect 2 validated and 0 unvalidated with "fish". check_vars("fish", 2, 0); print "test 21 - Testing expected values with 'bar', with two unvalidated organisations\n"; #Expect 3 validated and 2 unvalidated with "bar". check_vars("bar", 3, 2); print "test 22 - Logout Choco billy \n"; log_out(); done_testing();